The Magic Outfit

Chapter 255: home

The backyard does not seem to have walls, and there are woods everywhere. There are three small pavilions in front. There is a clear spring between the three small pavilions. The spring water meanders into the forest. The waterfall they saw under the mountain should be formed by the spring water.

The mountain breeze hit and the body was cool, Gu Suifeng sighed: "The scenery here is pretty good, if there is a spiritual vein here, it will be perfect."

"Lingmai ... there will be." Su Tang smiled.

Gu Suifeng didn't believe it, but he wouldn't be more serious than Su Tang. He walked up the stairs to a gazebo, and he could see the houses in the distance and the pier.

"This should be what Zhou Xiaodong said of the sword wash pool." Su Tang sat lazily by the spring.

"In fact, it is not easy for the two young ladies of the Huai family, and their family is miserable. Because they can't fight the Tianji Tower at all, they can only seek external power." Gu Suifeng murmured.

"If I just want to use us, I am not angry, the key is that they don't want to pay anything." Su Tang said lightly.

"The Huai family only has these thousand strange peaks, which can be understood." Gu Suifeng said.

"How? Pity moved?" Su Tang smiled.

"Compassion ... a bit extravagant." Gu Suifeng took a light breath: "Find an opportunity to talk to them, send them away earlier, and be considered to help them once."

"Let's talk about it later, anyway, there is no provision for when to send it, maybe I will be busy all the time, there is no time." Su Tang said lightly.

Gu Suifeng smiled bitterly, and he understood that Miss Huai insisted on using Su Tang in vain, and Miss San uttered poorly, completely angering Su Tang, so Su Tang would not go to give him away, even if it was agreed, there were The killer may be hurt halfway, anyway, there is nothing written on the contract that can not hurt the Huai family ...

After a while, Bao Lan and Mei Fei came over, Bao Lan whispered: "Sir, they are gone."

"Zong Bao, stare at them." Su Tang said.

"I know, sir." Chu Zongbao sat on the steps of the back hall said.

"Let Xiao Biao come out, I have suffered it in the past few months." Su Tang said.

Baolan picked up the neckline with his fingertips, and slowly drilled out of it. His mental state was very weak. Baolan took out a dragon and tiger pill, and he took the pill and flew to the stone table on the side and sat there. For a while, I licked it on the panacea, and my once-powerful eyes became very dull.

I have been on the road for several months.In order to get to Darkmoon City as soon as possible, I can only walk on the road, and the pedestrians on the road are endless.It is impossible to let the little ones come out and run around randomly. There are people everywhere, so you can only grieve the little girl and let it hide. It can be said that the little girl always stays in a dark place.

Su Tang faintly understood that after all, Xiaodou is the seed of the tree of fate. It needs the elixir to supplement the spiritual power, but it needs sunlight. Even if it was just for the sake of little things, he had to build a home.

At this time, the ghost mastiff rushed in from the side of Chu Zongbao, happily traversing in the forest, while running to the depths of the forest, jumping out again, lifting his hind legs under a tree and peeing on the beach.

"Why is this guy so happy?" Su Tangqi said.

"Ghost Mastiff is very clever, it should be aware that we may live here." Gu Suifeng said.

The ghost mastiff went to Su Tang again, ran to the edge of the spring and raised his hind leg again. Su Tang was furious, raised his hand to grab a pebble, and was hitting the head of the ghost mastiff.

Ao ... The ghost mastiff took pain, and immediately turned to escape in the forest.

"It is planning its own territory." Gu Suifeng smiled.

"If it dares to urinate in the water, I must have castrated it," Su Tang said.

"Euning does not affect its urine ..." Gu Suifeng Falls Khan.

"Sir, are we hiring some wandering samurai?" Bao Lan said: "There are only a few of us, and space is empty."

"You don't need it." Gu Suifeng said: "There is a **** in the sky, there are ghost mastiffs in the mountains, it is enough to have two of them to patrol the mountains."

"Not only to patrol the mountains, Mei Fei and I just saw it. There are three large courtyards and three lobbies in front, middle and back, and six partial courtyards on each side. There are almost two or three hundred rooms. "Sapphire said:" Only a few of us can't clean up the three lobbies. "

"So much?" Gu Suifeng was a little surprised, his figure slowly floated in the air, looked around, Baolan was not exaggerated, just the back hall closest to the backyard, there were three floors, each with six At 700 square meters, no wonder Huaijia had hired so many servants before.

"Let's live in the backyard first, just clean up here, don't worry about other places." Su Tang said.

"Then how to do it, there must be new weather," Bao Lan said solemnly. She faintly saw that Su Tang was going to treat this place as a home, so she had to clean it up, it was almost impossible.

"You do it." Su Tang habitually took the shopkeeper, and then he felt that he seemed to be lazy, and defended: "I have been coaxing a few days, you see, it is even now. I ignored it, and I must have been wronged. "

"Wait a few days, Baobei they arrived." Gu Suifeng said: "Just make up for a few days."

Su Tang got up and walked to the stone table, and nodded on the edge of Xiao Dou with his fingertips.

"Dalu, go find me a recliner. I have to accompany the little girl to get some sun." Su Tang turned back.

All day long, Su Tang was in the backyard with Little Dot, and people's mood changes can sometimes be ridiculous. He began to panic again.

No longer running around, the day becomes very comfortable, of course, in Gu Suifeng's words, when there is extreme meditation, there will also be periods of static meditation, the practice is to go with the heart and stay with the heart.

After seven or eight days, the atmosphere was calm. I only knew that after the two sisters from Huai Family were expelled, they dismissed their servants, and then disappeared into the Dark Moon City. The Gu family's Tianji Building did not come to trouble. Zhou Xiaodong must have spread the news. Qian Qifeng's new owner's identity is mysterious. There is also a grand master's maid. Even the arrogant practitioners have to weigh.The city has appeared. Rumor has it that there is a new ancestor in Darkmoon City, which is undoubtedly referring to Su Tang.

The spirit of Little Dot is getting better. There is an inseparable bond between it and Su Tang. It is impossible to really hate Su Tang. At most, he is holding his breath and grievances. Plus Su Tang put down his body, coaxing it, playing with him. It ’s a game, and it ’s so big that no one will disturb it, let it freely toss, and naturally feel comfortable.

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