The Magic Outfit

Chapter 256: Early bird

In the early morning, Gu Suifeng was prepared to go back to the backyard as usual. Although the scenery of Qianqifeng is not as good as Pengshan, it is not bad.Pengshan can be described by ghosts and crafts, mostly natural, but here it is mostly Artificially, the unrecognized old man Huai has some vision and can be praised with his ingenuity.

Gu Suifeng had just stepped out of the hospital door and was greeted with a fragrance of grass and trees. When he saw the view of the backyard, he became stunned.

It is now winter. He saw it clearly yesterday. Nearly half of the plants were withered. After only one night, the earth-shaking changes had taken place. The courtyard was covered with green grass buds, just like a soft carpet. The branches and leaves in the forest are very lush.Several peach trees and apricot trees are full of fruit.Each tree has a dozen or even dozens of hundreds of rattans hanging on it. Primeval forest.

The change of the scenery is not a big deal. The key point is that the breath of life contained in the air, sniff gently, Gu Suifeng feels that his mind has become sober, and every muscle in the body has become excited.

Even if it is Pengshan, Aura will not be so rich

"Mom, do you want to drink water?" A clear voice rang.

"Huh." Su Tang, who closed his eyes and rested on the recliner, responded vaguely.

Xiao Dou grabbed the water cup and flew over the spring water, and then flew to Su Tang. When he flew over Su Tang, his eyes dripped, deliberately tilting the water cup. After going back, the water in the cup turned into a water arrow, all hitting the small body.

"Oops ..." Xiao Dou screamed.

"You ..." Su Tang sighed: "I'm begging you, change it, how many times has this been?

"Mom hates" Little tossed and threw the cup on the grass.

"Mr. Su, this ... what the **** is going on?" Gu Suifeng hurried over, his beard trembling slightly, and the unexpected change of Qian Qifeng had subverted his common sense.

"You ask it." Su Tang smiled and pointed.

Gu Suifeng's eyes fell on Xiaodou, waiting for Xiaobudian to give an answer. Xiaodou and his eyes looked at him for a moment and asked, "Do you want to drink water?"

Gu Suifeng's face stiffened, and he smiled and said, "No more, little ... little, how could the backyard look like this?"

"Drink a little." Xiaoding still didn't give up.

"It's really not necessary." Gu Suifeng said: "You did all these?"

"It's boring ..." Little looked disappointed elsewhere.

"I remember told you that it was born out of the tree of fate." Su Tang said.

"The tree of destiny ... it turned out to be ..." Gu Suifeng murmured.

Bao Lan walked out of the back hall and saw the landscape of the backyard. She was also stunned for a while, and then took a deep breath: "Small, tired?" Bao Lan followed Su Tang long ago. She had seen similar ones. Variety.

"Do you want to drink water?" Xiao Dou asked. It is more competitive with water today.

"No need." Bao Lan glanced at Su Tang, covering his mouth and laughing: "I don't have that rich life, I want to drink water or do it myself."

"I'm coming, I'm coming" Xiaobudian immediately came to Xingtou, flew into the grass, picked up the glass, and flew to the spring

Bao Lan saw that Xiao Budang was holding her water cup and flew towards herself.Although she knew that Xiao Budang had great strength, she had such a small body, holding a cup that was a few laps larger than herself. Received the water glass first, and then smiled sweetly: "Little, thank you."

Do you want to get angry? Do you need to worry? I haven't made a move yet, but when I saw Bao Lan smiling so sincerely, he said in a proper way: "Oh ..."

"Someone is alive," Su Tang said suddenly.

"What?" Bao Lan looked puzzled at Su Tang.

At this time, Yue eleven's voice came from afar: "Sir? Sir?"

"Here" Baolan shouted.

For a moment, Yue eleven came in three steps and made two steps: "Sir, guess who is coming?"

"Let them come in, I look at their armor." Su Tang said.

"Alas, I wanted to give you a surprise." Yue eleven sighed helplessly, turned around and shouted: "Don't hide, sir saw you."

Yue eleven's words just fell, Bao Bei led the surviving archers into the yard with a smile, they were all covered with black half-length scale armor, the man below was a jacket, the woman was a skirt. The so-called Buddha wants gold clothes, and people want clothes. The scale armor is simple and solemn, and looks very neat and sophisticated.

"Have seen Mr." Baobei and others kneeled to the ground on one knee.

"You don't have to pay any more gifts, are you all right at sea?" Su Tang said: "Bao Bei, come and show me.

"It's okay. When we came here, it was always calm and calm. When we heard the people said that this sea of ​​anger often has storms, hehe ... I'm afraid I'm afraid of us, so I don't dare to lose my temper." Stand up and walk towards Su Tang.

Su Tang sat up, stroking her fingertips gently on Bao Bao's shoulder armor, and then tapped twice with her finger, making a crisp impact sound: "All Tong Fei did?"

"He took the witch craftsmen to do it together, but one person can't be too busy." Bao Beidao, then her eyes fell on Bao Lan: "Sister Bao Lan, and yours, everyone has a share."

"There is mine too?" Su Tang asked.

"That's not there," Bao Bei said: "Master Tong said, Mr. has a magic costume, and certainly can't look down on his craft."

"Where is mine?" Sapphire said.

A female shooter came out and handed the baggage in her hand to Bao Lan. After Bao Lan took it, she put her hand on her arm: "So light?"

"Yes, it's very light, and the action is not affected at all." Baby said.

"Unfortunately, I can't put it on for the time being." Yue eleven said.

"How?" Bao Bei asked.

"The system is exactly the same. When you got off the boat, everyone saw it. If I wear it, others must know that I am with you." Yue eleven said.

"Don't stand silly, let go." Su Tang said: "Go find the room you like."

Su Tang made a speech, the surviving archers spread out, but the elders sent out were young people, energetic, and the men were slightly decent, the girls ran to the woods in twos and threes, laughing and slapstick.

When he left Mangshan just now, the shooters of the survivors strictly restrained themselves, especially in front of Su Tang, who had a serious expression and squinted eyes. Since the collective soaking in the hot springs, Su Tang can be regarded as a majestic sweep. The girls' words and deeds are becoming more and more casual. Although they are less respectful, they are more close.

If Su Tang is a stereotyped person, he will definitely be unhappy, but he is easy-going and never asks others to be respectful. Instead, he feels that the more natural the better, and it is troublesome to kneel.

"Sir, I have some ideas." Yue eleven leaned over to Su Tang.

"Tell me, what thought?" Su Tang said.

"The atmosphere in the city is getting more and more tense now."


"Everyone knows that the rules are set by Grandpa Huai. Now that Grandpa Huai is gone, there is no need to comply with the original rules and how long they can be maintained. Everyone is doubtful." Yue eleven said slowly. "So, all the teams have become more and more cautious. The wandering warriors who like to travel alone are no longer taking the task. They are hiding in the city to see the wind. I feel ... at the current stage, it seems like there is a watch If you do n’t reach the line, you will get tighter and tighter, but sooner or later you will disconnect. "

Su Tang pondered.

"Speaking of Father Huai, many wandering warriors have to give thumbs up. Without Father Huai, there will be no peace in the Dark Moon City for decades." Yue eleven said: "Even if the enmity between each other is like a sea, touch in the city. You must also exercise restraint, otherwise you will be enemies with the whole city. Flourishing.

"Of course, some people respect him, and others hate him. The problem with the old man is that he is too grumpy. He heard that when the arbitration panel was just established, he often slammed the table and even screamed. It ’s disgraceful, and Grandpa Huai has done some excessive things, but Grandpa Huai bullied, there are just a few people, the homeless samurai at the bottom, but they are not qualified to let Grandpa Huai shoot. ”Yue eleven continued:“ In my opinion Come, he has merit, and there have been, at least without him, Darkmoon City does not know what it will become. "

"What's the matter with the arbitration panel?" Su Tang asked.

"The arbitration panel is composed of five people, including the Huaijia, Chenjia, Dingjia, Tianjilou, and Nuhai regiments." Yue eleven said: "In the beginning, the family owner personally sat in the town and was responsible for ruling everyone. dispute."

"Furious Sea Group?"

"The five families in the Dark Moon City are divided into one piece. Qianqifeng belongs to the Huaijia. The road from Qianqifeng to Juxiu Ridge also belongs to the Huaijia. The wandering samurai must pay a certain fee to go to Juixiu Ling, but now it has been No one manages it. "Yue eleven said:" Wang Beach is the site of the Chen family, including the pier. The Nu Hai group turned out to be a pirate. When we came to the Dark Moon City, we took their boat. So, the Nu Hai group and Chen Jiadou Very powerful. "

"To grab the dock?" Su Tang immediately understood.

"Yeah, the Chen family wants to intervene in transportation, and the Nuhai group wants to seize the pier. Naturally, they will fight." Yue eleven nodded: "Tianjilou will not say it. The Ding family likes to do business. At least there are in the dark moon city More than 40% of the shops are owned by Ding. "

"You just said ... do you have some ideas?" Su Tang said.

"Sir, everyone is trying to exercise restraint, but they have no confidence in the rules set by Father Huai. At this time, as long as they see blood, the night city will immediately be in chaos." Yue eleven said softly: "Everyone Knowing the benefits of rules, no one dared to make a head bird and did not want to be the target. However, if you see a head bird, then the hatred accumulated over the years may all explode, I can ⊥ people to be this bird That is to say, when you want to make Dark Moon City chaotic, I can make Dark Moon City chaotic. "

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