The Magic Outfit

Chapter 263: Chaos

"Sister, should there be a wandering samurai guild in Darkmoon City?" The teenager asked.

"Sister? I'm only twenty, not much older than you. My surname is Rong. If you don't think I am Gao Pan, call me Sister Rong."

"Sister Rong." The young man did well.

"Hey ..." the young woman responded with a smile, and then frowned: "Wandering Samurai Guild? It's Tianjilou, do you ask what Tianjilou does?"

"Go make some money," the boy said.

"God ... how old are you? Going there? Will you know what to do?" The young woman's face changed.

"Sister Rong, it's okay." The teenager smiled, he smiled confidently.

"It's okay? Ha ha ha ... Yeah, I think I'll be fine." The young woman's eyes were a bit sad, and a little restless: "Do you have the principal?"

"Capital? What is that?" The teenager asked puzzled.

"Going to Tianji Building to receive a brand requires principal." The young woman sighed: "You don't even know this? Tianji Building has to release some tasks every day. If someone takes the task, the brand will be taken off. Everyone took a sign and did n’t do the task, so the person who sent the task would be miserable? Therefore, some principal must be paid in advance. If the task fails, or the deadline is exceeded, the principal will be paid to the person who sent the task. "

"That's it ..." The teenager showed a helpless look. He didn't worry about the difficulty of the task, even if it was an astronomical task, but now he has no money, what to pay for the principal?

The young man thought left and right, his eyes turned to the young woman, but it was difficult to say what he wanted to say, hesitated for a long time, and he could not say a word.

"Want to borrow some money from my sister?" The young woman asked with a smile. She had seen more people from south to north, and she was very observant. She suddenly caught the boy's thoughts. Of course, the outstanding appearance played a decisive influence. If the young man's appearance is not good, she will entertain at most one meal for free, and others will not care, let alone say so much.

The young man was not so beautiful, and her heart was so good that she was so distressed that she couldn't bear to see such a child suffer outside.

The teenager nodded violently, and then said in a solemn tone: "Sister Rong, I will be ten times ... No, I will give you a hundred times"

"Forget it, I don't have a life of fortune." The young woman seemed hesitant and then said: "So ... I'll say it in a few days."

"Okay." The teenager was a little disappointed, but he also knew that his request was too excessive, and he didn't care about the relationship. Why did people borrow your money?

"Sister Rong, the money owed to you will definitely be paid back to you in a few days, definitely."

"Wait, I don't mean that." The young woman stroked her forehead with her hand. She saw it. The young man's self-esteem was very strong. "My man has a few friends who know Tianjilou. They can help me say something. Then, the principal will be paid a little less. "

"That's it ..." said the teenager: "Sister Rong, let you bother."

"However, they have left Darkmoon City now, and they dare not stay here. It is estimated that they will be back in three or five days."

"Why?" The teenager asked.

"They didn't understand what I said." The young woman said: "It seems that because the family is suffering badly, there are no people who speak and count, and the rest of the families are not pleasing to each other. This Dark Moon City wants to do Just like a pile of dry firewood, the ignition is needed, so they ran out to hide for a few days and looked at the wind direction. "

"Then when will they be back?"

"It will take a few days, if those grandfathers can set a new charter, it is estimated that it will be fine. If no one has been obedient, it will be chaotic sooner or later." The young woman said.

Teenagers do not care about the so-called grandfather, but only care about what they have to rely on to maintain these days.

"Xiaohe, we are also destined, um ... anyway, you have nowhere to go, just a few days in my shop, and if you dare not say anything, you will definitely not be hungry." The young woman said.

"This doesn't work," the teenager shook his head immediately.

"No? Do you have money to live in the store?" The young woman said: "Oh, you should take care of your sister's business. In the past few days, I will definitely charge you money and food ... the prices are all clearly priced. Yes, I ’ll remember it for you. When you have money, the sister who wants to pay back knows you are very capable. Now it ’s just bad luck, and the tiger has fallen into Pingyang. It wo n’t depend on my money, right? "

"Of course." The young man replied, if the young woman said to pity him and take care of him, then he would refuse 100%, but now it is to take care of the young woman's business and let his mind have some activities.

"What are you hesitating about?" The young woman said in a weird tone: "Is the sister too messy and broken in this place? Would you rather give the money to others than the sister to earn a little on you?"

"Sister Rong, this is too much trouble for you." The teenager finally compromised.

"Is there anything more troublesome to make money?" The young woman smiled and said: "You go to the backyard, it's almost night, and the guests will be able to come up in a while. Seeing that you like cleanliness, hide away, so as not to let you I was soaked in fire and smoke. The cabin on the south side of the backyard was the place where my men practiced. It was very quiet inside. I will clean it up for you at night. "

"Sister Rong, what about you man?" The teenager asked.

"Fall into the lava mountain, can't come back." The young woman's eyes could not help but red.

"Lava Mountain ... I'm sorry." The boy hurriedly said.

"It's all a thing of the past." The young woman smiled barely.

While the teenager walked into the box, in a compound more than a hundred meters away from the snack shop, Yue Eleven surrendered and took a palm shot on the table: "I do n’t care so much, anyway since I joined Pan Le and me The captain has been taking good care of us, and now the guys are riding on our head while the captain is away. You can bear it, I ca n’t bear it. "

"This time ... we also have something wrong." A wax-faced man said frowningly. "Eleven, you don't know that now the wind is so tight, we can't be a bird in any case."

"Yeah, yeah, you have to wait for the captain to come back, and then go to the head of the Ji Da to discuss it. If the head of the Ji Da is nodded, then we are not afraid of anything." Another man said.

At this moment, a young man pushed open the door panting and shouted: "It's not good anymore, the little leaves of the team leader were taken away by Zhao Laosheng. The guy from Zhao Laosheng also said ... He still Say……"

"What? What did he say?" The pale-faced man asked urgently.

"He said that to be the cheap son-in-law of the team leader, those ice beads should be the dowry."

"I am ... too bully?" Pan Le jumped up suddenly.

"Pan Le, let's go, let them wait here, a bunch of gangsters," Yue eleven shouted.

"Don't worry, wait for the night." Pan Le said: "We go to the restaurant first, so that we can fill our stomachs before we can fight hard.

In the middle of the night, the entire Dark Moon City was chaotic almost instantaneously. The cause was very simple, and no one expected that a small fight turned into a fierce battle in the whole city.

A wandering samurai squad went to Juxiu Ling for a mission.One of them, Yue Eleven, discovered a small black box containing more than thirty rare ice beads. Heart, because he is a practitioner of ice attributes.

Chen Taibao entrusted a person named Zhao Laosheng to negotiate the price with that wandering samurai squad, but he was greedy and liked to be cautious, and the floor price would naturally not be high. Zhao Laosheng wanted to earn more money inside and press the price even more. Low, the wandering samurai squad could not accept it at all.

Chen Taibao didn't expect the other party to dare to refuse, and became angry and made Zhao Laosheng hard. Zhao Laosheng took someone to take away the ice beads, and by the way took the young daughter of the captain's home of that wandering samurai team.

Of course, the wandering samurai squad will not give up, and several members will swear at the restaurant, to be fair, because the heart is full of indignation, a player named Pan Le clashes with the restaurant's shopkeeper, and as a result the restaurant shopkeeper and several guys After being overthrown, the member of the wandering samurai squad left the restaurant with great force and no money for the wine, and went to Zhao Laosheng to settle the account.

Zhao Laosheng was proud, he was drinking with his friends, and was blocked in the restaurant by the samurai of the wandering samurai team. There was a warrior named Zhao Dalu swearing and swearing too much. Yue eleven couldn't help but pull out his long sword and fight with Zhao Dalu in a ball.

Then the situation could not be controlled. The restaurant was Ding ’s, and the boss was Ding Yixing ’s nephew, Ding Yixing ’s nephew. It stands to reason that he is not a cultivator. Two guards were recruited recently, both elite archers, and their arrows are very strange.It is a very toxic black snake.When one arrow is shot, the black snake will automatically hurt the enemy, which is unpredictable.The boss thinks that With confidence, as well as the destruction of the restaurant's facilities, the guards came forward to stop it.

I do n’t know who threw the long sword and stabbed the boss. The two guards saw the boss injured and immediately opened their long bows and shot arrows one after another. Their arrows were not shot, and the shot was fatal.

The dead, the two sides of the fight immediately broke out, operating the aura, releasing all the strength, the field was messy, and there was blood everywhere.At this time, the restaurant boss who was previously beaten arrived with the warrior of the Tianji Building, because of the similar Disputes are usually handled by Tianji Building, and as a result, the warriors of Tianji Building are also wrapped up in the war group.

Tianjilou led the team, Young Master Gu, he saw that both sides were crazy, he did not listen to dissuasion, and even his own two fell down, couldn't help but be furious, at this moment, among the warriors in Tianjilou, two surrender The Huaijia guards who came here recently suddenly launched a desperate attack on Gu Dashao, but Gu Dashao was prepared.When he avoided secret calculations and launched a counterattack, an ice arrow quietly flying from the outside penetrated into his body from behind. Let him be turned into an ice sculpture. Now, the warrior in Tianji Building is crazy.

Although the helmsmen of several forces have strictly refrained from exercising restraint in the near future, it is not easy to say that people who have died and have seen blood and want to keep restraint.

After losing money, naturally calling friends and friends, preparing to fight again, and winning, also knowing that the other party will not stop, also want to call companions, the scope of the riot is expanding rapidly,

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