The Magic Outfit

Chapter 264: Strongman

The teenager had a quiet retreat in the compartment for a long time.When he walked out of the room, he found that the snack shop in front was dark. Then he heard yelling and yelling from far away, and immediately remembered the possibility that the young woman had said in the city. There was a big mess, and he hurriedly opened the back door of the snack shop and walked in.

In the snack bar quietly, a dark shadow was vaguely seen, looking out at the gap along the window.

"Sister Rong?" The teenager cried out tentatively.

"Hush don't make a noise," the shadow replied nervously.

"What's wrong?" The teenager lowered his voice.

"Grandpa, the city is really messed up," the young woman said with a slightly trembling voice. "You should have followed them that day, now it's okay ... listen, listen."

Kill ... The cry in the distance is getting louder.

"Hehe ..." The teenager smiled gently, and then slowly sat at a table. He was at a disadvantage during the day. He always felt less cheerful. Now the situation was reversed. He was a little satisfied in his heart and passed the candlestick. , Pick up the flint and light the candle.

"Xiaohe, are you crazy?" The young woman rushed over and blew out the candle.

"Sister Rong, do you believe me?" Said the young man.

"Ah?" The young woman looked at the teenager with a puzzled look.

"It's okay with me," the boy said.

"You ..." The young woman was unbelievable, but the young man's gaze was calm and confident, and the gentle smile was very contagious, making her heart unconsciously calm, and then she sighed softly. , Shifted the topic: "Are you hungry? Want something to eat?"

"Or egg pie, Sister Rong, you make really delicious pie," said the boy.

"Of course, don't ask me about my name." The young woman smiled with pride: "You sit down for a while, I'll go to the kitchen."

"Good." The boy answered, at this moment, a moonlight penetrated through the cracks in the wooden board. The boy's face suddenly stiffened, and he stretched out his hands and supported the table.

"Xiaohe, what's wrong with you?" The young woman discovered that the teenager was wrong.

"Sister Rong ... Let's see ... is the moon ... full round ..." said the teenager with difficulty.

The young woman ran to the window and looked up the gap: "Well, it's very round and very round, as round as my omelette, hee hee ..."

"Oops ... horrible ..." The teenager struggled to get up.

"What's wrong with you?" The young woman hurried forward to support the boy.

"I ... I'm anxious for success ... Practice the spiritual formula ... I made a deviation ... I can't control the power of the tide ... It will happen every full moon ... once ... unless promoted ..." The boy's face was pale, already I can't say the whole thing, and my body is shaking too much. This is his biggest secret, and he doesn't even know his loved ones, but he doesn't know why. He just wants to believe the ordinary young woman on the opposite side.

"God you fell ill and dare to come out and walk around?" The young woman anxiously said, "What should I do?

"Rest ... just ... after midnight ... it's all right ..."

"Can you still go? I'll take you to the back." The young woman said.

Just then, with a bang, the door of the snack shop was kicked open with one foot, and the two men strode in.

"Widow Widow, which one are you playing with?" A strong man with a beard and a burly figure walking in front of him said with a smile, his eyes looked at the young man.

The young woman was startled and looked back to see who was coming. She was so angry that she raised her eyebrows and said sharply, "Qianmazi, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just miss you." The burly man laughed.

"Who made you come in? Go out" the young woman pointed to the door.

"Don't shout." The burly man pouted his lips. "Widow widow, hurry up and pack things up, and then follow me. This city is stupid."

"Why should I go with you?" The young woman shuddered angrily: "Qian Mazi, don't think I don't know the bad water in your stomach, isn't it the sword left behind by my coveted man?"

"Hey ... I want swords, and I want people too." The burly man smirked.

"Get out of here, get out of me" The young woman rushed forward and grabbed the other person's arm, then pulled hard out

The burly man's eyes turned cold, and his backhand was drawn on the young woman's cheek.The young woman's body was pumped up and flew up, knocked over a table, and fell to the ground.She was just an ordinary person. Dizzy, blood also oozed from the corners of the mouth, only a moment later I recovered and looked at the other person dumbly covering my cheek.

"Quietly, do you want to be the same as before?" The burly man squatted and lifted the young woman's chin with his fingers, said lightly: "Now the city is so chaotic, even if the old man slaughters you, no one knows. I belong. "

The young woman was cold all over, and she realized her current situation. Before that, Qian Mazi walked around her like a dog.No matter how bad her attitude was, Qian Mazi didn't dare to come hard, Dark Moon City had her own As long as she goes to Tianjilou to complain, Qian Mazi will be punished. Moreover, she is also a wandering samurai and has her own circle of friends. She never looks at her widow and is bullied.

Everything has changed now, the dark moon city is full of fire, the sound of killing bursts, and the rules no longer exist.In fact, the contradictions between those big masters have nothing to do with her, but this is the case, when the old order collapsed, to Before the new order is established, the deepest suffering will always be borne by ordinary people like them because they have no power.

If she is killed now, it will not be the first or the last, and many people will suffer the same fate as her.

"Brother, you're spoiled for this commotion." Another man sneered, then he leaned into Qian Mazi's ear and whispered something.

Qian Mazi stood up and looked at the teenager with a grin: "Brother, where are you from?"

The teenager gritted his silver teeth, and he had long wanted to get started, but he could n’t even stand at the moment. If his hands were not propped on the table, he would have fallen down long ago, the spiritual veins in his body became frozen, and the aura could not work at all.

The two men looked at each other and walked towards the young man.

The young woman was startled, struggling to get up, holding Qian Mazi's arm and shouting, "Brother Qian, brother Qian, that's my brother, don't scare him ..."

"Your younger brother?" Qian Mazi chuckled, followed by a loud slap in the face of the young woman, and scolded in his mouth: "He can wear a shop with his clothes, who are you? ? "

The young woman threw herself up again, hugged Qian Mazi's thigh desperately, and wailed: "Brother Qian, I will go with you, and my man's sword is also given to you. He is really my uncle's cousin. You ... I beg you to let him go ... "She understands that today it is hard to escape this robbery, to be abused by others, and the last thoughts left by her man can't be saved, but the boy is innocent However, she kindly kept it, but in the end she brought a catastrophe to the boy. Anyway, she couldn't run away. She could save one or the other.

"Brother, if we can make a fortune from this kid, what kind of ladies do not have it." Another man said surreptitiously: "This kid must be a child of the family, if he can still torture a few sets of spiritual tactics ... ... hehe "

"Will you go with me now?" Qian Mazi asked, looking down.

"Will willing, Brother Qian, I will definitely serve you comfortably every day ..." The young woman nodded vigorously.

"Late" Qian Mazi's right knee flew up and was hitting the young woman's cheek and chin. The young woman fell back and hit the ground heavily. This time she couldn't make it anyway.

"Fuck ..." The teenager was furious and pushed away from the table to rush forward, but took only one step and fell to the ground.

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