The Magic Outfit

Chapter 278: Return to heart

Su Tang underestimated the temptation of Lingmai. In fact, Zhou Zhengbei did not expect that when he disclosed the news to several warriors, his life immediately changed dramatically.

Su Tang occupies Qian Qi Feng, and Qian Qi Feng breeds spiritual veins. For the warriors of Dark Moon City, they are full of jealousy, and Su Tang belongs to the stranger, just arrived in Dark Moon City. benefit?

If someone with the status of Mr. Gu Da ascends, they will gather from the followers. If thousands of wandering warriors besieged Qianqifeng, Su Tang will not be able to resist even with three heads and six arms.

At the time, Mr. Gu took a few family members to find Qianqifeng. In this regard, he thought that Su Tang would not dare to give in.

There is news that Mr. Qian Qifeng Su decided to open a school and recruit warriors. Many people's ideas have changed accordingly.No one cares about Su Tang's ability before. , Just because there is no leader for the time being.

Now, the samurai are thinking about whether they have the opportunity to become lucky members. They ask around, and Zhou Zhengbei has become a dazzling role in the blink of an eye.

At the end of the street, Zhou Zhengbei was talking with a group of wandering warriors, and his backing action revealed his real intention. He wanted to go, but the other party did not want him to go.

"Brother Zhou, this matter pleases you"

"Relax, but I didn't mean it. He summed up with Mr. Su first, so that Mr. Su nodded over there and I will come to you immediately."

"Understood, but ... Brother Zhou, you must say something for us"

"Okay, okay." Zhou Zhengbei finally got out of trouble, but only walked a dozen meters away, and was blocked by a group of wandering warriors.

At this moment, Zhou Zhengbei almost cried out.The same said the last time, he felt that he had quite a face, said ten times and twenty times, he would be a little impatient. After saying it hundreds of times, he wanted to cry. .

"Brother Zhou, I haven't seen you for a long time." The wandering warrior headed opposite smiled.

"Oh, it's Brother Sun." Zhou Zhengbei felt that the muscles on his cheeks were a little stiff, but he still had to laugh, otherwise he would offend people inexplicably.

"Boy, I heard that Mr. Su of Qian Qifeng wants to recruit samurai samurai?" Wandering Bushido headed.

"Haha, yes, Brother Sun is very informed." Zhou Zhengbei Road.

Lingtong, Mao, if it were psychic, wouldn't have found it now. The wandering warrior headed and smiled bitterly: "Do you think we brothers do?"

"Of course it's OK" Zhou Zhengbei Road: "But ..."

"Really? Okay, let's go now and meet Mr. Su at Qianqifeng"

"Wait and wait." Zhou Zhengbei hurriedly said: "I have to report it up. Mr. Su nodded before taking you."

"Hehe ... brother, now I'm on the high branch." The wandering warrior headed sighed, and then the topic changed: "Tell us, what kind of person is that Mr. Su?"

"This ... what should I say ..." Zhou Zhengbei hesitated for a moment: "I can't understand it, but there is a maid beside Mr. Su ..."

"Do you mean that our brother should buy a maid to send to the husband?" The wandering samurai headed by the character is a little anxious, thinking he has realized Zhou Zhengbei's hint.

"No, no," Zhou Zhengbei hurriedly waved his hand: "I mean, the maid's maid around him is very good, the grand master ... you think, let people like Tianji Lou Gu Shenghui serve tea and water all day long What is Mr. Su's identity ... hehehehe ... "The faces of the wandering samurai changed.

"There is a younger brother next to Mr. He, surnamed He, who is not very young, but he is very advanced. He heard that he was only fifteen years old, and he was already a master. If you think about it, there are several fifteen-year-old Grandmaster? "Zhou Zhengbei said:" But, that little brother is also very respectful in front of his husband. "

"Could it be that Mr. Su is a great ancestor?" The wandering warrior headed moved with horror.

Zhou Zhengbei said nothing in silence.

"Da Zun?" The wandering warrior almost screamed.

"I don't know." Zhou Zhengbei shook his head and said: "I just said it, and I can't understand it."

"Oh, such a character as Mr. Su, can my contemporaries figure it out." Another wandering samurai said: "Brother Zhou can't understand it and it's normal."

"Yeah." Zhou Zhengbei sighed: "Brother Sun, I will introduce you to your sir when you go back. If the sir nods, I will definitely come over and invite you."

"I can't afford to be blue." The wandering warrior headed with a smile and said: "Then waiting for the good news of the brother."

With a few words of sorrow, Zhou Zheng also fled towards the direction of Qianqifeng, and the road was stopped several times. , He frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Brother Zhou is back." A samurai smiled and said, "Look, the water flowing down from the mountain is also aura. We dig a big ditch along the mountain to save the water. We can't use cheap outsiders. We can't use it up. It is also good to use it to water flowers and grass. "

Zhou Zhengbei raised his head and glanced up. There is very little water dripping from the top of the mountain, and it is intermittent. If it is really digging a big ditch along the foot of the mountain, it is estimated that it will not be able to fill the ditch for decades. They made plans for the villa as if they were controlling their own homes, which was also a kind of return to the husband. And hundreds of strong men get together, if you don't let them do something, it may cause other troubles.

"You are busy first, I will go up to see Mr." Zhou Zhengbei Road.

"Brother Zhou, go." The samurai said one after another.

Zhou Zhengbei walked up the stone steps, and the warriors of the Sky Warrior Alliance were looking at Zhou Zhengbei's back with envious eyes.Although they can also go up the mountain, they can only see the gentleman in the front hall at any time, only Zhou Zhengbei brothers.

Su Tang and Gu Suifeng whispered something in Zhongtang. When Zhou Zhengbei walked in with a frowning face, he asked, "Why? Can't you hire someone?"

"It's not that you can't recruit people, but there are too many, I can't pick them." Zhou Zhengbei smiled bitterly.

Perhaps it is because of too much repetition, which formed a psychological hint for Zhou Zhengbei.He originally wanted to take the opportunity to expand the strength of the Alliance of Heavenly Warriors, but after repeating Su Tang ’s mysterious identity again and again, he was also a little afraid. I dare not be selfish at this moment, but wish to do my job well.

"Be careful, don't let the dross get in." Su Tang said.

"I understand, sir, rest assured." Zhou Zhengbei Road, then he saw Gu Suifeng carefully playing with a few emerald green grass, and asked curiously: "Master Gu, has already begun to refine the panacea?"

"Not yet." Gu Suifeng sighed: "The lack of Yin and Yang vines and blue tobacco, otherwise, I will be able to make Wuhua Juding Pill early."

"Yin Yang Teng and Blue Tobacco?" Zhou Zhengbei stunned, and then snapped his thigh: "Master Gu, why didn't you say it earlier? Wrapped on me for up to three days, I can definitely give you these two herbs get back"

"Really?" Gu Suifeng asked.

"How dare I speak in front of my husband," Zhou Zhengbei said: "I didn't find it in three days, and I was punished casually."

"Zhengbei, we can be rewarded." Su Tang said: "Master Gu, the task released in Tianji Building, looking for Yin Yangteng and Blue Tobacco, what is the reward?"

"Bao Bei went to the listing, I don't know very well." Gu Suifeng said: "It seems that ... a total of two hundred gold coins."

"Then two hundred gold coins." Su Tang said.

"Sir, there is no need to make such a clear distinction." Zhou Zhengbei hurriedly said: "To be honest, as long as I instruct, the gang of guys who break their heads will also be eager to play for Mr."

"Qianqifeng has just started, and it is clear that it is good for everyone." Su Tang said.

"Then you can do as Mr. said." Zhou Zhengbei was not easy to object, so he had to respond.

"By the way, just north, go find a few children." Su Tangdao said: "It's better to be around 13 or 4 years old, the maximum can't exceed fifteen, nor be too young, otherwise they can't do anything , It has to be taken care of. "

"Sir, what is this for?" Zhou Zhengbei asked.

"Let them be Master Gu's medicine boy." Su Tang said: "We will definitely need more and more panacea in the future. We can't all count on Master Gu alone. Someone has to help."

"Yeah." Gu Suifeng nodded. "I also feel a bit overwhelmed. I haven't had time to practice this month."

"If you are good, you can give them a chance to visit the teacher." Su Tang added. Now that he has been impressed by Wen Xiang's remarks and is ready to create his own foundation, the talent reserve will start from now on.

"This is a great thing," Zhou Zhengbei said seriously, and then he became frowning again.

"Why? Is it difficult?" Su Tang asked.

"Sir, it's more than that ..." Zhou Zhengbei smiled bitterly: "Just picking some samurai guardians has already kept me busy, all kinds of people jumped out, and asked me to drink once. Juxiu Ling gave me a little healing medicine, the one who gave me the task, in the red courtyard ... cough, even those who have borrowed money from me think we are very close, I should help him, oops Yeah ... I used to live in vain, I really do n’t know that I owe so much affection. "

"What is the Red Courtyard?" Gu Suifeng asked.

"This ..." Zhou Zhengbei turned red and mumbled not knowing whether to answer.

"Hehe" Gu Suifeng is also a mature character, immediately understood, and shook his head with a smile.

"This opportunity is even more eye-catching. I'm really afraid I will be torn apart by people alive." Zhou Zhengbei said: "It's a great blessing to be able to visit Master Qifeng without saying, but also to visit Master as a teacher. I'm sure it will be more powerful. "

"There is no way. You are a local. You can only control this kind of thing." Su Tang said: "However, you should also know that if something goes wrong, you will only ask."

"I understand." Zhou Zhengbei hesitated, and then said: "Sir, can the girl do it?"

"It's all the same." Gu Suifeng said: "As long as you are serious and careful, you are willing to expend energy. The medicine boy's work is not tiring."

"There is a girl in my family who was left by a brother. At first, he fell into the crater to protect me. In the past few years, I have always regarded her daughter as my biological child. It is 14 this year. Sir, look ... … "

"Send her up." Su Tang is the master.

"Thank you very much," Zhou Zhengbei took a breath and said gratefully.

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