The Magic Outfit

Chapter 279: Big conflict

At night, Dark Moon City broke out the largest conflict in recent times. Su Tang, Gu Suifeng, He Yuanzheng and other human settlements looked high and clearly, the center of the conflict was near the pier, and the fire was continuous. The sea water and the sky were glowing red, and the cries of killing reached the peak of Qianqi.

Su Tang and others almost didn't speak. They would rather be peace dogs, not troubled people. Even the practitioners who have the power, there is a sense of inexplicable fear of troubled times, because the future is full of too much uncertainty, Taiping During the period, the practitioners were promoted step by step, and they were able to control the crisis relatively. The task was too difficult, and it was enough to not take the task. Change it to something simpler, but the speed of the promotion is slower.

In the chaos, everything is up to the practitioners themselves. Today, when someone sees someone walking on the street, the one who died tomorrow may be himself.

Some people can't overcome the fear of uncertainty, so they look worried; some people can deeply bury their fears in their hearts and greet tomorrow calmly; others will convert fear into motivation, crying and rushing To the whirlpool of destiny, they will be the wavers of the times.

Early the next morning, Zhou Zhengbei went up the mountain early. Since he decided to join the camp of Qianqifeng, he walked very diligently, coming several times a day. Some wandering samurai taunted Zhou Zhengbei in the background, saying that he was good at slippery camp and willing to be a bulldog, but when they faced with Zhou Zhengbei, they would become extra enthusiastic, and no one would be willing to refuse that hope. From the grudges in my heart, why is it that I am not a bulldog ...

"Sir, this is Xinmiao, and my last name is also Zhou." Zhou Zhengbei said with a smile: "Xinmiao, what do you stun? Do you not see Mr. Su soon?"

"Have seen Mr. Su." The little girl knelt down on her knees and said respectfully, not knowing what Zhou Zhengbei had asked. The little girl looked very nervous, her face pale, her voice and her hands trembling slightly.

"This is Master Gu." Zhou Zhengbei Road.

The little girl turned to Gu Suifeng. Not only did she kneel this time, she knocked her head down and hit the stone slab with a bang: "Meet Master Gu."

"Hey ..." Gu Suifeng took a step forward and supported the little girl. He was a little displeased and said to Zhou Zhengbei: "What are you doing?"

"He Hao Xin Miaoneng has thousands of wonderful peaks, all thanks to Master Gu's care, no matter how respectful," Zhou Zhengbei said with a smile.

In fact, Zhou Zhengbei has his own abacus. Zhou Xinmiao is the first to enter the door. Later, he will be more diligent and respectful. When Gu Suifeng wants to choose his disciples, the first consideration is definitely Zhou Xinmiao.

"You ... put your mind on the right thing." Gu Suifeng said.

"I know, I know." Zhou Zhengbei whispered, and then looked at Su Tang: "Mr. Su, did you hear anything yesterday? It was a terrible fight over the dock"

"It's the Chen family and the angry sea group?" Su Tang asked.

"Tianjilou and Ding's also joined." Zhou Zhengbei said: "At dawn, I asked some brothers to find someone to inquire about it. Almost five or six hundred people died. This is still on the dock. A dozen of the regiment ’s warships have been destroyed, and certainly many have died. "

"Mr. Gu Da, Chen Yuzhi, and Ding Yixing have all been heads of the family for decades. How could they be so indifferent?" Su Tang frowned: "Now I'm desperate now?"

"This fire ... it's easy to burn, and it's difficult to extinguish it when it burns to a certain stage." Zhou Zhengbei sighed: "Just say that if someone attacks the Alliance of Celestial Warriors first, kills dozens of my brothers, Mr. warned me to keep calm, but can I calm down? Even if I can, my brethren ca n’t do it. When my brethren and others start desperately, sir, you ca n’t see death and do n’t save it? More, hehe, the fire will grow bigger and bigger until all the firewood is burned out. "

At this moment, Bao Bei walked in and said softly: "Sir, Ding Yixing, the head of the Ding family, and the plan of the Nu Hai group have good opinions."

"Oh?" Su Tang froze for a moment, then pondered for a moment: "Let them come up."

"Sir, I will avoid it first." Zhou Zhengbei hurriedly stood up.

"No." Su Tang waved his hand: "You are a local, know more than us, just help me staff, see if they want to set us down, to be honest, here I am except you It is impossible to believe others. "

Zhou Zhengbei was agitated in his heart and Yu Ke said: "However ... Ding Yixing and Ji have been famous for a long time. They are all ill-intentioned. I really don't necessarily see anything."

Not long, Ding Yixing and Ji Jihao walked in side by side. Su Tang and Gu Suifeng stood up to greet the guests. With a few words of greeting, Ding Yixing and Ji Jihao's eyes turned to Zhou Zhengbei.

"Brother Zhou, congratulations." Ding Yixing said with a smile, in fact he did not know Zhou Zhengbei, just guessed.

"Brother Zhou is also a blessed person." Ji Hao also smiled.

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be ..." Zhou Zhengbei whispered in his heart, he rejoiced to the extreme, changed to the usual, with Ding Yixing and a well-designed identity, casually saying hello was already a face to him, and it was impossible As polite as today, and, with my grandfather, Gu Shenghui, Chen Yuzhi, Ding Yixing, and the plan are good, it can be regarded as the five major Dinghaishen needles in the Dark Moon City.It belongs to the most top-notch existence and can be as greeted as his friend. Great glory.

Of course, Zhou Zhengbei also knows that without Mr. Su, this glory has nothing to do with him.

Everyone was seated, and Ding Yixing and Ji Hao saw Zhou Zhengbei also sat down. They could not help but glance at each other, they could all see each other's regret.

In fact, it was not until Qianqifeng heard the news that they wanted to recruit samurai warriors, they suddenly realized that they missed something.

Su Tang is an outsider. No matter how strong his ability is, it is very difficult to quickly open the situation in Dark Moon City.If Su Tang behaves weakly, others will look down on him. Exclusionary mentality, unless Su Tang can integrate his own interests with those of some people in Darkmoon City, and pull a large number of neutrals into his camp.

In other words, Su Tang must have the support of locals. When they first walked to Qianqi Peak, they should realize this and make a choice quickly.

Now they came, it was a big step late, and fortunately, it was just a step late.

"I heard that many people died at the dock last night?" Su Tang said softly.

"Alas ..." Ji Hao sighed deeply and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Su, you can't go on like this anymore"

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