The Magic Outfit

Chapter 283: Relieved

For a moment, the big man appeared at the door again. There was a long thing in his hand, which was wrapped in sackcloth outside, and he could not see it. Behind him was a woman in a plain dress. The woman looked flustered and kept talking. what.

The two men said a few words at the door. The big man waved the woman back, and then turned to the street. Then the big man came out seven or eight meters away. The woman seemed to be unable to control herself, and suddenly uttered a stern cry: "Azhi ... "

Before they said anything, He Yuanzheng and Bao Bei could not hear it at all, but this sound could be heard clearly.

The big man's feet froze, turning around with a wry smile, and the woman bluntly rushed forward and threw herself into the big man's arms.

He Yuanzheng's eyes slowly moved away from the hip flask and fell on the couple in the center of the street. The big man noticed something, and his body was involuntarily tight. Although the woman was not a practitioner, she could not sense the fluctuations in her breath, but she could Feeling that the body of the man became extremely tense, and they had experienced the days of fleeing before, realizing that this was the signal of the enemy's approach, she wiped her tears, turned and stumbled back into the courtyard, and slammed the courtyard firmly shut door.

The big man turned around and quietly looked at He Yuanzheng sitting in the distance by the window.

He Yuanzheng smiled, stood up, sorted out his shirt, his figure floated out of the window, and fell slowly into the street.

A group of wandering warriors came out from an alley, they all held weapons in their hands, and some swords were still hung with blood, and the expression also showed a kind of excitement close to pathology, and came to this side with laughter, but At this moment, He Yuanzheng and the big man were running the spiritual veins at the same time, and the fierce spiritual power fluctuated, so that the wandering samurai souls were scattered, turned around, and fled to the end of the street desperately.

"Go back." He Yuanzheng said lightly: "Since the choices have already been made, why should we come to the muddy water now."

Bao Bao upstairs couldn't help crying and laughing. After he entered the state, he apparently forgot the promise of yesterday. How could he let the other party go back?

The big man smiled and looked up and down at He Yuanzheng, not contemptuously, but a curiosity. He Yuanzheng was obviously not yet an adult, but the kind of thick and graceful temperament like a mountain was the life-long effort of most adults. And there is no way to own it.

At the next moment, the big man put his hand across his chest, and then freed his left hand to untie the sackcloth wrapped around it.

"Even if you don't care about yourself or your wife, you should always think about the unborn child." He Yuanzheng said softly.

"You ... what are you talking about?" The big man was startled, his body stepped back two steps, and his eyes could not help glancing at the closed courtyard door.

At that moment, the woman had already rushed into the house. She could not help anything. The only thing she could do was a man who did not disturb herself.

The big man was silent for a moment, and he began to remove the sackcloth circle by circle.

"You have lost." He Yuanzheng smiled: "Behind is your home, and you just know that you have a child, can you go all out? Go back, I can do nothing happened, sir There, I will say a few words for you, and then, you continue to live like this, no one will bother you. "

"Things ... not as simple as you think." Dahan whispered: "I have my own persistence.

"What kind of perseverance?" He Yuanzheng's tone suddenly became sharper: "It can make you ignore the wife who is seriously ill and the child who is to be fed? Must be wrong?"

"You're sick." The big man said: "Although you are young, you have broken through the bottleneck of Grand Master. You shouldn't be so agitated, and the body inside is very good, there is no disease."

He Yuanzheng held his breath, and his face just showed ruddy and began to fade. His eyes were drooping, and for a moment, he smiled self-deprecatingly: "It's a bit gaffe, because I remembered something."

"It's not good." The big man threw the untied sackcloth gently on the ground: "Practitioners like you, it should be inevitable to break through the ancestor's realm, but your heart is not as firm as it seems Becoming a great ancestor will also leave hidden dangers. If you live for a lifetime, you will always encounter many regrets, unwillingness, and pain, and you should learn to be relieved. "

"Is this necessary?" He Yuanzheng whispered, not knowing whether he was saying that the other party must do something with him, or that he must learn to be relieved.

"I said that." The big man raised his gun and pointed at Yuan Yuanzheng's brows, "I insist."

"Then ... you die" He Yuanzheng straddled more than ten meters in one step, raised his fist, and slammed into the heart of the big man.

While He Yuanzheng threw his fist, Su Tang was sitting on the steps of a family, smiling and looking at the old man opposite.

It can be seen that the old man's skeleton is very large and tall. Unfortunately, the time that has passed quickly has corroded his once-born body like a tiger, he is squatting, his breathing sounds very heavy, and sometimes even emits Bellow-like whine.

He left his left hand, holding a black iron bar with his elbow and locking the courtyard door. With such a simple action, it took him about a minute to lock the lock.

At the next moment, he slowly turned around and looked at Su Tang with dizzy eyes: "Little baby, what are you laughing at?

"The wall is too short. I can't see the use of that lock." Su Tang said softly: "It can stop the gentleman, but not the villain."

"Hehe ... just beg for peace of mind." The old man gave a hoarse laughter: "Little baby, are you a gentleman or a villain?"

"I said nothing," Su Tang said with a smile: "It depends on you, you listen to me, I am a gentleman, if you do not listen to me, I am a villain."

"Some mean ... In this Dark Moon City, I haven't met a doll like you in a long time." The old man narrowed his eyes: "Are you from Qianqifeng? Your surname is Su?"

"You always have your eyes on the ground," Su Tang said lightly.

"Gu Shenghui won't betray me, knowing where I am, and trying to make me die, only the plan is good, hehe ..." The old man laughed: "Don't look at his name with two good words, but he is not What a nice person, little doll, you must be careful to be eaten by him even with his bones in the future. "

"Thank you for your old reminder." Su Tang said.

"Wolf walks the world to eat meat, dogs walk to the world to eat shit, the old man is obviously a wolf, but he is forced to be a dog for decades, tired of ... really tired." Slowly walking forward, the black iron rod sandwiched under the ribs dragged on the street, making a burst of friction.

"This road is no longer accessible." Su Tang stood up and patted the floating soil on his body.

"I just want to meet Ji Ji in the end." The old man's voice became more hoarse.

"Sorry." Su Tang sighed.

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