The Magic Outfit

Chapter 284: You do not understand

In the Tianji Building, a number of cannons were repeatedly fired, and a deafening voice was heard from far away. On the highest floor of the Red Courtyard, the windows were gently pushed open, revealing a pale face.

Indeed, as Ji Hao and Ding Yixing said, Jin Cuicui was very well maintained. It stands to reason that she and Father Huai, Gu Shenghui, Chen Yuzhi, etc. are all contemporaries, but it looks like a young woman of thirty Generally, it is not excessive to describe her with ripe peaches. Only those who are familiar with her past know that Jin Cuicui is already ripe. What's more, Zha Yanshu does not fail. Once it starts to degenerate, she will completely become an old woman in just a few years, or even a few months.

She counted the cannon silently, then laughed, but her smile was mixed with the sadness and desolation of the deep sea. The horns conveyed certain information according to the number of times. Nine rang was the highest, representing 100,000 anxieties. However, the horns released from the Tianji Building are now very messy, reaching dozens of rang, which is obviously a mess.

"Gu Shenghui, Gu Shenghui, you have today ..." Jin Cuicui sighed, and then fell into silence.

After a long time, Jin Cuicui turned around and walked to the head of the bed, gently opened the upper cassette. There were two short swords in it. She grabbed the short swords and pulled out one of them gently. The sword was like water, cold and calm.

There was a man in his bed in his twenties, who was still very handsome in his deep sleep. He was awakened by the sound of Jin Cuicui ’s sword pulling, opened his sleepy eyes, and then saw the cold sword light. ... what are you doing? "

"I have something." Jin Cuicui said lightly: "Xiaowu, I have been with me for a few years, and I have nothing to give you. This red courtyard will give you away. You have to treat them with good life. They are all poor people."

"Sister Jin, what the **** happened?" The man sat up sharply: "Mo fear, who is it with me? Who dares to mess with our red house?"

Jin Cuicui frowned and ignored the man. She sat down at the dressing table, looked at her face, and then took out the powder box. She moved slowly and carefully, because she knew that this might be the last time she dressed herself Too.

"Sister Jin, are you talking?" The man was anxious: "You wait, I will call brother immediately

"I don't know if you say a few words and you will die. I only know that if you say a few more words, you may be dead." Jin Cuicui said lightly.

"Sister Jin, what do you mean?" The man asked puzzled.

"My opponent is Ding Yixing, a good plan, and Mr. Su with Qian Qifeng." Jin Cuicui smiled: "Can you help me?"

"What a joke?" The man was stupid: "Sister Jin, you haven't woke up at the bar yet? I said no more, no more, but you just don't listen."

"Everyone said that they made a fortune and made a fortune. Do you know what it meant? It's not bad to say nothing, quietly and quietly got this red courtyard. But you shouldn't have to jump out at the end of my life. Disgusting me, I'm so annoyed ... annoyingly annoying ... "

"What did I say?" The man called: "You ..."

The voice did not fall, and a cold light passed through the house.There was a blood mark between the man's neck and the blood spewed out, hanging like a waterfall, the man covered his throat, and the man showed a terrified look in his eyes, slowly softening down inverted.

Jin Cuicui sat down in front of the dressing table again, tidying up her makeup, and hummed unknown songs in her mouth. In fact, Jin Cuicui was a little trance at the moment. She seemed to see the scene of playing with Gu Shenghui in the wild when she was a teenager.

She was holding a piece of grass and looked at Gu Shenghui, and Gu Shenghui was baking bird eggs for her. At that time, Gu Shenghui was arrogant and had talked with her about many ideals.For example, to become a holy order practitioner, To make this Darkmoon City a holy place for everyone to practice, take her to travel the world, and even say that she will be taken to the most mysterious heaven and earth in the world.

Young people always have a lot of great desires, and they will not realize how far away they are until they reach adulthood.

But she liked it very much, but she didn't expect that all the things she had would become stepping stones for Gu Shenghui's rise.

After finishing the dressing, Jin Cuicui went to the vase again, picked a small red flower, carefully inserted it in the head in front of the mirror, and then opened the door.

It was noon, and it was time for the girls in the red courtyard to get up. From time to time, a girl greeted her from the corridor, and Jin Cuicui responded one by one, her face as calm as before.

She didn't let out a long breath until she walked out of the gate of the Red Courtyard, and then heard a clatter like a wire rope shaking. Looking sideways, a beautiful young woman stood alone in the street, holding a The root whip, the long whip swimming around her body like a spirit snake.

"Yo, little sister, what are you doing?" Jin Cuicui asked with a smile.

"Seven old and eighty people, still pretending to be pretending to be cute, don't you feel a little sick?" Said the woman coldly.

This is a good negotiation at the beginning. Jin Cuicui's current strength is not clear even if Ding Yixing and Ji Hao are well ranked.Although it is ranked third, it cannot be ignored, so it is necessary to anger Jin Cuicui first. There will be some flaws.

At the same time, the battlefields of Su Tang and He Yuanzheng entered the stage of fierce heat, and Zhou Zhengbei was carrying countless wandering warriors toward the pier.

There is really such a thing in the world, called momentum. Zhou Zhengbei just found a dozen samurai clique heads and told them in person that his husband is going to destroy the Tianji Building. As a result, all the samurai responded with a rush.

The situation of Darkmoon City is so clear, and it becomes a fool to read it again. Tianji Building, Chen Family and Nuhai Group, Ding Family are extremely fierce, and they are temporarily comparable, so the future of Darkmoon City has always been in control. Sitting on the hill watching Qianqifeng in his hands.

If Mr. Su is going to destroy the Tianji Tower, then Gu Shenghui will have no way to live. No choice is necessary. He must definitely stand on the side of the winner. Besides, this time, with the help of Qian Qifeng, he will choose the Samurai Warrior, and they will speak for themselves. Too.

Boom ... Su Tang's Dazheng sword and the iron rod in Thunder Fur's hand hit again and again, and then the two people retreated backwards in the same way. In a short period of more than ten breaths, the two sides pushed their spiritual power to the extreme Some are unbearable and need time to relax.

However, the balance has tilted, tilting towards Su Tang.

Su Tang's expression was indifferent, and his body was straight, as if the battle had not yet taken place, and the thunderous chest was violently ups and downs, his face flushed red, and a burst of buzzing breathing sounded. His lungs will rupture.

Su Tang's state is already close to the Grand Master, Thunder Fur is in a recession period, the strength of the two sides is almost the same, but Su Tang is young, only a few times to adjust the interest rate, he returned to normal, but Thunder Fur felt his bones It's about to fall apart. If your chest loosens, you must lie in bed for a few days.

The twilight is not only the sorrow of the woman, but also the man.

Thunder and anger are miserable, who in the world can match the time? Where are the saint-level practitioners thousands of years ago? Is it heaven and earth? Hey ... purely nonsense.

"Do you always want to rest for a while?" Su Tang smiled. "Little doll, don't be complacent. Sooner or later, you will get older." Thunder Fury said slowly.

"Huh ..." Su Tang's eyes were laid back, and he suddenly remembered the vast starry sky, the giant old tree, and the one who gave merit to the ancient tree ... the fairy or god, at this moment, He is full of confidence in his future, although he does not know where this confidence comes from, yes, he will go to that step.

"You don't understand." Su Tang said lightly.

Su Tang's wording is extremely simple, just like a frog who has seen the existence of the sea and facing the frog living at the bottom of the well, no matter how much it is said, it has no meaning. It is better to be the simple three words, you , Don't understand

Looking at Su Tang's eyes, for a moment, Thunder Fur felt particularly humble, and what Su Tang said deeply stimulated him.Someone said the same thing in the darkest moment in his memory, Thunder and fury suddenly laughed loudly.

"Yeah, I do n’t understand ... I do n’t understand why God made me tease me like this. I tried to find her for ten years, and I still could n’t get her news. I turned around and found that she had married someone. I do n’t understand why. Treat them as brothers, but they treat me like a brother. I do n’t understand why I ’m willing to be a dog, but they still have to step by step, and they want to kill me. I do n’t understand. Why do you understand? "Thunder Fury's voice grew louder and louder, and finally turned into a hysterical roar, followed by a loud roar:" kill "

The iron rod in Thunder Fur's hand struck forward, and the kind of earth-shaking momentum gave people the illusion that it seemed that the iron rod had expanded hundreds or thousands of times in an instant.

Su Tang showed his astonishment. The power of this stick was much stronger than before. If Thunder Fur had always shot with this strength, even if he released the magic costume, he would now be defeated.

In the light of stone fire, Su Tang was too late to dodge and could only stand up the sword of Taisho and seal off the offensive of that iron rod.

Ordinary people fight with each other, and it will be easier to block parry than dodge, which is consistent with the human body structure, because the muscles moved by parry are much less than fast movement, in fact, practitioners are also limited by human body structure, although Su Tang's speed It has reached a limit, but Thunderfur's offensive came too fast and too fierce, and may not flash out, which would have allowed him to choose a conservative strategy.

Boom ... The sword of Dazheng in Su Tang's hands was actually smashed by this stick.

Su Tang was shocked but not confused, and drifted back to the side by the force of the rebound.

"Kill" Thunder Fur roared again, chasing Su Tang like a cannonball, and the iron bar chopped off with the pressure of Taishan not bending down.

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