The Magic Outfit

Chapter 285: Ancestral breath

Su Tang flew back quickly, his hands pulled back at night while crying, and shot three at thunder and anger

Thunder Fur's hand held only one roll of iron, and he shattered the arrows shot by Su Tang, and his body fluttered again: "Kill

Thunderfur's cudgel with a terrible breath of death, slamming faster than once, and fierce once, his eyes do not know when to become crystal-like, clear and clear, but his skin is gradually showing A dead gray.

Su Tang retreated and retreated, and he had withdrawn hundreds of meters away. Thunder Fury was like a running lion. After the hot pursuit, the iron bar flipped over and even stirred the air in the surrounding tens of meters. The turbulent turbulence has forced Su Tang into the dead end time and again, but Su Tang can always jump out of the Jedi again and again by the speed of the magic outfit.

If Thunder Fury turned into a stormy sea, then Su Tang was a seabird struggling to fly in a storm, somewhat unyielding and somewhat embarrassed.

The spiritual power fluctuations emanating from Thunder Fur are constantly climbing. It seems to be an endless climb. It is getting stronger and stronger, and the scope of the waves is getting wider and wider.

If there is a great practitioner here, it will definitely move thrillingly, the rising spiritual power fluctuates, and the double pupils that become transparent and clear like a child, clearly a verification, a breakthrough verification

Su Tang didn't have the energy to sense anything. In a battle, having one or two life-threatening experiences was enough to stimulate, and he always struggled on the edge of death, as long as there was a little distraction, sloppy, Will be killed under the stick of thunder and fury.

However, maybe it was rendered by that terrible breath.A anger is brewing in the heart of Su Tang. The establishment of the school in the Dark Moon City is a comprehensive test of himself.

Thunder Fur jumped again in the air, and the iron rod raised his head, but suddenly stopped. His spiritual fluctuation has reached an unprecedented high point, which seems to be unbearable, and blood is flowing from Thunder Fur's mouth and nose, Even the corners of the eyes are also blooming.

At the next moment, Thunderfury's cudgel restarted and fell straight down, but his movements became extraordinarily heavy and his speed slowed down, or seemed to be slowed down.

Thunder rage's momentum and movement give an illusion that the whole world will be split in half by this stick.

Boom ... a flat street, there was a straight crack of tens of meters long, the sand and stones boiled and rolled into the air, almost covering the body of thunder and anger.

The breath that Thunder Fur exhaled at the moment seemed to condense into a substance, forming a rhythm of inexplicable rules, which spread far and far along the air.

In the distance, He Yuanzheng and Zhao Zhi left the battle group at the same time, He Yuanzheng looked as usual, and Zhao Zhi was much more embarrassed, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and his shirt was ruined, obviously falling into the wind.

Both He Yuanzheng and Zhao Zhi turned to look at the place where the breath came, and the former showed a shocking look in the eyes, while the latter showed a smile.

"It's Thunder Fury" Zhao Zhi said softly: "Unexpectedly, Thunder Fury will break through the bottleneck at this time. Your luck is really not very good."

"Thunder Fury?" He Yuanzheng's expression was somewhat trance: "Sir ..."

He knew that the opponent chosen by Su Tang was Thunder Fur, but he never expected that Thunder Fur would break through the bottleneck at the most critical time and be promoted to Dazu.

"Go back, it's still too late." Zhao Zhi smiled.

"Our luck is indeed bad, but your luck is even worse." He Yuanzheng turned his head and looked quietly at Zhao Zhi.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that if Su Tang encounters something unexpected, he must provoke the beam, even if he can't keep Qian Qifeng, he must take those people away from the Dark Moon City safely. This is his responsibility, his friend's responsibility. Although he didn't want to hurt the opponent in front of him, Zhao Zhi had to die before he could free his hand.

No wonder the elder sister said that she could not help herself when she was able to practice.

With her sister's arrogance and cleverness, she often sighs involuntarily, not to mention others?

So, the man who left the mother who was seriously ill in bed and the young two children couldn't help himself?

Why do you cherish it? He blames God, he is unwilling, he is wronged, because of the unhappy things he encountered, so expect a warm and safe embrace?

It's also because I didn't grow up and was not strong enough, but now, I should have grown up ...

Looking at Zhao Zhi in front, He Yuanzheng slowly raised his right fist.

In front of the red courtyard, Jin Cuicui looked into the distance, and his mouth murmured: "Unexpectedly, Thunder Fur's old things are still there today, ha ha ... I'm not difficult for you, you should escape quickly."

Seeing the distance, Mei Fei slowly turned her head, and the spiritual rhythm diffused in the air, like an invisible sword hanging in the air, could be cut at any time.

There was a sharp look in Mei Fei's eyes. She knew she was a bit stupid and not very smart. Su Tang often used this to make jokes with her, but she was a great guru after all, knowing what a true great practitioner means

It's over ... It's over. Mei Fei suddenly screamed and pounced on Jin Cuicui.

At the pier, Gu Shenghui and Chen Yuzhi, both exhausted and rescued, were stunned.

"This kind of breath ... this kind of breath ... is thunder rage?" Gu Shenghui froze for a moment, then made a loud laughter, and the voice resounded throughout the audience: "Good plan, good plan, let you be sly like a fox, and absolutely never think of Lei ... ... Brother Lei will be promoted to Dazu at this time? Hahaha ... "

Chen Yuzhi also laughed loudly. Although Thunder Fur's promotion to Dazu was also a threat to them, it was always better than now.

The plan is good with Ding Yixing's face, they know what it means, but they don't look back at the bow. Enough for this, fight for two and earn one, everyone will die together

At the other end of the pier, Zhou Zhengbei did not seem to feel the breath of air in the air, and he was still fighting violently.In fact, he thought more clearly than everyone else. Wait and see the scenery, only he can't, can only go to black one way

On Qianqifeng, Gu Suifeng looked pale and stared blankly at the sky: "This is ... Xiaohe broke through? No, not him"

In Pengshan for most of his life, he has seen similar scenes more than once. The practitioner who was promoted to the Great Patriarch will exude a very personal spiritual rhythm, while the air is filled with spiritual power, roaring, Boiling is definitely not the character of He Yuanzheng.

The small, agile eyes became dull, and for a moment, he suddenly said with joy: "Mom ... alive."

what? Gu Suifeng was puzzled and alive? Did Su Tang have always been dead?

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