The Magic Outfit

Chapter 286: Thought

Su Tang, who was in the center of the vortex, seemed to be struggling. At this moment, Thunder Fury didn't even need to shoot. The roaring breath made him difficult to move.

But I don't know why, despite his desperation, Su Tang did not have any fear, and looked at Thunder Fury's eyes, filled with a contempt that emanated from the depths of the soul.

Thunder and anger fell in the street, making a sound of inhalation, followed by a violent cough, blood spurting from mouth to mouth, staining the ground red.

If it can be a few years earlier, if the body is not so broken, he will become the master of Dark Moon City, but there are not so many if.

Thunder Fur raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Su Tang. He understood the contempt in Su Tang's eyes, and another burst of anger surged. Then he stepped forward and dropped a stick to Su Tang's head.

After the exhaled breath reached its zenith, his movements slowed down, and his stick power was not so strong, because his body was overwhelmed, like a candle in the wind, and then all might go out.

The iron rod fell on Su Tang's head, Su Tang, who was difficult to move, but his pupils exuded an inexplicable expression.In his brain, one after another, dim spirits were lit up one after another, every spirit The opening of the qiao gave Su Tang a strength. In an instant, there were eleven spiritual rites to gain life, plus the six already opened, all radiating a dazzling brilliance.

Although Thunder Fur's movements were much slower, they were only relatively speaking. From the start, at most one second, the heavy iron rod would hit Su Tang's head.

This is a real moment, but Su Tang just had time to think about many things and see many things.

The spirit of the night crying bow in the brain domain has not changed.The spirits of the soft gun and the inner armor have all been upgraded to ninth level, one has been upgraded by one level, and the other has been upgraded by two levels, but it has not been upgraded to a perfect spirit. Like crying bow, innately decided that there is no room for ascent. The spirit of the Taisho sword has been damaged, and it has now been restored, and it has jumped from the fourth level of the perfect spirit to the seventh level, and the components of the magic outfit, the mask spirit and the finger spirit have become the perfect spirit. But the level is first level.

Since he was promoted to guru, Su Tang has an unparalleled advantage in absorbing spiritual energy. The various elixirs from the robbery cannot be eaten at all, and Xiaoding often takes out the Lingguo to please him.The spiritual resources he occupies are more than three. Tianmen ’s core disciples are much more abundant.

But Su Tang knew that the earth-shaking changes that could happen in an instant did not depend on the spiritual power full of lust, nor on the state of mind approaching the breakthrough, but on the deepness of the soul.

Su Tang raised his right hand, the sword of Dazheng reappeared in his hand, and at the time of not allowing it, he threw the iron rod with thunder and anger.

Boom ... Su Tang's lines didn't move, and Thunderfur's iron bar bounced high, and his body staggered backwards for seven or eight steps before he barely stabilized his body, and then began to spit blood.

Su Tang is now only promoted from grandmaster to grandmaster. If there is a real grandpa in front of him, he still can't do it, but Thunder Fur's body is on the verge of complete collapse, and he can't release the power that matches the grandpa.

Su Tang floated forward, the sword light spread, and thrust into Thunderfur's chest.

Thunder Fur shook his head vigorously. In his vision, Su Tang became a double shadow, or a vague black shadow overlapped Su Tang's body.

Seeing the sword coming to the body, Thunder Fur lifted the iron rod violently, the iron rod that thundered Thunder Fur was first deflected by an inexplicable force, and then Su Tang's sword light hit the iron rod again, Thunder Fur could no longer hold The iron bar stopped, and the iron bar turned and flew aside, knocking against the closed courtyard door.

Thunder Fur's body flew out involuntarily, rolled a few times on the spot, struggling to get up, he couldn't understand, his opponent clearly only stabbed a sword, why did he suffer two attacks?

Su Tang walked slowly along the street. Thunder Fur squeezed his eyes hard and looked at Su Tang again. This time he saw clearly. There was indeed a dark shadow, following and repeating each of Su Tang. Actions, such as Su Tang stepping, there will be a black smoke landing first, then Su Tang's feet, even Su Tang's sword with double shadows, that is a handle that seems to absorb the surrounding light, black The sword that couldn't be broken, the sword tip protruded half an inch more than the sword in Su Tang's hands.

Looking at Su Tang's face again, I don't know when he was blocked by a golden mask. Su Tang didn't attack, but Thunder Fury took two steps back again, and said in a hoarse voice: "You are ... the magic warrior? "

The legendary magic warrior is terrible, not only because it has a powerful field that can cut off the six senses, but also that the magic warrior can condense his will into a spiritual weapon, and integrate with the magic costume, and give the magic costume a different kind. Life, that is to say, confrontation with the warrior of the magic costume is equivalent to facing two terrible opponents at the same time.

Thunder Fur understood why he felt two attacks

Su Tang sighed slightly inaudibly, his feelings were much sharper than before, and seemed to be able to gain insight into the soul level of life. Therefore, he saw the pain and suffering, remorse and sorrow that Thunder Fur had suffered.

After something was awakened, his heart seemed to suddenly become soft. At least, he now has a kind of compassion. Such an old man who has suffered too much should not die on the street.

One thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought can become a demon.

After Su Tang's thoughts, a warm atmosphere like spring permeated in all directions, dispelling the coldness of winter, and a cluster of emerald green grasses scrambled out of the stone cracks, the wall gaps, and each Small wildflowers of various colors are blooming, and layers of green moss spread, covering the slate and covering the blood stains left by thunderfury.

The whole long street became extremely beautiful in a blink of an eye, full of natural breath and full of vitality.

Su Tang sighed again, and slowly walked towards Thunder Fur. Thunder Fur exhausted his last strength and straightened his body. Although he no longer had weapons, he couldn't even breathe, and death had embraced him, but, He will not give up, and he will stand and die when he dies. This is his unyielding.

Su Tang held out his hand and patted on Thunder Fur's head. Thunder Fur didn't dodge, but just looked at the wildflowers and weeds on the side of the road.

Su Tang's hand was pressed against Thunder Fur's head, a golden ripple flashed over, the magic mask had disappeared, and it could be seen that his face quickly became tired, and his eyes lost their luster.

Thunder Nu's body went down a little bit, and he suddenly felt that his heart about to stop beating was enveloped by an indescribable warmth, and Yu Kui's body regained vitality.

Thunderfur's consciousness became trance, he only knew that the warmth that moved him, the kind of vitality, made him want to cry out loud, how long, after he became an adult, he refused to rely on whom, no matter how big Pressure can't make him bow his head, but at this moment, he wants to catch something, and then talk about all his grievances.

Clear tears flowed down thunder and furrowed cheeks, his body was getting lower and lower, and finally prostrated at the foot of Su Tang, even fell asleep like a child.

Su Tang slowly turned around and held out his hand. A vine stretched out from the yard next to it, rolled an iron rod with thunder, and placed it in Su Tang's hands.

Su Tang walked in the direction of Qianqifeng, the moss that had been covered in the street kept creeping, and it looked like a big green river, thunder and fury lying in the green river, floating along the street, he slept Very sweet

With Su Tang's footsteps, a warm breath is spreading, and wherever Su Tang goes, it will be full of life. Numerous young leaves are growing on the branches, swaying in the wind, and the grass is growing fast. Long and short vines are spreading on the courtyard walls and gates on both sides of the street. The green has formed a vast ocean.

The powerful breath from Thunder Fur disappeared. For some people in Dark Moon City, it was undoubtedly the disaster of extinction, but for others, it became **** excited.

"Thunder anger is dead, Mr. Su won, Mr. Su won." Zhou Zhengbei desperately roared, even if he broke his throat, he will not hesitate: "Brothers, rush ..."

Ding Yixing and Ji Hao kept shouting and shouted loudly, and the situation was reversed again.

Many warriors had retreated in the past. A great practitioner was enough to control the situation of the Dark Moon City. They continued to siege the Gu and Chen families, and they must be accounted for afterwards.

The disappearance of thunder and anger means that Qian Qifeng has more powerful practitioners. The downfall of the Gu and Chen families has become a necessity, so there is no need to worry about it.

Almost a thousand meters away, Su Tang stopped and some kind of existence deep in his soul became silent again, but the power he possessed did not die away.

His responsiveness seems to be infinite, and he can see the changes in the city one by one.

"Come back." Su Tang said softly.

Come back ... come back ... countless trees are shaking, seemingly relying on their efforts to make Su Tang's voice go far and far.

He Yuanzheng is rushing down from the air, Zhao Zhi's big gun has never known where he flew. Any obstruction will surely bombard him on the spot.

In the courtyard, the woman saw a scene that made her soul-drenching through the door slit, screamed and rushed out, rushing towards Zhao Zhi.

Come back ... Su Tang ’s voice came from afar, He Yuanzheng was shocked, and the murderous intention suddenly passed away, he showed a surprised and happy look: "Mr ...."

Zhao Zhi barely got up at this time. He wanted to push away the woman who hugged him tightly, but he had very little energy left, and he couldn't push it away even after a few pushes.

"You have done your best." He Yuanzheng said softly: "What do you insist on, is there really a family that is important?" After that, He Yuanzheng turned around and walked in the direction of Qian Qifeng.

In front of the Red Court, Mei Fei was desperately urging spiritual power. She went all out, but failed to notice that the breath of thunder and anger had disappeared.

Come back ... Su Tang ’s voice reached, and Mei Fei could n’t help but be stupefied. At that moment, Jin Cuicui had countless opportunities to kill Mei Fei on the spot, but she also heard that voice and felt more dull and human. Breathless coercion, so she did not dare to do anything, just took a few steps back.

Mei Fei suddenly showed a sweet smile without even saying hello, flew in the air and flew away.

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