The Magic Outfit

Chapter 287: Enchantment

"What else do you want? What else?" The middle-aged man in white roared: "How many of you have killed us from Hongye City to Shilibao? Are you really going to kill them?"

In the small yard, two groups of people are facing each other.There are five people on one side.The middle-aged men in white stand among them.There are a pair of young men and women behind them.Two old men stand on the ridges on both sides. At the same time that the strong men scolded each other, they released a water-blue light curtain and enveloped themselves in it.This is the enchantment, which can only be possessed by practitioners above the Grand Master's level. The voices are sharp, but there is an inexplicable panic between the eyebrows and the enchantment should be released during the negotiations, it seems that they are terrified of the other party.

Compared with the two old men standing on the roof ridge, the breath of the middle-aged man in white clothes fluctuated like a firefly and Haoyue. The situation was clear, and they had a crushing advantage.

Faced with them are two women, one woman has several scars on her face, which is broken, she is hiding at the door of the courtyard, and a woman in black is standing quietly in the middle of the courtyard, and the wind is behind her. Blowing, blowing her hair away, she couldn't see her face clearly.On the ground in front of her, there was a giant machete like a door board.The machete was dark all over, which made people feel a heavy pressure. Numerous densely packed golden-red silk threads added brilliant colors.

"Enemies should be resolved and not tied, Xi Xi girl, let go, we also count as a good affinity." An old man smiled bitterly.

"These days, there is too much blood." Another old man sighed.

Obviously they had the advantage, but they didn't have much confidence to speak, and they looked cautious, as if afraid to irritate each other.

"What else? Haha ... you really have a face to say," the woman with scars on her face screamed: "When Feixia and Xiaofang fell into your hands, they also pleaded with you. How did they do it? They just got married and they were hit by your poisonous hand. Who has pityed them? "

"What about Feixia?" The woman standing in the middle asked softly.

"She ... is dead." The white man in white dodges the other's eyes.

"How about Xiao Fang?" The woman asked again.

"He has escaped long ago." The strong man replied.

The woman said nothing, her eyes drooped, and looked at the machete in front of her. For a moment, her figure suddenly swept forward, as light as a ray of wind, and as fast as an electric light. And flying, the next moment, people can see, the knife light draws a faint light curtain, straight toward the strong man.

The strong man roared and raised his sword to meet the sword light. He didn't want to fight, but there was no other choice at the moment.

The two old men standing on the roof ridge were furious at the same time, and the two great ancestors thought that they could easily resolve this dispute. I did not expect that the other party did not put them in their eyes at all. Tolerated insult

"Oh ..." A chuckle didn't know where it came from. The two old men had already operated their spiritual veins, but the laughter broke into them in an incomprehensible way, and the spiritual power that allowed them to operate was in an instant. Melted without a trace.

Boom ... Daoguang cleaved the enchantment released by the strong man, cut off his long sword, and swept across his body. The light of the knife was so majestic that he was so fast The moving train hit the general, the whole body exploded and turned into countless bursts of flesh and blood, and even the hardest head of the human body was blown into powder.

With just a knife, the strong man completely disappeared into the world, leaving only a mess.

"Brother ..."

"I fight with you"

The young men and women in the rear screamed and rushed over, and the sword light revived. The young men and women instantly caught in the sword light, and their bodies were shattered by the grievances like substance.

At the next moment, the knife light disappeared, the giant machete slanted on the ground, the blood remaining on the blade was gradually disappearing, and it seemed to be absorbed by something.

The two old men standing on the ridge of the house looked frightened, glancing around.

There was another sigh. A man who looked about thirty years old, had a good-looking appearance, and had a gentle temperament came in from outside the courtyard, raised his head, and looked at the two old men on the roof with a narrow, narrow gaze.

"I remember that I have reached a consensus with the Holy Land of Helan in Pengshan." The gentle man said with a smile: "Now the young people are getting angry, just let them make trouble, the older people don't interfere, and then, we It ’s also a good time to think about what to do and what to do in the future. ”The two old men were silent, their bodies were shaking, and they were shaking more and more, as if the mouse saw Although the cats didn't know each other, they knew who issued the order with Holy Hall's Holy Hell.

"Do you despise me, or the Holy Land of Helan?" The gentleman shook his head and said: "Your Green Sea is too arrogant"

One of the old men thought that he had captured extremely valuable information. Could it be that the Demon Altar and the Holy Door would work together to deal with the Green Sea? He hurriedly said: "We ... we are not Green Sea ..."

"Not from the Green Sea? Haha ... I haven't walked for decades, and many people haven't known each other." The gentleman smiled self-deprecatingly: "Where are you from?"

"We are the elders of the Tenth Ancestors Association." The old man said respectfully.

"The Tenth Ancestors Association ... How many Grand Ancestors are there now?"

"There are ... seven." The old man didn't understand what the other person meant, but he didn't dare to lie, so he had to honestly reply.

"From now on, there are only five left." The gentle man smiled, then stretched out his hand and grabbed it out of thin air.

A black, hill-like hand appeared behind an old man, and the grand patriarch, even without a chance to react, was caught in the giant hand, and then puffed, blood came from both ends of the giant hand Shoot out, shoot straight tens of meters away.

Another old man made a strange noise, and his figure suddenly stood up and flew high into the sky, and he had no courage to resist at all.

The gentle man stretched out his hand again and patted it down like a fly. The black giant hand appeared at high altitude. The old man who fled in the middle of the shot, the old man's body exploded into a blood mist, and finally fell on the ground. , Just a mess of mud.

The gentle and gentle man walked slowly to the woman holding the knife, silent for a moment, and said softly: "Your Mosha is nearing completion. Although the idea I teach you is the fastest spirit in the world, but There are also fatal weaknesses, do you know what it is? "

The woman holding the knife is Xi Xiaoru, she did not answer, and there was no fluctuation in her pupils. She was shocked, joyless, and fearless.She always looked at her skyshade quietly, just like a lifeless one. Sculpture.

"Hey, hey, how do I say it is also your ancestor. When I talk to you, should you look at me?" The gentleman seemed a little angry: "You don't understand the respect of the teacher, you Do you want me to expel you from the teacher? "

Xi Xiaoru still didn't move and seemed to hear nothing.

"Okay, okay ..." The gentleman shook his head reluctantly, a sorrow flashed in his eyes: "You have become a Mosha even faster than me, but this is not one A good thing means ... you will definitely fall into a magic obstacle "

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