The Magic Outfit

Chapter 288: Passed away

It stands to reason that Xi Xiaoru should always think about what matters to her future, then her eyes will fluctuate, but Xi Xiaoru is still like a sculpture, lifeless, perhaps, she really does not care about everything.

The worries in the eyes of the gentleman were even stronger. As one of the few supreme beings in the spiritual world, he had seen countless life and death, and had broken through various porches, so he could see Xi Xiaoru's future

"When you are successful, you will meet the most terrible opponent in your life, that is yourself." The gentle and gentle person said softly: "Mosha will wipe out your seven emotions and six desires, you will feel that all living beings in this world can be killed Maybe, you can still come to a judgment that you can finally let go of everything and step onto the road, but ... this is wrong, and it is very wrong. "

"If you do n’t control it and let Mosha erode your mind, sooner or later, you will forget all your past, do n’t remember where you came from, do n’t remember your name, do n’t remember the flash in your life For those people and things that deserve to be cherished, there is only one word left in front of you, kill, keep killing. "The gentleman sighed:" Child, believe me, that is definitely not what you want. "

Xi Xiaoru's eyes moved, but only for a moment.

"The solitary yin does not live, and the solitary yang does not last. There will be a yin and yang alternation first in the world, which will breed the spiritual veins and prosperity of all things. This is the right way, otherwise it will not last long." The gentleman said: " What you are practicing is Mosha, who is just the most fierce.If you want to fight Mosha, you must leave a gap in your heart and load some things you least willing to give up. As long as the gap in your heart is not swallowed, then Mosha will never May completely control you. "

The darkness in Xi Xiaoru's double pupils flashed, and she suddenly remembered Yunshuize, and a line of gorges. She thought that those had long been forgotten by her. When a picture passed through her mind, she only realized, What I paid for and what happened happened was so memorable.

The gentleman did not notice Xi Xiaoru ’s changes. His eyes were looking at the sky. Once upon a time, he also encountered the same confusion and pain: "Mosha makes you desperate, then you must find ways to make yourself emotional; Mosha let If you are desperate, then you have to leave your own concerns and think about it from time to time; Mosha makes you no longer think, become a puppet who only knows about killing, then you have to use your brains and think carefully before you start What do you want for? "

"You have also met your grandmother, she is old and ugly, her cultivation is not high, her temper is still bad, and she is cunning, have you ever thought about it? Why do I spoil her, respect her, and even have How scared of her? "The gentleman said with a smile:" Hey ... With my character, I only need to show a little bit of breath. What kind of female practitioners can't catch it? But I only have her in my heart. Because she can make I remembered the youngest days, because after I was hit by He Lankong, all people thought that my cultivation was abolished. Only she could not leave her company with me, even to protect my dignity, and sent wrong to Sikong. After the war book, she ... she ’s just a great ancestor.

"So, it is impossible for Mosha to control me at all. Don't believe in what is empty and what is enlightened. Those guys who believe that the desperate and unwilling to break through the final barrier are now dead. If I were like them, even He Lankong I can't get through it. Because I am affectionate, because I have something to protect, so that I can resume my cultivation on the eve of the decisive battle between your teacher's grandmother and Sikong.

"Master Zu, do you really have character?" Xi Xiaoru smiled, perhaps because it was too cold for a long time. She smiled so beautifully: "I will tell you what Master Zu said."

"Yeah? You little girl actually laughs? Ha ha ... what you say now is a little bit pyrotechnic." The gentle and gentle person was a little surprised, because since he taught Xiaoru Lingju, he has never been apprentice until now. Xiao Ru laughed, and then he understood what Xi Xiaoru said, and almost jumped up, as if being stepped on the tail by someone: "What are you going to say?"

"Old and ugly, cultivation is not high, temper is too bad, tricky and mean ..." Xi Xiaoru said as he counted his fingers, then said: "Master Zu, I remember correctly?"

"Girl, are you trying to force me to clean the portal?"

The thick murderousness pervaded, colder than the ice of ten thousand years, and heavier than the towering mountains. Zhou Qian at the gate of the courtyard was frightened to hold his breath and his body began to tremble.

Xi Xiaoru was not afraid at all and raised his hand: "Master Zu, I'm going first, Zhou Qian, let's go back to Hongye City"

The gentle and gentle person didn't stop him, and when Xi Xiaoru's figure had disappeared, he frowned, and thoughtfully, muttered, "How could the little girl suddenly become like this? And it became too fast ... Could it be that……"

Qian Qifeng, Su Tang leaned on the recliner in the most comfortable and lazy posture, and he was thinking about it.

In the battle during the day, the benefits and even the significance of the victory were far inferior to his perception.

The magic costume will always make him extremely cruel and tyrannical.He must always use reason to control and restrain.However, the power of the ancient tree of fate has awakened in the depths of the soul, and the two merge into each other A black and white feeling.

He stepped on one foot in the dark, full of murderous intent, while the other foot bathed in the sun, with compassion.

It belongs to two extreme characteristics, but it merges with him.

Su Tang exhaled gently, his eyes fell on Xiaodou, Xiaodou was sleeping on the stone table, and he used to think that Xiaodou grew up slowly, who would come back this time. And regained the initial obsession.

The night breeze was slightly cooler, the stone table was naturally cooler, Su Tang frowned slightly, and at this moment, a green leaf fell off the branch, slowly falling down, as if it was a coincidence, it was falling on Xiaobudian, like a sheet Also covered the little ones.

A little magic machine suddenly exploded in Su Tang's mind.He was worried that Xiao Xiao would not be caught cold.If he did it himself, or condensed the spiritual power of the outside, and took off a green leaf, it all belonged to surgery, but he was just a move, the rules of the whole world The trajectory seems to have changed, and then the green leaf will fall down automatically, protecting the little boy, this is the avenue.

There is a huge, even close to infinite gap between technique and Tao, because it is not on a level at all

The former is powerful, but it is just a piece on the board, while the latter is the hand that controls the board.

The magical machine passed by just a flash, then disappeared.

Su Tang couldn't help holding his breath, closed his eyes, and remembered and searched in his mind, but the wit was long gone.

Su Tang knew the significance, but because of the lack of contrast, he did not know what height he had reached at the moment.

He Lan Kongxiang abandoned his family and abandoned his son, and stepped into the heavens and earth, what he did was to pursue that kind of avenue.

He Lankong is pursuing, but he has touched Su Tang. Whether it is due to external force or inner feeling, it will not affect the result. At this moment, he has left all the practitioners in the world behind him.

It is a pity that his strength is still too far away.

At this moment, a dark figure came out of the courtyard door, one-armed, old-looking, it was thunder and anger, he had recovered sober.

Su Tang is still struggling to chase the lost spirit machine, Thunder Fur saw Su Tang's first glance, and the whole person was stunned.Although the spirit machine had passed away, the Yu Wei that was born at that moment was still there, and Thunder Fur He has been promoted to great ancestor, and his induction has become particularly sharp. In his eyes, Su Tang's figure is almost equal to the world, giving him a urge to kneel, and he does not reject this urge.

"Old servant Mr. Xie's life-giving grace." Thunder Fur kneeled down on his knees, said Bi Jing with respect.

Su Tang was shocked, turned his head to look at Thunder Fur, and for a moment, his eyes turned to a file at the stone table, and said softly: "Thunder Fur, let it pass in the past."

Thunder was silent, and after a long time, he said, "Yes."

Thunder Fur is not deliberately negligent, as long as he likes to promise, he will unconditionally abide by it, so he must think clearly first.

"I got a few Huajing Pills from Tianji Tower today." Su Tang said again: "Your state of mind is very unstable. You must take care of your wounds first, and then I will give you those Huajing Pills."

"Yes." Thunder Fur replied again. This time he answered quickly because he didn't need to think about anything or express his gratitude.

"Tomorrow, Ding Yixing and Ji Hao will come to Qianqi Peak to discuss the aftermath of the Dark Moon City." Su Tang said: "The Dark Moon City has been in chaos for too long and people have died enough. It is time to restore stability. If it's convenient, you can come too. After all, it's an old resident here. You definitely see Dark Moon City deeper and deeper than me. "

"Yes." Thunder Fury replied.

"If you guess right, I should have asked for the pier, Ding Yixing would want the shops of the Chen family, and the old mansion of the Chen family, Tianji Tower ... They will not get involved." Su Tang said: "Do you have any ideas?"

"The men who are begging for life at sea are living very hard. They are inevitable in that pier. If they are out of the way, they may give birth to other chaos." Thunder anger said.

"I can't think of you as a person who misses old feelings, and actually speaks for the angry sea group." Su Tang smiled.

"Mr. let the old servant put down, the old servant will naturally put down." Thunder anger said.

"So ... what about Ding Yixing?" Su Tang asked.

"Ding Yixing has no ambitions and just wants to make some ups and downs. The husband gave Ding Yixing's request, which is equivalent to taking his heart." Lei Nu said: "Although the old servant is incompetent, but relying on the sir After taking care of them, they have come out of great difficulty and entered the realm of the great ancestors. They can't save them. "

Su Tang was silent for a moment and whispered: "It's late, you are hurt again, go back and rest."

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