The Magic Outfit

Chapter 290: proxy

On the three poles of the day, Mei Fei walked lightly into the backyard and saw Su Tang holding a file in his hand and leaning silently on the recliner. She looked haggard. She was a little surprised, and hurried forward to her and called, "Master."

"Something?" Su Tang glanced at Mei Fei before throwing the file on the stone table.

Qian Qifeng's aura is becoming wider and wider, and it is no longer necessary to practice here. You can do it in your own yard. Except for Su Tang and He Yuanzheng who often come to accompany the little ones, most people will not come over. However, Su Tang came over because he regarded Xiaodou as his own child, and He Yuanzheng was a childlike innocence.

"Bao Bei said, Ding Yixing and Ji Hao have already reached the foot of the mountain." Mei Fei said, she looked at Su Tang's expression: "Master, your face is not very good, did you not rest yesterday?"

"I saw some things and thought about some things." Su Tang said while yawning, and he realized that he was a little sleepy at this time.

"What do you want?" Mei Fei asked curiously.

"I used to think that everyone could distinguish between right and wrong, loyalty, good and evil, but thinking about it yesterday, I suddenly found that these are useless." Su Tang said softly.

Mei Fei frowned slightly, she didn't understand.

"Don't you understand?" Su Tang smiled: "Actually, I didn't think much about it myself, and I was a little confused."

"Master, Ding Yixing they have reached the foot of the mountain. You should take a rest now. Since you can't figure it out, don't think so much." Mei Fei said.

"You are right." Su Tangdao then patted his leg: "Sit here."

Mei Fei was taken aback again, then glanced down at Su Tang, and sat silently on Su Tang's lap.

Su Tang seems to have listened to Mei Fei's words, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and took a rest in time, but Mei Fei was helpless and her heart was beating.

For a moment, Mei Fei shouted in a somewhat tweaked and uneasy voice: "Sir ..."

Su Tang reached out his hand, took Mei Fei's arm, and gently pulled Mei Fei into Su Tang's arms. At this moment, she felt her heart beating from her throat.

Mei Fei was caught in the Baihua Palace from childhood and grew up with those women. She didn't know much about the world. She only knew that if she behaved well, her ancestors would give her good food and fun. It will also give her the power to let her manage those sisters, so her only goal is to please her ancestors, which belongs to survival instinct.

After arriving at Su Tang, she slowly discovered many different places.For example, Su Tang laughed at her lack of fighting experience, but when confronted with conflicts, she would rather go out shirtless and not let her go. I thought Su Tang liked to be brave and fierce. Later, it was found that it was not the case, not just her. Su Tang has been secretly protecting everyone, including Bao Lan, including Bao Bei.

What made her most memorable was that when she deceived the practitioners of Hongyang Gate, that loud slap was heard. At that time, she didn't release her spiritual power. The slap hit her very hurt, and she left a **** red fingerprint. Patriarch, hit it and hit it. When Patriarch was angry, he even executed his sister in the palace. Su Tang seemed to be very guilty. She often peeked at her face afterwards, and called her out several times to explain why the situation was dangerous. In order not to cause doubts from Hongyangmen, she could only fight harder, but she No explanation is really needed.

There are a lot of bits and pieces. She knows that she is a little stupid, but it is not a wooden head that does not know anything. She can feel it and remember it.

"Miss Wen ..." Mei Fei whispered.

"She should have seen your thoughts for a long time, otherwise it would not always be so difficult for you." Su Tang smiled.

Mei Fei's face turned red. She thought that she was hiding deep, but she didn't expect to be noticed.

"Before you were a great master, I am a little hypocritical. I don't want to make people think that I am eating soft rice." Su Tang said with a smile: "Although soft rice is delicious, I am not the kind ... "

"Mom" Xiaobudian finally woke up at this time and drilled out from under that green leaf, shouting: "What is soft rice? Is it delicious? I want to eat it"

Su Tang could not help crying and laughing: "What nonsense?"

Do not see Su Tang's face, but misunderstood, thinking that the soft rice must be precious, so 'Mom, she was reluctant, she flew directly to Su Tang's side, her hands clasped Su Tang's auricle, a stack of screams Tao: "If you want to eat, you need to eat"

There is no way for Su Tang. The eldest lady of Qian Qifeng is noisy and wants to eat soft rice. If you let others hear it, what is the system? But there is no way to explain this kind of thing.

"Princess Mei, you will go down the mountain to buy a package of marshmallows later." Su Tang said.

"Huh." Mei Fei responded with a smile.

"Don't eat sugar, eat soft rice," Xiao Dou protested.

"What do you know? Have you eaten marshmallows?" Su Tang said with a straight face: "Marshmallows are soft rice."

"Oh ..." Xiao Dou released her hand, but she knew she had moved forward and back, and she had already won. If she continued to play lament, her mother might be really angry.

However, Xiaobudian was often cheated by Su Tang recently, and gradually began to learn fine. She fell back on the desktop, biting her little finger, staring at Su Tangmeng, watching for a moment, seeing nothing, turning her eyes again. Reached Mei Fei.

Mei Fei would not be as disguised as Su Tang, but she knew to change the subject and stood up quickly: "Sir, Ding Yixing and Ji Hao should have been waiting in the front hall now."

"Okay." Su Tang finally left the lounge chair and walked slowly towards the courtyard door.

In the back hall, Gu Suifeng and Thunder Nu each stood on the side, they were all waiting for Su Tang, Thunder Nu like an old monk entered, the eyes and nose, and the nose and heart, and the lines were immobile, but Gu Suifeng seemed a little untruthful, walking around Going instead of peeping at Thunder Fury, the eyes are constantly turning.

Seeing Su Tang, Gu Suifeng ushered in: "Sir, I don't know if I should say a few words."

"We haven't known each other for a few days and don't know me yet? Say it." Su Tang said with a smile: "Walking while talking."

The area of ​​Qianqifeng is not small. Walking from the back hall to the front hall, walking at the speed of ordinary people walking, it takes seven or eight minutes.

"Sir, when you encounter the same thing in the future, you don't have to come forward in person, just appoint a person to replace you." Gu Suifeng said: "Moreover, most of the Holy Sees in Pengshan do the same."

"Oh?" Su Tang asked.

"First of all, there is room for manoeuvre, we can do the wrong thing, you ca n’t do it wrong, otherwise you will damage your prestige." Gu Suifeng said: "The appointment of a person to replace you is wrong, it is because he is not thinking carefully, You can hold him accountable, yes, it ’s you who knows people well. And no matter which side you decide, you will always offend the other party. You can stay out of the matter, and if you get the benefit, you must think that it is your idea. You will not blame you for being cut off. You will only blame the person who took the idea for not having a bowl of water. Only when you are detached can you control the whole situation. "

"I understand what you mean. Everything you offend is done by you, and the benefits are all given by me." Su Tang smiled: "Is there anything else?"

"Second, you never make decisions in front of them, they naturally have no way to figure out your preferences and habits, which will make them feel awe."

"The third?" Su Tang said.

"Mr. can be promoted to Grand Master so quickly, your qualifications are also rare in the practice circle, because this kind of common practice delays practice, it is too unworthy." Gu Suifeng said: "You are the root of Qianqifeng, Maybe ... only when you come to Li Zu to honor you, can we really stand firm. "

Su Tang frowned slightly. This reason was the one that impressed him the most. He should devote his time and energy to practice as much as possible. If this is the case, it will be necessary to discuss and hold meetings.

"Master Gu, who should I designate?" Su Tang said: "You come?"

"I can't do it. Refining the panacea is enough for me to be busy." Gu Suifeng waved his hands repeatedly. There is no truth in the world: "Yue eleven is clever and alert, and he is loyal to you. He can, But ... it is estimated that he will have to return in a dozen days. "

"So who are you looking for?" Su Tang said.

Gu Suifeng pondered silently, with some impatience in his heart. He listened carefully to the movement behind him, and Thunder Fur always followed slowly, but said nothing.

This old guy is a bit difficult ... I have already spoken to such a point that I should take the initiative to ask for talent, isn't it to repay Mr. Mr.'s life-giving grace?

Could it be that you said it just too straightforwardly? Was scared? However ... Since I have decided to stay in Qianqifeng, and even prefer to be a servant, then I must have the consciousness of being black pot for Mr.

"Can only wait for eleven to come back?" Su Tang said without seeing Gu Suifeng.

"Sir, you have seized the Tianji Building. Do you have to send someone to restore the operation of the Tianji Building?" Gu Suifeng had to tell the truth: "Eleven ... I'm afraid I can't bear such a heavy burden."

"How about Zhou Zhengbei's brother?"

"No" Gu Suifeng shook his head flatly.

"Sir, the old servant has a choice." Thunder Fur suddenly said.

"Oh? Who are you talking about?" Su Tang asked.

"I don't know why Mr. wanted that Tianji Tower?" Thunder Fury asked.

"With the Tianji Tower, I can see the whole vein of the Dark Moon City." Su Tang said.

"Only one person can manage the Tianji Building, that is Jin Cuicui." Lei Nu said: "We can wait for three days. If Jin Cuicui dares to break into Qianqifeng, it means that she is already dying, except for her. Come, this matter is very promising, the old servant can go to her and talk. "

"What a joke? Jin Cuicui and Na Gu Shenghui have been husband and wife," Gu Suifeng exclaimed.

"They have turned against each other for a long time," Lei said angrily: "Jin Cuicui will leave the Red House yesterday. I am afraid not to help Gu Shenghui, but to see for himself how Gu Shenghui died, besides, Jin Cuicui was younger than his old servant. The old servant can be promoted to the great ancestor, how can Jin Cuicu not be tempted? "

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