The Magic Outfit

Chapter 291: All at once

Ding Yixing, Ji Hao, Zhou Zhengbei and others have been waiting in the front hall for a long time. It is still morning, and they should drink some light things, but when Rong asked them what they want to use, they all chose. liqueur.

The so-called wine is not drunk, and everyone has been drunk, which has solved their long-term feuds, and made their moods extremely relaxed.

Su Tang walked in, Gu Suifeng and Thunder Fur followed, Ding Yixing first saw Thunder Fur, his face suddenly became stiff, and then calculated that Ding Yixing's face was a bit wrong, and followed Ding Yixing Looked at him, almost jumped, and his voice became sharper: "Thunderfury? You ... are you still dead?"

Thunder Fur was promoted to Great Patriarch, and then his breath disappeared without a trace. This matter has spread to Dark Moon City. There are many wandering samurai jokes. Thunder Fur is the most unlucky and fastest-falling Great Patriarch ...

Neither Ding Yixing nor Ji Hao thought that Thunder Fur was actually dead. A nightmarish speculation appeared in their minds. Was Thunder Fur intentional? Then they took Su Tang, and they will be here today.

Thunder Fur didn't even lift his eyelids. After Su Tang sat down on the main seat, he stood behind him obediently, his eyes narrowed, and he silently looked at the ground.

"Don't worry about the two of you, Lei Lao has joined the League of Legends," Su Tang said with a smile: "And Lei Lao promised that no matter what happened in the past, he will never be blamed."

Ding Yixing and Ji Hao are both transformed into statues.Compared with it, Su Tang killed Thunder Fur more easily to accept. It is said that when he was promoted to the Great Patriarch, the personal will of the practitioner would shake the earth and even have a chance The astronomical phenomenon that caused the anomaly. At this time, the practitioner is the most proud, and the self-identity will be released to the most unrestrained situation. Will it be subdued? What can Su Tang do?

"Congratulations to Mr. Lei for his promotion to Grandpa." Zhou Zhengbei responded quickly, then paused: "I wonder if Mr. Lei has an ancestor?"

According to the habits of practitioners, the ancestor number cannot be raised by himself, but Su Tang knew that he frowned and thought.

"The old man had an idea." Gu Suifeng said: "Yesterday I had a few words with Lei Lao. Lei Lao said that his husband has a life-giving grace for him, so ... I think it's called Gengsheng Zu."

"It's too earthy." Su Tang shook his head: "Dark Moon City needs stability, thunder and anger. I hope you can remember your commitment, then, just call Xinzu, take the word and have faith" Su Tangdang The reason why Ding Yixing and Ji Haoxiang said this is to give them peace of mind, so as not to be suspicious in the future, which will be detrimental to the stability of the Dark Moon City. At the same time, he also had to give Thunder Fur a psychological hint. He noticed that Thunder Fur's temper was a little irritable. People who believed in the ancestors and the ancestors were too short, and naturally formed a kind of binding force.

"Old servant, thank you for your name." Lei Nujing said respectfully.

Ding Yixing and Ji Kechang breathed a sigh of relief at this time, but his eyes on Su Tang were even more strange. Between people, the longer they get along and the more contacts they have, the more familiar they should be. But in Su Tang, it is the opposite. They are more and more unable to understand Su Tang. The first time they met, they felt that Su Tang was very strong, but his strength was limited, and the gap was not very large. Now, Su Tang can even conquer a newly promoted grand ancestor, even if it is the legendary great respect, the real peak The great practitioners above may not be able to do so easily.

"I don't want to get involved in the Dark Moon City. You can just discuss it and do it." Su Tang said: "But there is one thing, I hope you can meet my requirements."

"What does sir mean?" Ji Hao asked hurriedly, his brow filled with a flattering expression.

"I have read the information of the Tianji Building. In fact, the rules of the Huai family are good." Su Tang said: "However, most of the benefits have been separated by several of you. The tens of thousands of wandering warriors in the Dark Moon City are just Just barely maintain food and clothing. "

Ding Yixing and Ji Hao looked at each other, not knowing how to explain it. Zhou Zhengbei's expression was more complicated. If it was before, he must raise his hands in favor. Now, after hearing Su Tang's voice, he was a little uncomfortable in his heart. This time, he went out to work, and most of the wandering warriors in the city are watching the situation. Mr. Hu wants to benefit the whole city, but they are not helpful at all. Why should they benefit?

"I don't care how you assign it, but one thing must be guaranteed to let people in the city feel that they have a bit of heading alive." Su Tangdao, the previous Dark Moon City did have hidden dangers, and the various events that occurred in the past year It has also been verified that in the Dark Moon City, the wandering warriors have only received the most basic security guarantee, and there is nothing else, so the hearts of the people are scattered. Something went wrong with the Huai Family and was suppressed by several others.The wandering warriors just watched coldly on the side.The Ding family, Nuhai group and Tianjilou, and the Chen family entered the final battle.The wandering warriors still looked coldly because Everything has nothing to do with them, nor do they get any favors from several major forces, they don't care, and there is no sense of belonging.

In fact, this kind of low-end wandering samurai is the easiest to buy, and does not even need to pay anything, just a faint hope. For example, telling a wandering warrior that as long as a total of 100 missions are completed in the current Tianji Building, and all are completed, after completion, they can become Qianqifeng's mountain guard samurai, then he will definitely work hard to do it, And from seeing hope, he will treat Qian Qifeng as his own master. If he finds something that would damage Qian Qifeng, he will stand up and maintain himself without the need of supervision.

This should be regarded as the most profitable business in the world. In a word, it can be exchanged for a person's life and death.

Su Tang already has a rough plan in mind. In the Tianji Building, various tasks are categorized and rated. After the tasks of each level are completed, they can get corresponding scores. Save enough points to enter Qianqi Peak. System. Those with strong strength will naturally stand out. Those with poor strength also have a hope. Slowly save, that is, the day when there is enough to save.

As long as the rules begin to run, he will be able to get rid of thousands of wandering warriors in Darkmoon City. It can be said that everyone is playing for him.

"Several of you, slowly discuss it." Su Tang stood up: "Thunder and Fury, you also stayed, the consultation is almost the same, bring me a set of regulations." He listened to Gu Suifeng's advice, since he did not understand It might as well decentralize and let them figure out their own way. When something goes wrong in the future, he can come forward and correct it.

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