The Magic Outfit

Chapter 299: auctions

Entering the backyard, Su Tang sat on the recliner among them and muttered, "There is a kind of nondescript feeling ..." According to the clips in the memory, there was an indisputable dispute on the venue. The truth became clearer and clearer. In order to make as few mistakes as possible, today is far from his imagination. Should we absorb more people?

Just as Su Tang was thinking, Bao Bei came in from the outside and whispered: "Sir."

"How are the two guests?" Su Tang asked.

"It may be asleep now." Bao Bei replied.

"Did they go outside?"

"No, the one named Xue Yi has been sitting upstairs drinking, and the one named Ye Fushen will occasionally go around in the courtyard, but has not left the courtyard." Bao Beidao said.

"I know, you go back." Su Tangdao, then looked at Mei Fei: "You also go to rest. You don't have to follow me in these two days. You can't let the guests see you. It's always inconvenient."

"Yes, master." Mei Fei responded.

Both Mei Fei and Bao Bei left, leaving him alone in the yard, and the atmosphere became very quiet, but Su Tang couldn't calm down for a while, thinking of those mutant silver locust eggs for a while, thinking of smelling incense, and not knowing the smell What happened to Xiang, and Xi Xiaoru's tone and appearance appeared in his mind again.

When Su Tang looked at the night sky, an extremely strange thought suddenly flashed. If he could extract the power of mechanical life and infuse it into the magic outfit, what would it become?

One is artificial machinery, and the other is magic puppet. Can they be fused together?

I'm afraid it's not right. People in that world have suffered the backlash of mechanical life. Besides, there are only two magical components now. I should have a chance to go to Pengshan Holy Gate. Gu Suifeng said that in the sea over there There should be a component ...

Just in a frantic thought, Su Tang unknowingly went to sleep.

The well-planned action was quick, and the next day I found Ding Yixing and asked Ding Yixing to accompany him to the Haitao of Jingtao City for justice. Ding Yixing heard that Qian Qifeng's Yue eleven suffered from the sea The gang chased, and Su Tang seemed extremely annoyed. He didn't think about it, so he agreed.

The relationship between the Nuhai group and the Ding family has been very good in recent years.The Nuhai group controls almost all the merchant ships in the Dark Moon City.The Ding family's goods are constantly being transported in and out, and they need to deal with the Nuhai group, and Ding Yi Xing is a qualified businessman.He never wanted a family to eat solitary food. When the goods arrived at the dock, he had to pay a fee to the Chen family. When he got on the boat, he had to pay a fee to the Nuhai group. He always smiled. , Of course, don't go too far.

The anger group and the Chen family became enemies because of the Chen family's exclusive use of the pier, and they repeatedly planned to build a large-scale fleet to replace the nautical chart, which forced the anger group to die.

It was also a coincidence that the fleet had just sailed out of more than 20 nautical miles, and then they encountered the fleet of the Jingtao city gang that came out of the nest. This time, Bao Laohei, the leader of the Jingtao city gang, was also among them.

In the face of everyone, he planned to swear and blame Bao Laohei for not knowing about life or death.He even encouraged his men to loot the caravan of Xie Family in Wushan, **** a large number of valuable whale beads, and then was smashed and wanted to kill. Destroy the cloud.

At the beginning, Bao Laohei came forward and gave a good word to Ji Hao. Hearing the good accusation, he became inexplicably silent.

For a moment, Bao Laohei ordered people to withdraw the main sail and then leaned over. This was an unwritten signal. Withdrawing the sail represented a desire to talk.

Then Bao Laohei flew halfway into the air and landed on the deck where Ji was well placed. With a look of sincerity on his face, he asked Ji well and asked what happened.

The plan did not give Bao Laohe a face, he shouted loudly, told Bao Laohei not to be confused, he already sent someone to Wushan Xie's house, to inform the news, in fact he really sent someone, of course, to do drama Full set

Ding Yixing was also talking to the side, saying that Bao Laohei didn't know what to do and that Mr. Su was extremely angry. Sooner or later, he would find Jingtao City and so on.

Bao Laohei seemed very anxious, swearing by the heavens and earth that he didn't know the truth, he was also deceived by his men, and then asked Mr. Su who is also.

The three men negotiated for a long time. If it was the best performer, it was none other than a star, because he really did not know the truth.

At first, it was still the vocalist, and then he came to Ding Yixing, but Ding Yixing noticed that something was wrong, but he thought that he was unwilling to make too much trouble with Bao Laohei.After all, he was living at sea. Once a conflict occurs, it is possible that the rotten battle of growing time may evolve, and it is not convenient for everyone to do things.

Bao Laohei repeatedly apologized and said that he must investigate thoroughly after going back. If it is really like Ji Hao said, he will definitely punish him severely, even agreeing that Ji Hao will hand over the murderer who hunted Yue Eleven to the Nuhai regiment.

Sure enough, as Su Tang guessed, Haitang Yanqi of Jingtao City withdrew and withdrew. Ding Yixing was very happy. After all, he recovered some face for Qian Qifeng, but he was lost in thought.

He faintly felt that there are two key points in this matter, one is the mutant silver locust's egg, and the other is the person holding the egg.If Yue eleven only saw one of them, the gang should not make such a big movement. That is to say, the gang does not allow others to link the two together.

Why exactly? Moreover, Bao Laohei did not mention Xie's family in Wushan from beginning to end. Do they not care about Xie's revenge, or do they rely on something else?

The plan is good to send Ding Yixing back, and he sent a cron to tell his doubts to Qian Qifeng.He simply took the fleet to Xiaolanyu and waited for the news from Jingtao City, Xiaolan Yu is closer to Jingtao City, and his response is naturally faster.

The news came that the black market auction will start in three days, and the plan is good and immediately let people rush back to Darkmoon City to pick up Su Tang.

One day later, Su Tang's message arrived. There are two options. One is to plan to participate in the auction in person or find someone to participate in the black market auction, and buy the eggs of the mutated silver locust at any cost. If there is a financial problem, then Can only mix into the scene, remember who bought the mutated silver locust.

I still have some understanding of the situation of Jingtao City. I immediately asked people to go to the black market to inquire, and the fleet also started to go forward to Jingtao City.

The intelligence feedback comes back, and I know that the first choice is impossible. The mutant silver locust's eggs are not sold and only replaced. For 60 huajing pill, the price is too high, let alone a raging sea group, the entire dark moon city is added It ’s not enough together, he ca n’t even think of a family of practitioners in the nearby area who can produce 60 absurdities in one go.

Meet with the Clipper on Su Tang and rush to Jingtao City. The auction will be held tonight.

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