The Magic Outfit

Chapter 30: Bailongdu

In the night, Su Tang wore a large black cloak and stood quietly in the corner of the alley. His hands were wrapped around his chest and his back was against the wall. The cloak covered most of his face.

The sparse pedestrians passed by from here. When they saw Su Tang, they were all startled and then hurried away because Su Tang's appearance did not look like a good person.

This time, Su Tang came by himself. As always, he is always used to carrying the most dangerous tasks on himself. Although Thunder Fur's strength is stronger than him, but there is one less arm, the characteristics are too obvious, Su Tang is not sure how many people will be involved behind the scenes and must be as cautious as possible.

Su Tang's breathing is very stable, he has made sufficient mental preparations, and the explosive power contained in his body can be released at any time.

Every time you breathe in, there is a pleasant fresh breeze blowing slowly, and every time you exhale, the surrounding trees begin to sway slightly, as if speaking to Su Tang, his breath has been fully integrated into the rhythm of nature.

There was a sound of birdsong on the front street, two long and one short. Su Tang sorted out the clothes and walked out slowly. It was a signal that the auction of Jingtao City's black market had ended.

Su Tang turned to the long street, far away, seeing people are coming out of the business incessantly, they are all big figures in the city of Tao, idlers, etc., and they are not eligible to participate in the auction.

A carriage was parked at the door of the firm, and there were more than a hundred warriors with different costumes standing. Some warriors were looking in, and others were waiting for their masters to get on the bus.

Su Tang's footsteps slowed down slowly.When he approached the business, the corner door on the side suddenly opened, and an old goodsman carrying a pole came out. Then, in front of the carriage with the double-headed eagle logo, the curtain Provoked, a fair-skinned, goose-faced, beautiful-looking girl looks out of the car window.

At the next moment, the girl smiled, her eyes a little helpless, and seemed to say goodbye, and the old concubine showed a sad look.

It was only for a moment that the car curtain was lowered, and the old goodsman also picked up the pole and walked in the opposite direction, as if nothing had happened just now.

Su Tang suddenly felt a move in Mingming, and then remembered that it was the corner door of a business firm. He had just opened an auction. How could an old salesman be allowed in and out?

However, Su Tang's reason is telling him not to waste time on such unrelated things. He continues to walk slowly, but the more he feels uncomfortable, the more he seems to have made a mistake or violated something.

Su Tang stopped and looked up at the night sky, then exhaled gently.

Because I wanted to take care of the little one, the sensed spiritual machine appeared again, and this time it was much clearer, and I breathed out in one breath, giving Su Tang an illusion, as if he spit out his soul and melted in the wind , Blowing to a place fluttering, a plum blossom about to be withered away from the branch by the wind, blowing up into the sky, and then tumbling down again, coincidentally, just fell on the old seller's burden. ,

When Su Tang felt his soul fly out, his eyes became confused at the moment, his body stiffened, his eyes regained consciousness, he suddenly found that his heart became inexplicably more comfortable.

He couldn't tell the specific feeling. It seemed that a node of destiny that had to be changed had already been changed.

Su Tang re-opened his footsteps and walked through the door of the business house.Many warriors stared at Su Tang with vigilant eyes. Su Tang kept silent and continued to move forward, relying on extraordinary insight, he did his best It can record the characteristics of those carriages and samurai.

Near the end of the street, Su Tang saw three bright red lanterns hanging outside a courtyard. He pushed open the courtyard door and walked in slowly.

There was no one in the yard. He walked directly to the main room. As he approached the door, a hoarse voice came out: "Who?"

Su Tang didn't answer, pushed open the door of the main room, and there was a pale middle-aged man standing inside. He saw Su Tang and took a step back nervously, shouting, "Who are you?"

Su Tang opened his hand, and there was a piece of jade in his hand. Then he threw the jade in the past.

The middle-aged man took Yu Pei, carefully examined it for a moment, and was relieved: "Why didn't the big master come?"

"He is inconvenient." Su Tang said: "Is everything done?"

"I have put the grass seeds in." The middle-aged man said quickly.

"Doesn't cause others' doubt?" Su Tang asked.

"No, there is a lot of fresh grass in the crystal box, who would pay attention to a small grass seed." The middle-aged man said.

"Are you sure to put the grass seeds in?" Su Tang said: "But why can't I feel the fluctuation?"

"Are you a practitioner of the Green Sea?" The middle-aged man froze for a while, and then he couldn't ask questions casually, and then said: "It may be that the crystal box is a little weird, which can shield the fluctuation of spiritual power."

Su Tang Moran for a moment: "Who bought the mutant silver locust?"

"I don't know." The middle-aged man replied: "I've never seen it before. It was the Xue family who made insurance for them. They were eligible to participate in the auction. I asked the Xue family's friends, but he was not very clear. Mostly, I only know that they came from the north. They have to pass Bailongdu, and they have to walk from Bailongdu when they get there. By the way, their carriages are easy to recognize, and they have the double-headed eagle mark on them. "

The face of the girl flashed in Su Tang's mind: "Okay, nothing else. Ji Da is the master and asked me to tell you, to find a reason to quit this errand. If you have done it for so many years, you should also take the old one Go back to the Dark Moon City and enjoy the blessings. "

"Yes." The middle-aged responded respectfully.

"How to get to Bailongdu?" Su Tang asked.

"It's easy to find along the avenue all the way north." The middle-aged humane.

"What about horses?"

"In the backyard."

Su Tang nodded, then turned around and walked out to the backyard, pulled out the horses that had been prepared from the stable and walked to the street.

I wanted to use the inductive force that has become as powerful as the small one to track the eggs of the mutated silver locust. Now there is an accident, and the spiritual force fluctuations are blocked.

Fortunately, the Xue family is in contact with the buyer who bought the mutated silver locust. Secret.

Although there are not many contacts, Su Tang has made a vague judgment on Xue Yi. It is a very strong person who is accustomed to his own decision-making. Sometimes it is okay to cooperate once, but it is impossible for Xue Yixiang to follow Gu Like them, join Qianqifeng's camp.

As Su Tang walked, he quickly recalled the scene when he walked past the door of the business house.The carriage with the double-headed eagle mark seemed to be heavy, and the stone slabs creaked. A lot of things, a thought flashed, they want to leave Jingtao City immediately after buying the eggs of the mutant silver locust? It should not be bad, if you just come to the auction, there is no need to carry so many things with you.

Thinking of this, Su Tang immediately turned his horse and galloped north, approaching the north gate of Jingtao City, he deliberately procrastinated for a moment, and sure enough he saw the convoy far away.

Su Tang was relieved and secretly thanked himself for waking up in time. If he rested in Jingtao City overnight, he would not find the shadow until the next day.

Kuaima whip, headed north all the way, and ran for more than two hours. In the middle of the night, I finally saw a ferry ahead. Unexpectedly, it was so late that there were ferries on the river to pick up passengers.

Su Tang took off his cloak, revealing the white force inside, and then drove the horse towards the ferry.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, a warrior with a frost mask jumped on the bow and looked towards Su Tang. Then he showed disappointment in his eyes and ignored Su Tang. He continued to look around.

"Little brother, want to cross the river?" An old man on the ship shouted with a smile.

Su Tang nodded.

The old man shouted, and someone put the long pedal over, Su Tang led the horse to the bow of the ship, and his eyes swept from the samurai's waist, there were also signs of a double-headed eagle, and then he smiled to the The old man said, "Old man, haven't you rested so late? I thought I had to spend the night by the river."

"No boat at this time." The old man smiled and said, "My boat has been waiting here to pick up a group of guests."

"I didn't disturb you?" Su Tang said.

"It's okay, they didn't say they want to charter a boat," the old man said.

The warrior standing on the bow of the ship wanted to say something, but he swallowed it back. The trip was full of crisis. He didn't want to cause trouble, and after Su Tang was promoted to grand master, the eyebrows gradually precipitated and condensed a kind of The unique temperament, the samurai runs around all year round, quite a bit of knowledge, one can see that Su Tang is not a good match, he can only keep silent, if replaced with other people, he would have forced the boatman to People drove away.

"Old man, find a place for me. I want to take a break. This way can exhaust me." Su Tangdao

"Okay." The old man paused: "Little brother, I don't count on you too much. One person, one horse, a total of one gold coin. Now it is the price. The waterway in winter is not easy to go. There are often The ice floated down from the upstream, stopped and dodged, and it took more than an hour to reach the other side. "

Su Tang smiled and took a gold ticket from his arms and handed it to the old man. The old man took the gold ticket and looked at it. He couldn't help but let the boatman lead Su Tang down to rest.

After almost two hours of sleep, Su Tang was awakened by a loud noise and listened to his ears, feeling that the ship was moving, that is to say, the convoy arrived and the ferry had been anchored.

Su Tang sighed softly, the awakening of the ancient tree of destiny greatly affected his mentality. Speaking of no complaint in the past and no hatred in the recent days, he did not want to hurt the innocent, but he is still mutated. It must be, so I feel a little embarrassed.

In the contradiction, the ship suddenly shook, and immediately there was a cry of killing on the ship.With his sense of power, he could sense that the three master-level practitioners were approaching from three directions, and on this ship There are also two grand masters, ready to face the battle.

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