The Magic Outfit

Chapter 31: Struck

Su Tang walked out of the boat room, and even when he saw two warriors roll down from the ladder into the cabin, one of them had separated his head, the other barely struggled a few times, and the breath slowly became weak.

The two warriors had the double-headed eagle mark on them. Since the battle broke out, the battle situation has become clear in five or six breaths.

Some people also want to play the idea of ​​mutating the silver locust? Su Tang frowned, at this moment, a deliberately lowered voice came over: "Little brother, here over here"

Su Tang looked in the direction where the sound came from. It was the ship's boss. He was hiding in the corner and was waving to Su Tang.

It can be seen that the other party has good intentions, and Su Tang also smiled friendly, and then walked toward the hanging ladder.

Walking on the deck, it has become very chaotic.There are corpses everywhere.In the high air on both sides of the ship's side, there are two pairs of warriors fighting very fiercely, very fair, flying swords to flying swords, war guns to war guns, it is difficult to fly Out of the way, however, the attacker, a cultivator with a large knife, rampaged on the ship, and no one on the defensive side could compete with him.

After all, it was the Grand Master, and the big knife in his hand exhaled like a real qi. Every time it was swung, it could bring up a **** storm.

The cultivator did not shoot as fast as Xi Xiaoru, but the roaring ganglion enveloped the surrounding space of seven or eight meters, enough to sweep away all obstacles, and the power was far above Xi Xiaoru. Of course, it was Xi Xiaoru at that time.

The last few samurai with the double-headed eagle logo were cut down, and the practitioner walked slowly to a box cage, lifted the lid, and then reached out his hand and took out a crystal clear crystal box, because the crystal box The grass filled with greenery can't see the mutated silver locust's eggs.

At that moment, the beautiful girl that Su Tang had seen in Jingtao City threw herself out of the corner and thrust a sword at the practitioner, the sword light was blue, and it looked a bit strange.

The practitioner's attention was placed in the crystal box, and the big knife was also thrown aside. One hand was holding the crystal box, and the other hand was going to open the cover of the box.Unexpectedly, the other party's sword light was found. Quirky, dare not care, and hurriedly blocked himself with a crystal box.

Bang ... The crystal box was smashed by Jianguang, and the contents were scattered on the ground. In addition to the grass, there were silver beads round and round.

The practitioner then flew a kick and kicked in the girl's heart. The girl screamed and flew out, crashed into the carriage behind, and rolled down to the ground, unable to climb for a while.

"Looking for death" the practitioner was furious, and his hand flew into the air, and the big knife inserted on the deck actually flew up and fell into the hands of the practitioner.

The cultivator took a big step forward and lifted the knife to cut towards the girl.At this time, the afterglow of his eyes saw the silver beads on the deck, froze for a moment, then bent down to pick up a bead, and looked for a moment. , His complexion suddenly became ashen, shouting: "What is this?"

"Hahaha ..." Although the girl knew she was going to die, she didn't have a fearful look, and she sneered happily.

At the moment when the crystal box was crushed, Su Tang showed a surprised color. He still failed to sense the fluctuation of the grass seed's spiritual power. There are only two possibilities. This kind of crystal box is fake. By the time the silver beads rolled onto the deck, Su Tang was already sure that these were not the eggs of the mutant silver locust.

Su Tang was a little stunned, and a picture broke into his mind. An old goodsman carrying a pole was walking slowly on a dirt road. He did not know how far the old goodsman was from himself, but he Know in which direction, because that withered plum

Su Tang laughed at himself, sometimes, he couldn't believe reason too much, and the truth was just missed by him.

Su Tang turned and walked to the side of the ship. Since the eggs of the mutant silver locust were not on the ship, what happened here was meaningless.

"Stop" the cultivator said secretly, "No one can leave until we find the silver locust"

Su Tang looked back at the practitioner, and his eyes were somewhat sneered.His state of mind had already gone very high and far away.In the past, when facing the Grand Master, he would have some scruples, because the aura contained in the body was extremely limited His fighting power.

However, when Su Tang broke through the bottleneck and possessed the same level of spiritual power, Grand Master became insignificant for him, unless it was the kind of person who practiced a strong spiritual tactic and broke out of the sea of ​​swords. It may pose a threat to Su Tang.

"Don't believe him" The girl found that Su Tang's expression was very calm, and she didn't seem to put the Grand Master in her eyes at all, and she screamed with all her might: "He told you that the silver locust did not intend to let you go"

Su Tang was too lazy to respond to this challenge and continued to walk towards the ship's side.

"I let you stand" The practitioner suddenly roared and found out that he had lost the package. He felt a fire in his heart. Su Tang's attitude deeply stimulated him again, and he simply floated up, toward Su Tang's. The back figure waved a knife.

A touch of knives came in a hurry, splitting Su Tang in half

The practitioner did not expect it to be so easy. He was stunned for a while, and the next moment he discovered that it was his own illusion.

Su Tang passed Daogang by a few centimetres, his figure leaned slightly to one side, and a black shadow of the same volume as him tilted to the other side, and at the moment Daogang approached, the black shadow separated from his body, So it gives people a feeling of being split in half.

Su Tang's body suddenly shot like a cannonball towards the practitioner, with an extra sword light in his hand, sweeping straight toward the practitioner's left neck, and the black shadow was repeating exactly the same action as him.

The practitioner couldn't help but hold his breath. Su Tang's movements were too fast, but in a flash, Jianguang had approached his body. He sharply raised his sword and greeted Jianguang.

Boom ... Dark Shadow first struck, causing the sword in the practitioner's hands to tremble, followed by Su Tang's sword light again, slammed the sword aside, and then the sword light passed, and the practitioner appeared on the shoulder. With long bloodstains, he reacted instinctively at the last minute and gave way backwards. If it is a little slower, it is estimated that his neck has been cut off by this sword.

In fact, Su Tang can't control the shadow effectively. Su Tang slashed the left neck, and the slasher also slashed the left neck. If you can cooperate a little and attack other parts, it is estimated that the practitioner has already been killed.

Su Tang withdrew his sword, he didn't want to kill, just give a few lessons, and then he stepped out to the ship's side again.

The cultivator looked at the scar on his shoulder, and his face became a little distorted. He gritted his teeth and said: "The little thief is so bold ..."

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