The Magic Outfit

Chapter 32: Sad tracking

The practitioner slowly raised his sword, and the spiritual force rushed through the spiritual veins quickly, exuding a very violent fluctuation. His eyes narrowed, staring at Su Tang's back.

He likes the feeling that once his aura is pushed to the extreme, it seems that the whole world is centered on him.

"Be careful" the girl screamed.

The cultivator smiled and was useless. He had already condensed the sword. Unless he was a great practitioner, no one could escape under the sword. He was confident enough.

Su Tang's footsteps suddenly stopped, and a vast and unparalleled pressure that everyone could feel appeared between the world, and the deck around Su Tang burst into bursts, and countless small cracks used Su Tang As the center, spread to all directions.

The cultivator rolled out with a knife, and the sword just started to rise, and the sword-like blades had swept out and rolled towards Su Tang.

Grand Masters will have their own unique enchantment, because of the different spiritual skills, the nature will be different. Some of the main attack, some of the main defense, and some offensive and defensive.

Mei Fei's spirit snake dances wildly, which is the boundary of a large-scale indiscriminate attack, and Xue Yi's hegemonic body and hegemon boxing are both offensive and defensive.

When the practitioners carried the sword, Su Tang could sense that the surrounding air became stagnation, and even formed a resistance. At the next moment, the sword will be sent out, and the knife has arrived, so fast that it is too late to dodge.

There are several surviving warriors with the double-headed eagle logo near the ship's side. Although the knife Gang was not directed at them, the pressure swayed in the air still blasted them out and fell far into the river in.

Since it is too late to hide, it will not.

Su Tang looked at Daogang quietly, and a dark figure floated out of his body, straight forward.

Boom ... The shadow was shattered by the knife and the blade, and the remaining force spread out to both sides. It was shocked to hunt on the side of the ship. The cultivator looked closely. Su Tang was still standing intact by the side of the ship. eye

"I gave you a chance." Su Tang whispered that his enchantment was a magic puppet, which should be regarded as the most mysterious existence in the practice world. It can be shaped into a smoke, which can help the war. , Can also replace themselves to withstand a deadly attack.

Su Tang's figure floated like lightning, and the sword light turned into a light curtain, spilling onto the practitioner's head.

The practitioner walked back a few steps, raised his sword, and struck hard.

Su Tang's figure floated up high by the force of the rebound, and the practitioner was suddenly short, and the deck under his feet collapsed, causing half of his body to sink into the deck.

The cultivator jumped up with all his strength, but the sword light of Su Tang again appeared.

Boom ... Boom ... The practitioners stepped back and forth in a continuous collision. Su Tang ’s shots were double-clicked every time. The shadow was in front. He was behind. Only those who had dealt with Su Tang were. You will understand how hard it is.

Run spiritual power, block the enemy's attack, and then immediately turn into counterattack. This is the habit and instinct that the practitioners have developed through thousands of exercises and battles.

Habits and instincts are difficult to change in a short period of time. Moreover, in the battle of electro-optical flint, many details must be dealt with instinctively, and there is no time for thinking.

After the impact, the spiritual power, including muscles and veins, began to relax, and then re-run and tightened.At this time, a counterattack was launched, and Su Tang's attack always hit him in the moment of his relaxation, shocking him. Qi and blood tumbling.

The practitioner's fighting spirit is very tough, and he has been gritting his teeth and supporting it hard. He still has the faith of victory in his heart. However, if he knows that Su Tang only treats him as a sparring and increases the coordination with the shadow, maybe he has long collapsed.

Su Tang suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the convergence of the sword was slowed down. After repeated experiments, he finally found a feeling that he could control the shadow.

The practitioner had a chance to breathe and stumbled backwards. At this moment, Su Tang hurriedly followed, and a black shadow rushed out of him, his hands raised his head high, holding a black sword, and practiced towards that. Those struggling to split off.

The shadow's attacking empty door is too large, and the practitioner's sword is up, and he is the first to reach it. The shadow seems to have the ability to condense infinitely.

Immediately afterwards, Su Tang's sword light fell, and this time the rhythm of the attack between the shadow and the shadow was pulled apart. The rhythm difference was close to one second, giving the practitioner enough reaction time.

The cultivator raised his sword again, blocking Su Tang's sword light, and then his body froze.

There was a small hole in the chest of the practitioner, and the shadow did not know when to form behind him, and gave him a sword.

The black sword revealed a half-foot length from the practitioner's chest, then turned into a plume of smoke and flew towards Su Tang.

Looking at the back, the practitioner seemed to be using a strange method to **** in the entire shadow, and then looking at the front, a thick smoke kept spraying.

Su Tang shook his head, and another sword fell, the practitioner's head flew off the neck and flew up the old high, the blood radiated out. The strange thing was that the practitioner's front chest wound did not bleed.

In the high air on both sides of the ship's side, the two attackers have been paying attention to the battlefield here.When they saw the companion was beheaded, they immediately left the battle group and flew away.The two warriors with the double-headed eagle mark did not catch up. Grand master-level practitioners may not be able to catch up, or it is more important to deal with the aftermath here. Moreover, they already know who the main messenger is behind, otherwise it is impossible to prepare in advance, and it is not meaningful to chase after.

The two warriors fell beside the girl, helped the girl up, Su Tang picked up the big knife, shook it in his hand, and walked towards the ship's side again. The girl suddenly shouted, "Son, please stay for a while."

"You have something?" Su Tang turned around and asked.

"Thank you for your son's life-saving grace." The girl smiled reluctantly: "I don't know if my son can leave a name? If I have a goodbye in the future, my Su family will have to pay the son.

"Su Family?" Su Tang couldn't help but stunned: "Which Su Family?"

"Which Su family can it be?" The girl asked rhetorically, she looked very proud.

"Guhong Iron Curtain Su?" Su Tang asked. He used to be mistaken for the Su family, so he knew a little about the Su family. Su lived in Guhongshan in the extreme west, because Guhongshan The spiritual veins are very peculiar.The Su family is good at tame all kinds of arrogant spirit beasts, guarding the Guhong Mountain from the storm. If he couldn't get in, he was called the Iron Curtain Su Family.

"It's the Iron Curtain Su's family," the girl said.

"In the future, if you really have the chance to see you again, then say that." Su Tang said lightly, and then his figure floated up and flew to the opposite bank of the river.

He came from Jingtao City, so he naturally has to go north. If he wants to catch up with the old man as soon as possible, he will turn around and return south, which will definitely make people doubt his origin and intention. Su Tang has always been cautious and will never commit this kind of behavior Minor errors in details.

"Who is that son?" A samurai asked in a low voice as he looked at Su Tang's smaller and smaller back.

"I don't know." The girl shook her head. "It was our luck to meet him anyway. Now, we can finally make our way."

Su Tang flew to the other side of the river, circled a long distance, and turned back to the direction of Jingtao City. He was also robbed. As a result, he was wrong and saved the people of the Iron Curtain Su family. The world is strange. This is fine, but this is fine. When he robbed the eggs of the mutated silver locust, the Iron Curtain Su's family could never have thought it was his.

The old man didn't know that he had been stared at all. He walked along the dirt road and stayed overnight. At noon on the day, he stopped by a wood and found a stone to sit down and took out the cake. Slowly Eat slowly

The place is very deserted, and there are almost no pedestrians on the road. The old goodsman's eyes looked a little sad. After eating a piece of cake, he took out another one, but just took a bite. The chewing movement suddenly became stiff.

There was a rubbing sound of branches and leaves in the forest. For a moment, Su Tang came out of the forest and looked at the old salesman. He took a sigh of relief and sighed, "It's hard ..."

The old seller has been walking between the barren hills and the mountains. He can't see the caravan on the road.He has a lot of gold tickets but no place to spend. In case of catching up with someone, but because they consume too much on the road and can't beat the other party, it will be too sad.

When passing by a village, Su Tang was forced to help but bought a donkey. The problem is that the animal is not easy to control and walks slowly. Instead, he tried to make the donkey run like a horse, but he can run out. Less than two miles away, the donkey lay on the ground, unable to survive.

It was hard to eat, all the way with the rough tea and light rice, only bought half a chicken and a bag of inferior wine at a high price yesterday, he couldn't even eat it all at once. When they mentioned it, Baolan probably laughed.

Su Tang reached out and patted on a tree. The branches and leaves of the tree automatically hung down and entangled with each other to form a hammock.Su Tang sat on the hammock and took out the treasure while looking at the old seller. Chicken leg and wine bite **** the chicken leg.

Su Tang is a little annoyed in his heart, so this old boy will not go to the place where people are smoked?

Lao Huolang didn't seem to feel Su Tang's sight, eating his own cake slowly.

He ate the chicken legs in three bites, and Su Tang raised the wine sac again, and even took a few bites. If it was in Darkmoon City, he would not even smell this kind of bad wine, but now he is a baby.

With enough food and drink, there was some wine left in the wine sac, Su Tang shook the wine sac and said to the old seller: "Drink a little?"

The old man looked surprised, slowly raised his head, and then smiled to Su Tang: "Master, little old man can't drink alcohol."

"Since you claim to be a little old man, you should not use words." Su Tang said lightly: "This is the first time to do this? See you have no experience."

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