The Magic Outfit

Chapter 34: Magic puppet

Su Tang, as before, blocked the war guns and kept retreating, but now his attitude became casual and relaxed.

The old goodsman's face was getting heavier and heavier, and countless stumps and leaves shattered in the gun, gathered to him, although most of them were blown away by his breath, but as long as he touched him, let him Feel a trace of pain.

There are grasses and vines under his feet, which are constantly growing and wriggling, wrapped around, making him feel like a swamp. Everything around him seems to be trying to hurt him.

It was only a moment that his trousers had been worn away, and there were countless shallow scars on the exposed calf. Some were only a red mark, some scratched the skin, and blood was oozing.

"Kill" Laohuolang roared again, pressure from all directions, not only did not make him flinch, but made his fighting spirit more vigorous.

The shadow of the gun was like a rainbow, stab at Su Tang's knee. Those who are subject to basic skills are also difficult to defend under the knees.

Su Tang's sword light flashed, and shots were fired one after another, but the old goodsman's offensive was faster than one. He was already familiar with it. Pull up and rise into the air.

The joy of the old goodsman suddenly appeared in his eyes.The spiritual power possessed by the practitioners can fly in the air, but the body has nowhere to use force, and the movement of flashing and moving is not as convenient as the ground.His spiritual formula has always been to win quickly. It is a rare opportunity.

Laohuolang's figure also jumped up, and the point of the gun pointed again at Su Tang's knee.

Su Tang is in the air, he has a sense of pleasure, his body is as light as a bird, it seems that he can fly straight to the sky, or that he has this desire.

At the next moment, Su Tang's body suddenly fell over, and under his head and feet, Jianguang was slashing the Yin red spear that was attacked like a poisonous dragon.

The thing is not what Lao Langlang thinks. In the roar of the collision of spiritual forces, the two figures are rapidly separating, Su Tang continues to fly upside down, and the Lao Langlang begins to fall down.

However, the old goodsman's attack speed was indeed extremely extreme.When the figure began to fall, he actually stabbed a few shots in a row. Su Tang waved his sword light freely, and scattered the gun power that was revealed from the war gun. And his figure is getting higher and higher.

Su Tangchang took a breath. He had flown over the woods, because he hadn't used spirit to control the air, he would do his best, his body stopped, and he began to fall.

When the old goodsman had more than a foot away from the ground, he turned his spiritual power to the extreme, stopped the falling momentum, and started to shoot upwards again.

This scene fell in Su Tang's eyes. He knew that the old seller had lost his ordinary heart. If he changed to himself, he would never forcefully use his spiritual power to control the empty space. He almost fell to the ground, so why waste his spiritual power?

The old goodsman was about to show his guns, and suddenly it felt dark in the sky. Su Tang lifted the sword of Taisho and had struggling.

The distance between the two people is more than ten meters. A black shadow reveals from Su Tang's body. Like a flying eagle fighting a rabbit, it instantly crosses a distance of more than ten meters. The black sword light cuts over the old merchant's head.

The old man had to launch an offensive ahead of time and shot straight at the shadow. ,

Boom ... The shadow turned into flying smoke and gathered towards Su Tang.

The old goodsman's figure began to fall again. This time, he couldn't control his figure. He fell heavily on the ground, splashing a piece of sand and grass debris.

The surrounding grass and vines are trying to stretch out to the old seller, and they don't want to be as meek as they used to be.They seem to be roaring silently, desperately tearing and scratching on the old seller, when the old seller releases powerful When the breath shattered all the vegetation that was wrapped around him, it had become ragged and covered with scars. Although the injury could be ignored, it looked shocking.

"You lost." Su Tang said softly.

The old man looked up suddenly and saw a shadow coming.

Boom ... The shadow was broken up again, and the old goodsman stumbled back and retreated six or seven steps before barely holding his body.

Su Tang narrowed his eyes slightly, as if it was a matter of course, he suddenly understood how to control the magic outfit, it was very simple, no longer deliberately suppressing anything, as for the state of mind, he could resolve the hostility produced by the magic outfit after the battle was over, no Let yourself be eroded.

"Killing" Laohulang broke up again and shot at Su Tang.

Su Tang raised his sword and swung forward, and the dark figure emerged from his body, and he greeted the old gunman with lightning

The banging of the banging blast of the spiritual force continued to explode in the forest, and the situation has reversed. Before that, the old sellers had been attacking, and now they are replaced by Su Tang.

Laohulang had a feeling of being exhausted, he understood that he could not get closer to Su Tang without breaking up the black shadow completely, but the black shadow gathered and scattered, scattered and gathered, endlessly, he did not know when it was head.

The old seller did not notice that Su Tang's attacking style has been changing.

The shadow's attack range continues to increase, and finally reaches more than fifty meters. This is a desperate distance. The old sellers can't get close at all, and can only continue to make meaningless collisions with the shadow. Then, the shadow's attack power began to weaken, and the old goods Lang thought that Su Tang's spiritual power had been exhausted, and he just showed a happy look. While stabbing the black shadow in front of him with a war gun, he saw the second black shadow return to him. Struck.

Su Tang's ability to comprehend in this respect is very strong. Before that, he had been urging the magic costume with all his strength. However, after the first blow, he must wait for the scattered smoke to return to the body before he can issue a second blow.

Su Tang suddenly thought that he should gradually reduce the released spiritual power, so that he could launch successive attacks, and wait until the magic outfit can no longer be urged, and the smoke that flew on the first hit also floated over, completing a cycle.

After becoming a grandmaster, Su Tang could feel the improvement of his state of mind, but the improvement in other aspects was unsatisfactory. The aura contained is much richer in nature, but it cannot be brought out by strong force.

Xue Yi had a domineering body, a domineering fist, and even Mei Fei had a spirit snake dancing wildly, but he, the grand master, actually fought like a fighter.

Now I fully understand that he is afraid of the erosion of the magic costume, and has been deliberately controlling it.On the psychological level, he has a latent attitude towards the magic costume.It used to be good. He is faster and more powerful, but he can't do anything about the puppets projected by the magic outfit.

The old man shouted again and again, he had been gritting his teeth, but he had no effect, because the gap was too big.

Compared with the state of mind, with the awakening of the ancient tree of destiny, Su Tang can compete with the powerful and demon gods of the world, and the old sellers can reach the peak of the Grand Master.

Compared to the spirit weapon, Su Tang's magic outfit is the undisputed number one, but the war rifle held by the old seller is simply not qualified to enter the list.

Compared with the spiritual force, Su Tang was blessed by the surrounding environment and occupied an overwhelming advantage, but the old sellers were fighting against the world with their own strength.

Su Tang would retreat step by step, because the old gunman's guns were too fast, and he had decades of skill in spiritual tactics, and Su Tang has not practiced any higher-level spiritual tactics until now. The way to deal with it, the moment he can fully control the magic puppet, the victory or defeat has been decided.

"Killing" the old man is still roaring, but his spiritual power has been exhausted. The only thing he has done is to help Su Tang complete a process of practice and make perfect.

At this moment, Su Tang no longer needs to raise his sword, but just walks slowly and calmly. Every time the thoughts are condensed and released, a dark shadow blasts out.

Laohuolang knew that he couldn't hold it any longer, his breath continued to increase, his figure suddenly turned into a long rainbow, he flew towards Su Tang, defeated a series of shadows one after another, and pointed the gun at Su Tang's eyebrows.

Even during his heyday, this gun could hardly pose a threat to Su Tang, and now it is even more impossible.

Su Tang sighed softly, the sword light in his hand protruded forward, and greeted the war gun.

Boom ... The old seller who was on the verge of collapse could no longer bear the impact of the spiritual force, the war gun flew out of his hand, and his figure also rolled backwards, and there was a deep wound in his heart fossa with blood flow .

Su Tang waved his hand, and the flying guns were held up by the branches and passed on to each other.They were quickly sent to Su Tang.The old seller struggled to get up and tried to grab his own guns, he had to continue , But the body was overwhelmed, shaking twice, and fell down.

Su Tang picked up the war gun, and his eyes fell on the old seller, who was still struggling, and made a hoarse and low growl.At this moment, Su Tang didn't know what it was like in his heart. Bad guys, but in this crisis-ridden world, what is bad and what is good?

The opening of the spiritual vein at Qianqifeng only stems from a temptation to test your own luck. When the luck is established, Su Tang again finds that he can't let go.

Loyal sapphire blue, clever and clever Yue eleven, taciturn Chu Zongbao, silly Zhao Dalu, Gu Suifeng who likes to hold the old **** stick, the thunder and wrath of the late adult, the outside looks like a strong and cowardly princess Mei, pretending to be old. He Yuanzheng, and so on, there are already too many people around him. The softness of today may make Qianqifeng **** in the future.

At least for the current Qian Qifeng, Guhong Iron Curtain Su is too powerful, he can't mess with it, so this old man can only die.

"What's your miss's name?" Su Tang asked softly.

The old growler's unwilling roar came to an abrupt end, and he looked at Su Tang with a hateful gaze.

"Today, what I owe you, if there is a chance in the future, I will help her until I let go of my heart." Su Tang said.

Lao Huolang's eyes became a little confused. After a few moments, he spit out a few notes that he could not hear clearly, and then stopped breathing.

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