The Magic Outfit

Chapter 35: Return trip

Su Tang walked slowly outside the forest, and the salesman was still lying there quietly. This dirt road was indeed too remote, and the strong spiritual fluctuations caused by the battle did not attract anyone.

Su Tang walked to a cage and reached out his hand. His fingertips twisted a withered plum blossom from the cage. The plum blossom fell into his palm and quickly became disappointed and withered.

Su Tang sighed softly and ran his hand into the cage again. Sure enough, he touched a cold thing and lifted the debris over it, revealing a crystal clear crystal box inside.

When I opened the box, I first sensed the fluctuations emanating from the grass seeds.Yes, this is the box with the mutated silver locust. He opened the blade of the grass and looked closely.He saw white eggs, which were oval, almost Half of the little thumb is big, and a dark shadow can be seen faintly inside.

Su Tang showed a contented smile, and then grabbed the pole, the pole has been separated, there are long grooves on the top and bottom, studied for a moment, put the war gun in the hand back into the groove, and then closed and buckled the pole.

Then, Su Tang began to check another cage, which was full of debris, some non-perishable food, pastries, needles, etc., and some children's toys.

Kick the useless box to the side, hold the crystal box for a moment, and then put the crystal box back into the original box.

Can't always hold the crystal box and rush to the road, in case someone is seen, do you still want to kill someone?

Buckle the poles and pick them up for a few steps. I feel a little wrong. I hesitated. I had to hang the cage that was kicked to one side on the poles, so that the balance was more comfortable.

Su Tang also turned into a salesman, walking on the dirt road trembling with a shoulder pole, and after a few hours, he felt again ... the hard work was not too fast, afraid of the silver in the crystal box The locust eggs are damaged and can only walk slowly and boil slowly.

The grand master of the court, he became a mercenary, which made him very helpless. However, Su Tang was a person who was good at making fun. He tried to analyze some interesting things as much as possible.

The dividing line between practitioners and ordinary people is not so clear. There should be similar reasons. People, in general, need multiple services.

When the clothes are rotten, someone needs to make clothes for the practitioners. What kind of great practitioner is that ...

If you are hungry, someone needs to cook for the practitioner. The cooking is very cumbersome. First of all, you must collect the ingredients, fire, etc., and take care of it, otherwise you can only eat it. Trivial but meaningless.

There are other needs, so the conveniences like the Three Heavenly Gates are gradually derived. Those with great strength recruit a group of entourages and enjoy a full range of services, so that all the energy can be used in the practitioners, strength Insufficient, I hope to get the guidance and teaching of superiors, and hope to be protected, so they are willing to provide various services.

After only three days, Su Tang changed from a lord of a thousand strange peaks to a genuine salesman with wind and dust on his face, and his clothes were covered with dust and his hair was scattered by the wind. So much so that he finally saw a caravan, and as the treasure rushed past, the caravan people were looking at him with a weird look.

Su Tang was too lazy to talk nonsense with such people and took out two gold tickets directly, but after receiving the gold tickets, several bosses of the caravan looked up and down, left and right, looked at the light and looked at the back I haven't made a decision. Two gold tickets plus 20 gold coins together. It is enough to buy a few carriages. However, this is not what a poor and desperate seller should have.

"Enough to see?" Su Tang was impatient. He was a bad person, but he wanted to be a good person in his heart, otherwise he would have already been angry.

"Hehe ... Want to lie to us?" One of the slightly fat bosses sneered, then shouted: "Come here, drive him away"

The two warriors rushed over and grabbed Su Tang's shoulders respectively.They wanted to push Su Tang to the side of the road. Su Tang finally couldn't stand it. His arms flicked gently, and the two warriors flew up to the sky like stones. It fell heavily on the ground, but there was an inexplicable swirl that relieved them of most of the force, but was shocked and dizzy, and the body was not injured.

At the moment when Su Tang exerted force, a horrible breath rolled around with his body as the center, sweeping across the small caravan, and a horse screamed in horror.

Several bosses were clever and stunned for a moment, and they all smiled, fearing that they did n’t laugh enough and squeezed out.

Su Tang didn't intend to establish any prestige in the caravan. When the boss' attitude changed, he also smiled: "Where are you going?"

"Go to Jingtao City." A boss replied sincerely.

"I also go to Jingtao City." Su Tang said: "Give me a driver and let's go together."

The caravan immediately gave Su Tang the best carriage. In fact, this was also their big advantage. Of course, no one would doubt the authenticity of the two golden tickets.

After getting in the car, the delicious and delicious food was brought in one after another. Su Tang couldn't take care of it. He drank in a large bowl and ate meat in large pieces. You have to know that he tracked the old salesman and spent more than three days. I have been there for more than three days, nibbling the cakes in the cage every day, and he is going to vomit.

With enough food and drink, Su Tang threw out a gold ticket again. For several bosses, this was a test of emotional intelligence. If you are really smart, you will never accept it. If you meet someone in the future, you might get even greater benefits. Even if you ca n’t, you wo n’t regret it. However, the few bosses happily accepted the gold ticket and went out to discuss how to distribute it.

Finally, he returned to Jingtao City. Su Tang asked the driver to go back and bid farewell to the caravan. He drove the carriage into the city himself, and then found a carriage and bought another carriage.

Described in terms of Su Tang, this is called anti-reconnaissance means. The Iron Curtain Su family knew that the silver locust eggs were taken away by someone, and they must be traced.He carried the burden so far and met the caravan again, leaving too much clue.

The so-called anti-reconnaissance is to make a simple psychological assumption, imagine that the last person you meet, or where you last appeared, is the eyes and ears of the enemy, and then find a way to circumvent it.

When he came to the east of the city, the pier was outside. Su Tang actually found another carriage and bought a new carriage.

One round of evasion at a time, and every additional round, the difficulty of finding him will show a geometric climb.After changing the carriage twice, Su Tang felt that there should be no problem, out of the city, across the pier, along the coastline Moving straight forward, two hours later, Su Tang saw a small boat, which was the ship of the angry sea group.

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