The Magic Outfit

Chapter 37: street

"More than 200 fire leopards, but not a small number, have to think of a suitable way." Su Tang said.

Jin Cuicui communicated face-to-face with Su Tang for the first time. Although it seems very calm, she has been observing Su Tang's every move. Wen Yan felt a little stunned in her heart. Didn't Su Tang respond? She couldn't see Su Tang's dissatisfaction the meaning of.

"What's a good way, sir?" Ding Yixing hurriedly asked.

Su Tang frowned, did not answer, said to Bao Bao on the side: "Go and find Master Gu and Xinzu."

Jin Cuicui caught a burst of uproar in Su Tang's eyes. She understood that Su Tang was not unresponsive, but was not interested in seeing Ding Yixing in general.

It ’s true to discuss how to extinguish the leopard, but it should be a matter of fact and should not pull out the spirit.

From Ding Yixing's point of view, it is also normal. I have been a businessman for a lifetime, and I am good at avoiding harm, so I instinctively magnify the harm, hoping to attract Su Tang's attention.

It ’s just that it ’s too straightforward, it ’s intimidating, and it ’s recounted in country colloquialism, plus some unspoken subtext, it is undoubtedly: there are too many fire leopards, there are more than two hundred, you Mr. Su must think Fire extinguishing leopards, fire leopards all like spirit veins. When the dark moon city is destroyed, they run to the nest on the Qianqi peak, and you will be too late to regret Mr. Su at that time.

Would Su Tang not know the danger of fire leopard? Moreover, this incident was originally initiated by Su Tang. Without Su Tang, it is estimated that no one knows yet that the number of fire leopards has reached such a horrible number.

For a moment, Gu Suifeng and Thunder Fur arrived, Thunder Fur and Jin Cuicui also considered old acquaintances, and briefly exchanged a few words of greeting.

When the crowd relocated, Jin Cuicui's expression became relaxed.This was the first time she went up the mountain and saw Su Tang for the first time.She didn't understand what kind of person her proprietor was before, so she was trembling and rugged. . In fact, not only her, but the wandering warriors all over the city also regarded Su Tang as a great ancestor. How could it be possible to conquer thunder and anger? Only a few people around Su Tang knew Su Tang's realm.

However, Ding Yixing's remarks were somewhat offensive, but Su Tang deliberately ignored and gently lowered it, proving that Su Tang's heart was very generous and replaced with other suzerains, he was certainly not happy in his heart, and may even satirize Ding Yixing in the face, and the matter was clearly , Ding's family did not merge into Qianqifeng. Will they really feel the spirit of Qianqifeng? No, Ding Yixing is worried that his foundation will be destroyed.

When dealing with such kind-hearted people, the attitude is too polite but not good. It should be natural and easy-going. Even if you say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, Su Tang will not pursue anything as long as it is not intentional.

Su Tang handed over the maps and materials to Gu Suifeng first, and after Gu Suifeng and Thunder Fur finished reading, both of them looked a little dignified. Wild wild beasts like fire leopards are absolutely sloppy, and now The base number is too large, don't do it again, maybe a few years later, they will not deal with two hundred, but four hundred or six hundred.

"I don't understand Fire Leopard, think a few of you, what is the best way to avoid casualties." Su Tang stood up and said: "We don't have enough manpower, I went to Xue Yi, he and Ye Fushen should help me This one is busy. "

Gu Suifeng and Thunder Fur both nodded and wanted to deal with the fire leopard. It is best to do it together with the master-level practitioners. As long as you pay attention, avoid being caught in the fire leopard, there will be no life worries.

Su Tang walked out of the front yard and walked down the steps. It was easy to owe humanity and it was difficult to repay debts. He wanted to think about some things while walking.

At the foot of the mountain, I saw Zhou Zhengbei's eyebrows dancing with some warriors of the Heavenly Warrior Union. He found Su Tang sideways and hurriedly greeted him with a smile: "Sir, go out."

"Well, something."

"What is it worth for you to come forward in person? Let me help you run a leg."

"You can't help me with this matter." Su Tang smiled.

In fact, Zhou Zhengbei just said hello. He said casually that he didn't insist, and ordered several warriors to open the door, watching Su Tang's back walking away.

"Commander-in-chief, your relationship with your husband is really good." A warrior said enviously.

"Of course, I tell you, at first ..." Zhou Zhengbei grinned, preparing to reveal some of the original things.

There is only one street in front of the mountain gate, which is neither long nor short. Because there are many contacts, he also knows some people who live on the street. However, he is now concentrating on things and not saying hello to others as he used to.

Seeing that he was about to walk out of the long street, Su Tang suddenly felt a chill. Since he was promoted to guru, his physical fitness is getting better and better. The impact of the alternating cold and summer on him is almost inaudible, that is, in For quite some time, Su Tang had never felt cold.

Su Tang stopped on the street and closed his eyes slightly, looking for the source of the chill. At the next moment, a very light smell caused his alertness, which was the smell of blood

Boom ... In the violent shock, the air in front of Su Tang was distorted. Then, a black light appeared extremely suddenly from the air and smashed into Su Tang's body with great force.

The black light came suddenly and too quickly. Su Tang couldn't even see what it was. Fortunately, he had become alert and could react in time.

Su Tang's thoughts moved, and a black figure emerged from his body and met the black light straight.

Boom ... The shadow hit and shattered, the black light was not affected in any way, and continued to shoot forward.

Su Tang flicked his left hand with a large knife in his hand. The black light was too fierce. He was worried that the sword of Dazheng could not be stopped, so he had to remove some strength first.

Fortunately, he was already a great master, and his spirits were able to run freely. Although he hadn't practiced a sword, he wielded it, and the wind roared with great momentum.

Boom ... The dazzling sword light was extinguished, but Su Tang had already prepared, his right hand was lifted, and a light red gun appeared in his hand, and then one-handed gun fired at the black light, at the same time, one The burning fireball appeared in his left hand.

Boom ... The war gun was also crushed by the black light, Su Tang struggling to throw the fireball out, his right hand grabbed it out of thin air, the sword light of the Taisho sword lit up.

At the next moment, Su Tang's sword pierced forward.From the black light storm to the present, Su Tang has been flying backwards, only withdrawing five or six meters.In such a short time, it can be described by the flash of a finger, he started four successive Lingqiao, which has released four spiritual weapons, has reached his limit.

Boom ... The sword of Taisho could n’t stop the power of black light, and turned into scattered light spots. Su Tang suddenly felt a powerless feeling, but the black light was blocked one after another, the speed became slower, and the power seemed to become insufficient.

Su Tang slammed his long bow and shot an arrow at the black light six or seven feet away.

When Arrow Jin was swallowed by the black light, the black light was less than three feet away from Su Tang, and Su Tang also faced a desperate situation. Can only face the unknown with bare hands.

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