The Magic Outfit

Chapter 38: Know the sea

Su Tang had no choice but to use some fighting skills he learned in his memory. His body bent out with all his strength, his right foot flew up, and he hit the black light from bottom to top.

Because he could not see anything in the black light, Su Tang dared not use too much force, but just used skill to try to change the direction of the black light's attack.

Bang ... The black light flew high into the sky. At this moment, Su Tang saw it clearly. It was an irregular round object, and behind it was an iron chain with a thick arm, but the iron chain was only six. Seven meters long, then disappeared into the air.

Su Tang's shoulders touched the ground, and then he slammed into the air. The severe pain from his right foot made his eyes black, and he could no longer walk.

Su Tang didn't know what kind of weapon it was. Fortunately, he had repeatedly shot before, which had greatly weakened the power contained in the black light. Otherwise, if this kick kicked out, his entire foot, including his calf, would become mud.

The black light flew more than twenty meters high, then disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

The spiritual power fluctuations emanating from the battle spread out all around. On Thousand Peaks, Thunder Fur suddenly frowned.He and Su Tang fought and were rescued by Su Tang again.They knew Su Tang's spirit of endless vitality. For the power characteristics, he felt that it may be that Su Tang was working with others. Did someone in the Dark Moon City make Su Tang angry?

But I have to go over and see, and Thunder strode out of the meeting room.

In the distance, Xue Yi, who was sitting by the window, happened to see the black light flying high above the sky, and his face changed suddenly: "Nether Hammer? Xie does not change? Why are the people of Xie's family in Wushan in the Dark Moon City?"

"Dare to make trouble on Su Tang's site? Let's take a look at it?" Ye Fushen said nothing about Xie Unchanging, and said indifferently.

Xue Yi did not speak. He jumped out of the window and flew in the direction of the black light. Ye Fushen hurriedly followed.

"I'm afraid it's too late to catch up now." Xue Yi worriedly said: "Xie Unchanging's spiritual formula is very special, called Tiantianju, which can release all of his spiritual power in a short period of time. What Tian Jue takes is that the meager manpower can break the sky, so others call him Xie San hammer. After the three hammers, the spiritual power is exhausted, and the opponent is not dead, he will die. "

"So powerful?" Ye Fushen was a little unbelieving.

"Among the master-level practitioners, there are only a few people who can make me dread. Xie San hammer is one of them." Xue Yidao said: "His Nether Hammer is also ranked in the list of people."

"Can you break your domineering body?" Ye Fushen's complexion also changed: "Grandmaster's spiritual weapon can be ranked in the list.

"Can" Xue Yi replied, and then speeded up.

Su Tang floats in the air, knowing that the terrible enemy is still nearby, his spirit has never been concentrated like this, and his sensing ability has also been improved to the extreme.Under him, grass and vines have grown out of the ground and are directed towards a The rockery that is more than two meters high is entangled, and the rockery that is tens of thousands of pounds is actually pushed up by the growth of the vegetation.

Su Tang didn't dare to escape, he had to stay in place to prepare for the second attack, and there were not many things available around him.

The air seemed extremely depressed, he could not see the enemy's shadow, but he could hear a heavy gasping like a beast, this feeling was very strange, his eyes slowly swept, and then fell in a common room On the houses.

Boom ... The air in front of him twisted again, and the black light pierced out of the air and shot at him like lightning.

Su Tang's figure swept down, and then roared, and the grass and vines wrapped around the rockery instantaneously swelled a dozen times, and then the rockery was thrown up by a huge force, flying up in the air, just blocking the black light .

Boom ... The rockery exploded into countless fragments, and the black light pierced through the blasting stone chips and blasted towards Su Tang.

Su Tang is mentally prepared, he can easily insert the sword of Dazheng into the rock, but the sword of Dazheng can't block the black light, and it will collapse at the touch, even the ordinary stone is not good, and his purpose is only to shed some power.

Su Tang's figure continues to go down, and other weapons in the psychic still can't be activated. Only the Taisho sword that achieves the perfect spirit recovers the fastest, and the current magic equipment is to assist him to release the lethality. Ferocious attacks will hardly make a difference.

Su Tang waved his right arm and slashed the sword of Dazheng with all his strength.

Just like the last time, the moment when Jianmang collided with the black light, it turned into a scattered light spot, but the irregular circular object had the ability to continue to move forward, hitting his chest.

A bit of bitterness appeared in the corner of Su Tang's mouth, and he could only condense his spiritual power on his arms, and his hands stretched forward.

Bang ... Su Tang's finger bones, metacarpal bones and even wrist bones were broken in seven or eight places. His body fell like a shell, hitting the grass heavily and splashing a broken leaf.

At this moment, Thunder Fur had drifted away from Qianqifeng and approached here.He just wanted to see what happened, and he didn't realize that someone in the city could threaten the safety of Su Tang, and the speed was not fast, and Xue Yi and Ye Fushen although Flying at full strength, but at a relatively long distance, the two sides will arrive almost at the same time, that is to say, Su Tang simply can't wait for their support.

The figure broke through the window of the house and flew over the small courtyard. It was a strong man, about thirty years old, in a black suit, with a few circles of iron chains around his waist, and a sledgehammer in his hand. The street leads directly to Qianqi Peak, and the distance is very close. The spiritual power fluctuations from Thunder Fury flight are very clear, so he hesitated and silently looked at Su Tang crawling on the ground. For a moment, he raised his sledgehammer.

He chose to die together, because after this hammer killed Su Tang, he also wanted to escape from the dark moon city alive.

The grass and vines that propped up the rockery just now began to entangle Su Tang.After contacting Su Tang's body, their growth became more vigorous.It can even be described as crazy. With the spear like Lin, the vines are dancing, like the spirit snakes. They use their bodies to condense into a green ocean with a tens of meters square. In just a blink of an eye, Su Tang can no longer be seen.

The strong man was a little shocked, and immediately roared with a blow.

This has become the last blow in his life, so it is destined to spare no effort.

The sledgehammer suddenly disappeared in the air, and then pierced in front, hitting the green sea heavily, blasting ... The green ocean collapsed instantly, the hammer front continued to penetrate deep into the green sea, although the speed was getting slower, It also looks more and more difficult, but it will eventually penetrate the whole green sea.

At the next moment, Su Tang's figure appeared, and then a light blue light curtain bloomed on Su Tang.

Boom ... The light blue light curtain was disillusioned, Su Tang did not retreat, but crossed his arms in front of him, facing the sledgehammer. Strike down, wielding a sword to the strong man.

The magic puppet has this advantage, as long as the spirit of the Taisho sword can still be activated, then the magic puppet can be used.

Su Tang was blown out with great force, hit the courtyard wall, and crashed into a big hole, and fell into the alleyway outside.

Su Tang only felt like his body was cramped and was generally weak, unable to move even one finger, and spitting blood in his mouth, this was over ... Su Tang knew that he had reached the point where the lamp was dry, With the next hammer he was unable to block.

At this moment, Su Tang suddenly thought of many, if he did not leave Xiao Limburg now, would he live happily? Regret it?

Then Su Tang and Xi Xiaoru appeared in his mind, as well as many people such as Bao Lan, Yue Eleven, etc. Why should I regret it? It is worthwhile to be able to laugh and walk with these people who support him and warm him.

On the verge of death, silently waiting for the next attack to arrive, Su Tang seemed extremely calm, and his brain became crystal clear, so that his consciousness could reach the depths of the sea, a small tree The sapling was shaking alone, what was that?

Suddenly, a hand rested on Su Tang's shoulder, and then came an anxious voice: "Sir?"

Is it Thunder Fury? You saved Su Tang's mind and mind, and Xuan even fell into a coma.

Su Tang was assassinated near Qianqi Peak, which caused a huge wave in the entire Dark Moon City. Under the overall arrangement of the Tianji Building, countless wandering warriors rushed to the pier and the hotel in the city. All foreigners were strictly investigated.

The well-designed Nu Hai group was also dispatched. While blocking the waters, it caught up with the caravan that had recently left and brought the caravan back to Darkmoon City.

Gu Suifeng is a half-hanging pharmacist.He is afraid that he will delay things.He will let people take the pharmacists of Tianji Building, Ding family and the Nuhai group to Qianqifeng, discuss together to cure Su Tang, and let Baolan take the boat immediately. After leaving Darkmoon City, he went to Feilu City to find Wenxiang.He knew that Wenxiang practiced life and death. If things were going to the worst, he would hesitate to hang Su Tang with his elixir and wait until Wenxiang arrives. never mind.

Wenxiang also couldn't cure the wound, and no one in the world can heal it.

However, Gu Suifeng underestimated Su Tang's recovery ability.In the early morning of the next day, Su Tang woke up from a coma, slowly opened his eyes, and found that lying in his room, his mind quickly became sober and went down. I looked and saw that Xiao Doudian was sleeping soundly on the pillow while Mei Fei was lying at the end of the bed. He raised his hand and found that his hands were wrapped in thick gauze like dumplings.

Mei Fei was very alert and noticed that someone was moving. She immediately raised her head and immediately saw Su Tang looking at the arm like a paw. She immediately screamed in surprise: "Master, are you awake?"

Mei Fei's voice alarmed Gu Suifeng outside. He rushed into the bedroom in two steps and saw Su Tang woke up, feeling that Su Tang was full of energy and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Who is going to kill me?" Su Tang asked in a slightly hoarse voice. After waking up, he asked who he was in the first sentence, proving that Su Tang was indeed a gentleman, and that there was no gentleman who hatred to report non-gentleman.

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