The Magic Outfit

Chapter 312: The only winner

In the early morning, Bao Bei hurried into Su Tang's bedroom. At first sight, she saw Mei Fei lying on the outside of the bed. She was stunned. She wanted to say something and swallowed back. Mei Fei was awake, opened her eyes immediately, and opened to the room. Look at the door.

Bao Bei glared at Mei Fei, Mei Fei's cloak stood up, walked quickly to the outside, whispered something to Bao Bei, and then exclaimed: "How come?"

"What happened?" Su Tang was also awakened and asked in a loud voice.

"Master, something has happened, the silver locust eggs have hatched." Mei Fei and Bao Bei appeared at the door of the room, and their faces were very unsightly.

"Silver locust eggs hatched? This is a good thing, what are you in a hurry?" Su Tangqi said.

"I don't know which bullshit, sneaked in at midnight and killed all the larvae," Mei Fei said.

"Impossible" Su Tang was stunned. The defense of Qianqifeng could not be leaked. No matter from which direction he approached Qianqifeng, he would disturb the vegetation. If the vegetation was disturbed, he would be disturbed.

"Sir, it's true," Babe said.

"Take me over." Su Tang shouted.

When Mei Fei and Bao Bei hurried to the backyard together with Su Tang, Gu Suifeng and Thunder Fur had arrived. They surrounded the stone table and looked at the copper urn on the table. Their faces were very gloomy, and they stood on the copper urn. , Look at this for a while, look at that for a while, even she dare not talk nonsense, because you can feel the atmosphere is very depressed.

Seeing the expressions of Gu Suifeng and Thunder Fur, Su Tang's heart sank. When he approached the stone table, he couldn't wait to jump up and stood on one foot, looking into the copper urn.

The silver locust's eggs have indeed hatched. It seems that the silver locust's larvae are no different from ordinary locusts. If the grass-covered urn is a piece of grass, then it can be described as corpses running across the field.

Although Su Tang was very angry, he could still remain calm: "What's the matter? Who first discovered it?"

"It's me." Bao Bei said.

"When did you find out?" Su Tang asked.

"Just just now." Bao Bei replied: "I came here to look with Zhao Dalu. It turned out that the silver locust's eggs had hatched, but all the larvae were harmed. I will go to you immediately, Zhao Dalu to find Master Gu

"Who is it?" Gu Suifeng's expression was somewhat distorted, and he clearly hated the extreme: "Who can sneak into Qianqifeng without being noticed? And who knows we have silver locust eggs here?"

"It can't be an outsider." Su Tang said one by one, he believed in the lush vegetation of Qianqifeng. This simple life is absolutely impossible to fool or lie.

"Can it be ... Is it his own?" Gu Suifeng suddenly raised his head.

"It's also unlikely ..." Su Tang thought nervously, obviously detrimental to others, and anyone who knew the inside story of the silver locust egg wouldn't go mad to do such a thing.

"Sir, you are too easy ... too easy to believe people." Gu Suifeng sighed.

"No." Su Tang shook his head and said: "Anything, always has its own goals and intentions. I can't figure out, killing these silver locust larvae will do them any good."

"Look" Thunder Fur suddenly said.

Su Tang was stunned, looking in the direction pointed by thunder anger, a blade of grass moved, a fragile silver locust larva slowly drilled out from under the blade of grass, it seemed to be able to see people around After a round of glance, the two tentacles shook, and the body immediately shrank back under the leaves.

"There is still a live here?" Gu Suifeng exclaimed in surprise and joy.

"Wait a minute." Su Tang found the abnormal place, and then said: "Mei Fei, you picked up a dead larvae and put it in front of me."

Mei Fei picked up a silver locust larva with her fingertips, put it in her palm, and handed it to Su Tang.

Su Tang looked at it carefully and said, "Take another one."

Mei Fei picked up a silver locust larva again, Su Tang nodded slowly: "Master Gu, thunder and anger, you also come to see, their tentacles are lower, it should be regarded as their eyebrows, all silver locusts The larvae are all bitten away. "

Gu Suifeng and Thunder Fur gathered together, observed for a moment, and each grabbed several silver locust larvae from the copper urn. Sure enough, all the larvae's eyebrows were torn open, and the inside was empty.

In addition to the wounds at the heart of the eyebrows, the injuries to other parts of the silver locust larvae are different. Some of them have broken their legs and some have broken belly.

"I get it," Gu Suifeng said suddenly: "When I heard that the cultivators of Mo Gu Zong kept poisonous insects, I like to put all kinds of poisonous insects together and let them kill each other. The winner is often the most powerful, is it ... … The silver locust larvae have a similar brutal nature? "

"What a small thing that killed all the silver locust larvae?" Bao Bei said in surprise.

"It's not necessarily all bite it, but it must be the last winner." Gu Suifeng said.

Haw ... The silver locust larvae hiding under the green grass made a slight scream, and drilled out of it again, and found that the people around had not yet left, and hurried back.

Gu Suifeng reached out and grabbed the grass, and the silver locust larvae saw no way back, and immediately rushed, jumping with full strength, but the copper urn was too high for it, and the mouth was above it, and it slammed into it. On the wall of the urn.

"Small things are not weak." Gu Suifeng was startled.

"Don't frighten it." Su Tang hurriedly said: "Small, you go inside." If all the silver locust larvae have hatched and are still alive now, it doesn't matter if you crash one or two, but that silver locust The larvae are the only ones that have survived.

Xiao Bu nodded obediently and nodded, flapping her wings and flying to the bottom of the urn. The tentacles were arbitrarily lit on Xiaodou, making Xiaobudian giggling.

Xiao Doudian's laugh was very clear and pure and innocent. The silver locust larva seemed to be completely relieved. It was lying on the grass blade next to Dodo and raised his head, slowly looking at the people around him.

"Small, will you give me a mission?" Su Tangrou said softly.

"What task?" Xiao Dou asked, looking up in the copper urn.

"You must be optimistic about it in the past few days, and you can do it all, can you do it?" Su Tang said.

"Don't want me, don't stay here" Xiao Dou shook his head like a rattle.

"You can hold it out, but if you want to do it, you must be optimistic about it," Su Tang said.

"Sir, I can't help it," Gu Suifeng hurriedly said: "Such a small thing, Miss Wanda is so sloppy, let it run away, where are we going to find it? It's still good to run away, it's a foot on the ground Stomping to death ... Aren't we going to get the bamboo basket to get empty water? "

"Also, if the silver locust larvae really have the nature of killing and competing with each other like the master Gu said, then it should eat these egg shells and the dead silver locust larvae." Thunder Fury said. : "Have you noticed? The dead silver locust larvae have empty heads."

"It makes sense." Master Gu said: "Sir, you cannot let the silver locust larvae leave the copper urn"

"Then ..." Su Tang's eyes turned to Xiaobudian, thinking for a moment, and then said: "Xiaobudian, how long will you stay with him for a few days? Just a few days"

"Don't don't want to do" Xiaobu was really anxious, shouting at the bottom of the urn.

Haw ... Haw ... Hawk ... The silver locust larvae clearly regarded Dot as a companion and immediately cheered for Dot with a cry.

But Xiaoding has treated the silver locust larvae as a scourge, otherwise how could she be so embarrassed by her mother? Hearing that the silver locust larvae were unpleasantly irritable, he was upset and suddenly flew a foot, kicking the silver locust larvae into the air and flipped a few heels, falling on the grass blades.

Gu Suifeng and Thunder Fur looked air-conditioned, what would happen if they were kicked to death? "

"You ..." Su Tang's complexion also changed. Immediately, Xiao Dou's face was aggrieved, and his mouth puckered, as if he was about to cry out soon. His heart softened at once, and he hurriedly said: "Good, don't force it is you."

Su Tang cherishes the silver locust larvae because the silver locust larvae may grow into tyrannical female locusts, which greatly enhances the strength of Qianqifeng. However, he has long regarded Xiaoding as his own flesh and blood, and it is absolutely impossible to compare the two. If anyone forced Su Tang to make a choice, he could only choose one between Xiaodoudian and the silver locust larvae. He would not hesitate to choose Xiaodoudian and then pinch the silver locust larvae to death.

The former belongs to interest, but the latter belongs to feelings, that is his little daughter

At this time, the silver locust larvae burrowed out of the grass blades, shrinking and shrinking closer to Xiaoxiao, he thought about it, but was afraid of being beaten.

Seeing the silver locust larvae is okay, Su Tang sighed with relief, just a larvae, he can show such complex emotions between movements, he increasingly believes in the words of Baolan, the adult female locust should have extremely high intelligence

It's just ... The identity of the lord can really have an influence on the female locust? What should I do if the female locust is violently raging in Qianqifeng? It seems a bit premature to think about this now.According to the records of the Green Sea, the female locust takes a long time from larvae to adulthood.You can slowly observe and find that the female locust has signs of uncontrollability. Off.

"Little, don't you think it's good? We find two pieces of glaze on the copper urn and leave a gap in the middle for you. You come down and play with it for a while every day." Su Tang said with a negotiated tone. The matter just proved, Xiao Douding can appease the panic emotions of the silver locust larvae. After a few days, the silver locust larvae are already familiar with the surrounding environment, and his injury has recovered, so there is no need to be forced to be small.

"That's it ..." Xiaodou thought about it, which was acceptable. She still had a lot of time to play outside every day, and then nodded: "Okay."

"It's nice to be small," Su Tang said with a smile.

The silver locust larvae noticed that Xiao Doudian's emotions had softened, and finally got up the courage to crawl towards Xiao Doudian, and Xiao Dou impatiently shouted, "Don't come, be careful, I will hit you," and shook his little fist.

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