The Magic Outfit

Chapter 313: Baishan

As the saying goes, one year's plan lies in spring. This season is also the most lively time in Shacheng Wushan.As the first major family of Shacheng, it is an indispensable umbrella for many people, especially for the past caravans and trading companies. It is said that without the shelter of Xie's family, they would not be able to walk and trade freely in this area. Therefore, every year at the end of winter and early spring, they must come to Xie's family to worship the mountain for the safety of the year.

The Xie family's mark is divided into three kinds of flags. According to the size of the business group and the number of salutes, the highest standard is the gold flag, and the lowest is the black iron flag. In fact, many practitioners do this, on the one hand, it is obvious that its own Fairness and justice, on the one hand, can get a lot of income.

From the hotel at the foot of the Wushan Mountain to the mountain gate on the mountainside, a long dragon lined up, and the tail of the team even meandered to the back of the town.The Xie family only opened the mountain gate for seven days every year, and it was out of date because the door was opened and the world was welcomed. The situation will become very complicated and very dangerous.In case of an accident, the face will be seriously damaged. Maybe no one will come in the second year, so the Xie family has to turn up and down to support these days. It was reluctant, and they couldn't stand it any longer.

At the street junction, dozens of Xie family warriors kept their spirits in order, and their expenses for the year had to come out at this time. The market this year was good, and the gifts were soft, and the spirit would naturally remain highly excited.

Although there are rules on it, the caravans who come to Baishan can ignore the existence of these little devil and make trouble, no one can please, but no one wants to be guilty, just give a small amount of money, the meat is cut, and I feel sad. Is this blood?

At this time, a well-dressed and calm-minded old man walked along the street, followed by a burly big man, a heavy burden was carried on the shoulder of the big man, both sides of the burden were covered with red cloth, and it was not clear what was inside. what.

The old man looked up at the crowd on the mountainside and frowned slightly.

The warrior headed by the Xie family was reminded by his companions, and he noticed the old man and hurried up. The old man looked leisurely, a few strands of long whiskers floating on his chest, showing the taste of the bones of the immortal wind, the warrior headed did not dare to burst, He cried out, "Your old name? What are you doing here?"

The old man looked over, smiled, and then said: "The old surname Xue, come here today to worship the mountain." After he finished, he took out a stack of red cloth bags from his arms, pulled one of them, and handed it to the warrior headed, and then again Distribute the red cloth to other samurai, and said in a very easy-going way: "When I first came, I got a little clue, a few brothers don't dislike it."

The samurai headed put the red cloth bag in his pocket: "You are always in line behind, don't blame us a few unreasonable, this is the rule set by the ancestors, regardless of the courtesy, the courtesy is always the customer, always Want ... "

The warrior headed was not finished, the companion dragged his arm hard in the back, he looked back displeased, was seeing the companion raised a gold ticket with excitement in his face, his eyes swept over the gold ticket , The price was fixed immediately, the face value of the ticket turned out to be one hundred

"Boss?" The excited warrior called again.

The warrior headed by him only reacted. He smiled at the old man and said, "Wait a little longer." After he turned around, he took out the red cloth bag from his pocket and drew out the gold ticket. .

One hundred gold coins is nothing, but each of the dozen or so brethren present got them, and nearly two thousand gold coins were thrown out like this? The boss's handwriting

What's more, they are the lowest-level samurai of the Xie family. They have no future to practice, and they are slightly higher than their servants.After being busy for a few days, they will be mixed with thirty or forty gold coins. A large sum was added.

"Brother, have a discussion." Then the old man took out a red cloth bag and handed it over: "Can you find a manager's report? Old Lao also said that he is also a member of the Xue family in Beijing. If he was with the traffickers ... There is no way to explain after this trip. "

"Shang Jing Xue?" The warrior led by that shook his spirits.

At this time, a warrior couldn't help it, shouting: "You wait a minute, we will go to inform you immediately." After he said, he looked at the warrior headed with a complaining look, as if to say, such a VIP Can be neglected

"What else to report?" The warrior headed suddenly shouted, then bowed to the old man: "Please, please, we will guide you."

The warriors of the Xie family couldn't care about maintaining order, and escorted the old man to the mountain gate, and kept ordering the caravans waiting to make way. On the one hand, because everyone has a lot of income, they are willing to contribute. On the one hand, they also understand that they can scare the captain like this. The Xue family in Shanghai must be a great family.

The caravans that were harassed were naturally very dissatisfied, but no one dared to complain, just watched silently.

When approaching the mountain gate, the burly man carrying the load hit a foot at the foot, the red cloth covered by the load fell to the ground, and a crystal clear crystal box was exposed in front of everyone, under the crystal box was covered with green grass , It is piled with silver beads.

The caravans saw dozens of Xiejia samurai personally escort, knowing that it must be an extremely valuable gift, and had been whispering for a long time, and found that the red cloth was falling, and a pair of eyes were trying to look here.

The old man looked a little panicked and hurriedly picked up the red cloth on the ground, put it back on the load, and scolded the big man.

The response of the Xie family was still very fast. I heard that the person from the Xue family in Beijing had sent a big gift, and immediately sent a manager to come to contact.

To welcome the old man into the guest hall, the manager of Xie's family bowed very politely: "My name is Xie Longting, the big manager of Qianshan Gate. You just call me Xiao Xie."

"Xie Guanshi, don't be polite. There are many things to deal with in the future." The old man smiled and said: "The old surname Xue, named Xue Yingjun, is a long-term accompaniment of the three young masters. This time he came to worship the mountain. "

"Because of the reputation of the Xue family in Beijing, Xie's family is famous for a long time." Xie Longting hurriedly said: "Don't worry about anything." After that, Xie Longting's sight fell on the burden. He was curious. Kind of gifts.

The old man named Xue Yingjun took out a small box from the load with a crystal box and put it on the table. Then he handed the small box over: "This is the Bailingdan prepared by the Three Young Masters."

Xie Longting took the box, and looked offended. He left the seat and walked to the back hall. He asked a samurai, "Are Master Hao still there?"

"Yes," the samurai replied.

"This is Lark's Pill, you can ask Hao to check it out." Xie Longting whispered: "Then come back and tell me."

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