The Magic Outfit

Chapter 315: Netherhammer

"You find an opportunity to contact He Ping to see what his attitude towards Qian Qifeng is." Su Tang said softly.

"Yes." Jin Cuicui responded.

"Perhaps, he doesn't speak much, and his mind is not so clever, but you have to be good at observing." Su Tang said: "There will always be various differences in the personality of the person, the attitude is blunt, and it may not be a strange peak for us Holding evil intentions and talking and laughing, it may not be possible to push our hearts with Qian Qifeng, you have to learn to observe their inner. "

"Yes." Jin Cuicui replied again.

At this moment, Mei Fei walked in with a sledgehammer in hand, it was Xie's unchanging ghost hammer.

"Take the material and let me see it." Su Tang said.

Jin Cuicui hurriedly handed over the files to Su Tang. Su Tang flipped through a few pages at random, and then said: "You can sum up these, I am very satisfied. I can see that you are very capable in this respect."

"Mr. won the prize." Jin Cuicui smiled.

"You also know that I often let Jihao go up the mountain. Everyone gathers together to discuss some things." Su Tang smiled and said: "Mei Fei also has a position, but she doesn't care about anything, so she sits there only temporarily. , Count as a transition, otherwise there will be too few people. "

"Hehe ..." Jin Cuicui also laughed, and her expression was a little puzzled because she didn't quite understand what Su Tang meant.

"You often come here in the future, first familiarize yourself with the environment." Su Tang said: "Then you take over Mei Fei.

"Yes." Jin Cuicui replied, but she still didn't understand. What's the point of this?

"Bring me here." Su Tang said to Mei Fei. He had been observing Mei Fei's look just now. Seeing that Mei Fei was always indifferent, she felt helpless. It seemed that Mei Fei could only be a little maid. On the wall.

Mei Fei handed the ghost hammer to Su Tang. Su Tang reached over and took it lightly. It was very heavy and weighed almost a hundred pounds. Jin Cuicui knew that Su Tang was in trouble and stood up quickly: "Sir, then I will start He said goodbye, if ... that He Ping was willing to be recruited by us, would he let him enter the Tianji Building, or send him directly to the mountain?

"Advanced Tianji Building." Su Tang said.

Jin Cuicui said goodbye and left, Su Tang stood up slowly, walked on the open ground, grasped the iron chain, flicked the hammerhead, and then hurled forward, the hammerhead shot away, but the effect of the day did not appear, no Corresponding to the magic formula, Su Tang could not release the power of the Netherhammer at all.

In addition to the magic outfit, this is the first time he has obtained a magic weapon that can be ranked. Although the ranking is very low, and the 27th in the human list, how many magic weapons can be ranked in the world? There are ten heavenly lists, twenty earth lists, and thirty person lists. There are only sixty in total, and Su Tang is very satisfied.

However, the first time Su Tang used this type of weapon, the method was very rusty.When the Umbrella Hammer flew to the edge of the forest and the iron chain was stretched straight, he dragged it backwards, and the Umbrella Hammer crashed and flew backwards. , Straight hit Su Tang's head.

Mei Fei was shocked, her figure floated forward, her palms slapped on the hammer head successively, the hammer head was shocked to change direction, and she was also shocked with numb hands, and her face was a little white.

"Do you think I am muddy?" Su Tang said helplessly: "Can this hammer hurt me?"

"You ... I don't think you are hurt." Mei Fei's grievances justified.

"You stare at the door." Su Tang said: "Don't let anyone disturb me."

"Okay." Mei Fei responded and turned to the courtyard door.

Su Tang returned to the recliner, holding the Umbrella Hammer in both hands. He had decided to refine the Umbrella Hammer. Anyway, he lacked the spirit formula. The Umbrella Hammer was useless for him. Maybe after refining, he could understand some secrets. .

Su Tang slowly adjusted his breathing rhythm, and the hollow hammer in his hand and the iron chain intertwined gradually exuded a light.

Xiao Xiao looked at Su Tang lazily, turned around and fell asleep again. At first she was still very curious about Su Tang's skills, and now she is not surprised.

With the passage of time, the image of the Umbral Hammer slowly blurred, and became nothing more, and Su Tang's brain area was shining brightly, and one of the spiritual tips showed the vagueness of the Umbral Hammer. Shadow.

So far, Su Tang has opened a total of 18 spiritual abilities, but only nine have their own spirits

Soul, night crying bow, nine levels.

Perfect spirit, magic mask, level one.

Perfect spirit, magic finger, level one.

Perfect spirit, sword of Taisho, level 7.

Spirit, inner armor, ninth level.

Spirit, inside is the big sword he grabbed from Bailongdu, level 9.

Soul, the old red gun used by the old seller, level 9.

Spirit Soul, Fire Spirit Bead, Level 9.

Perfect spirit, Umbrella Hammer, level one.

Su Tang didn't expect that the Hammer Hammer that had just been refined was actually a perfect spirit. It seems that the spirits that can be ranked in the list are definitely not untargeted and have unique characteristics.

Su Tang jumped up, took a long breath, imaginary shot with his right hand, a black light shot out, and flew to the sky.

It still doesn't work, no matter the power. There is a big gap between the speed and that of Xie Xie. Is it because of Tiantianjue?

However, Su Tang was a little disgusted with Tiantianjue because it was too extreme. In some respects, it had violated the path that practitioners should follow.

Even if he got the injury plan, Su Tang would not be able to practice. Similarly, people around him would be forbidden to practice.

Su Tang reached out his hand again, and the black light appeared again, but, halfway through, he suddenly turned into a burning fireball and whistled away.

This is the beauty of his spiritual practice. There is no need to deliberately practice any skills. As long as the spirits are overlapped, his attacks will appear various effects according to the characteristics of the spirits.

Now he only has nine spirits, and the combination method is still very limited. If there are dozens of spirits, they can be combined and matched with each other, and there may even be thousands of different changes.

Should we just find some magic tools and fill up the remaining spiritual tips? An impulse appeared in Su Tang's heart, but soon, he suppressed the impulse again.

Follow the destiny, other spiritual tools can only play an auxiliary effect after all. The really important thing is the components of the magic outfit, and the other three spiritual beads among the four spiritual beads.

Ning Que Wu Wu

Otherwise, he did not know that there should be a component near Pengshan Holy Gate. Gu Suifeng's analysis at that time was very reasonable.

Take a trip? Will there be any danger?

For Saint disciples, Pengshan is their home, and for Su Tang, Saint Gate has too much uncertainty, which may be more dangerous than adding all the places in the world together.

Su Tang shook his head, as if to shake off all his desires. He had a strong self-control ability, and he would not reach out if he should not.

Wait a minute ... wait for your strength to be stronger, at least to reach the height of Li Zu's respect ...

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