The Magic Outfit

Chapter 316: Birth of the First Samurai

Sitting in the sun every day, listening to the wind, and nurturing his state of mind, Su Tang made a hand dispenser, all things were done by someone, he just had to wait, for example, at this moment he was returning with Gu Suifeng It is estimated that the time is almost up and there are still waiting for Wenxiang and Sapphire.

However, such a day seems a bit boring, Su Tang slowly opened his eyes, his mood was suddenly agitated, stood up and paced back and forth, he did not know where that kind of irritability came from, only knew that he did not want to be like this Sit and adjust the rate.

For a long time, he remembered what Gu Suifeng had said before.

The practice is to move with your heart. The great practitioners of the Pengshan Holy Gate are like this. When they are very quiet, they go out and walk. They are tired and tired, and they are very quiet and move back to the mountain to practice.

Great practitioners will never violate their hearts.

Each cycle of reincarnation will make their state of mind more stable and their strength stronger, and so on.

However, he has just been promoted to Grand Master, and there is still a long distance from the real great practitioners. Will he also enter this cycle?

Where can I go for a turn ... In a short time, he can't leave Darkmoon City, at least he has to wait until Wenxiang comes before planning.

At this moment, Mei Fei brought a food box into the backyard, came to the table, and laid out the food inside, and shouted to Su Tang: "Master, have dinner."

"You eat it." Su Tang said: "Oh, I'm going out. If there is anything, you and Yue eleven will discuss it."

"Master, where are you going?"

"Just turn around casually." Su Tang was too lazy to explain.

After walking down Qianqifeng, chatting a few gossip with the warriors of the Sky Warrior Alliance, and then going forward, he came to the place where he was assassinated by Xie Unchang.

The scenery on the street has not changed, but people are different and this is not yesterday. He survived Su Tang and will continue to go higher and higher in the future; according to Xue Yi, Xie Unchanged is also a wizard, but unfortunately, in that one Lost everything in the war

Su Tang stopped and looked around. After his assassination, Gu Suifeng had ordered Zhou Zhengbei to buy all the houses and shops on both sides of the street. The original residents heard that it was a matter of Qian Qifeng, and the price was reasonable. , Are very cooperative.

For a moment, Su Tang reopened his legs and walked a few hundred meters forward. At the intersection, Su Tang saw several warriors from the Alliance of Heavenly Warriors patrolling the streets.

After eating for a long time, the defense of Qianqifeng is getting tighter every day. These are only visible. Gu Suifeng still has layout in the dark.

After crossing the street and walking in the flow of people, Su Tang felt a lot more comfortable. In fact, he also wanted to understand that monotony is easy to be boring, complex and easy to be tired, the heart is very precious ... not to mention he was injured, Unable to move, trapped in bed all day, naturally feel suffocated.

He just walked and watched casually, almost an hour later, when Su Tang was about to return to the mountain, he suddenly saw Tianji Building. He thought about it and walked towards Tianji Building.

The Tianji Tower is very lively, the wandering samurai are coming and going, the order has already been restored, and they have begun to fight for their own future.

Through the lobby, a row of shadow walls erected in the back yard. There were much fewer people in the lobby than the lobby. Su Tang walked towards the yard.

He did not know that not everyone can enter the yard, only the captains and deputy captains of the wandering samurai squads, and some famous solo warriors, can enter and leave.The placards on the wall are all difficult task cards. I know that there are tens of thousands of wandering warriors in Darkmoon City. If thousands of people flow in, the big yard will not fit.

Su Tang had just walked to the door, and the two warriors in Tianji Tower stopped. They frowned, and looked su Tang up and down with suspicious eyes.

Su Tang was also surprised. He pointed his finger at the backyard and whispered, "I want to go and see."

The two warriors in Tianjilou were about to scold Su Tang, and suddenly heard a voice behind them: "Let him come in, he is my friend."

The two warriors looked back and found out that it was Bao Bao, they immediately accompanied their smiles, and then let them on both sides.

Seeing that Su Tang didn't want to disturb others, Bao Bei pretended to be indifferent, and waved, led Su Tang to the corner and smiled, "Sir, why are you here?"

"Just walk around." Su Tang said: "Is Jin Cuicui there?"

"I just looked for her, inside." Bao Bei said: "Sir, would you like to see him?"

"Huh." Su Tang nodded.

"Come with me." Bao Bei turned around and walked towards the backstairs.

There are warriors in Tianji Tower everywhere along the way. Of course, Bao Bei leads the way. No one comes to block it. That ’s too eye-opening. Who does n’t know that Bao Bei came down from Qianqi Peak?

On the second floor, Bao Bei pointed to a room. If she changed someone else, she should go in and let her know, but Su Tang is definitely not in this category.

"Go busy," Su Tang said, then walked slowly to the door and pushed open the door.

Jin Cuicui was sitting at the table. She seemed to be comparing and reviewing the information. She held two files and looked at the left side for a while, and the right side for a while. She didn't find Su Tang coming in at all.

Su Tang tapped lightly on the door, then closed the door.

"Let's put it here." Jin Cuicui said indifferently, she still didn't look up.

Su Tang found that the woman who had embarked on a cultivation path and had certain accomplishments seemed to be very strong. Mei Fei was definitely an alternative.When Jin Cuicui discussed things with him, the smile never broke, and now it should be her original face.

Su Tang walked to the window and pushed open the window. With a squeak, Jin Cuicui was disturbed. She immediately showed her anger, threw the file on the table, and suddenly looked up.It was Su Tang, who was shocked for a moment, and then appeared decent. Smile: "Sir, why are you here?"

"I can't sit on the mountain." Su Tang said: "I want to walk around here to see if there is anything to do." Su Tang decided that his heart could calm down. Of course, he would go back to the mountain to practice. Don't force it if he can't calm down. Just look for something, just pass the time and dismiss the mood.

Jin Cuicui was stunned for a long time, carefully tentatively asked, "What do you want to do?"

"First register in Tianji Building." Su Tang said: "Then take some tasks, preferably related to the fire leopard. By the way, I have a goal. After one month, my points will exceed Chu Zongbao and become the first.

Jin Cuicui finally lost his gaze, with his mouth wide open, and it was only half a day before he showed a look of crying and laughing: "Sir, if you do n’t worry over Lava Mountain, just look at it in the past, why not ... why register?

"I have already handed the matter to Thunder Nu and He Yuanzheng, and then ran over ... It is easy to cause misunderstandings, and they will think that I don't believe their abilities." Su Tangdao said.

"This ... makes sense." Jin Cuicui was worried. She was wondering about Su Tang's real intentions. In fact, she had more thoughts. Su Tang didn't have any intentions. Naturally, the more she thought, the more confused, Jin Cuicui said again. : "If you really want to register and make a book, what's your name? Can't you use your real name?"

"Um ... what do you think of Tang Su? Otherwise, it's Tang Ren." Su Tang said.

"Sir, you must have liked sugar when you were a kid." Jin Cuicui smiled: "It's a sugar puff and a sugar man ..."

"It is benevolent benevolence." Su Tang corrected.

"I think it's called Su Ren." Jin Cuicui said: "Most of the wandering warriors like to call their surname, so don't change it."

"Randomly." Su Tang waved his hand: "Register me now."

"Okay." Jin Cuicui thought for a while, and said: "Sir, do you want to walk alone, or join another samurai squad, I think ... should join the samurai squad, exactly, I am going to secretly release some tasks to make people Dive into the elite teams, observe their words and deeds, gather intelligence, and judge their perceptions of Qianqifeng and Tianjilou. You can do me a favor, yes, there are points. "

"How many points?" Su Tang asked hurriedly. Obviously, he was very interested in points. After all, he had already blown it through. He must find a way to complete it.

"I booked 80 to 100 points, the time is one month." Jin Cuicui said: "If you want to do ... then you will be counted as one hundred points."

"One month? One hundred points?" Su Tang was about to shoot the case, it was too much, this is the exploitation of red fruit

"You complete the task in the team, you can get the corresponding task points, the points I gave are extra income." Jin Cuicui explained.

"That's it ..." Su Tang thought for a while and talked better than nothing: "Okay."

Jin Cuicui walked aside and took out a box. The box was divided into several layers, filled with wooden signs. She glanced for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up. She thought she had guessed the real purpose of Su Tang, and then took a sign and walked back.

"Sir, you should join the Dark Butterfly Squad." Jin Cui Cui said: "I will find someone to talk to them and let them accept you." After that, Jin Cui Cui put the wooden sign on the table.

Su Tang frowned when she saw ‘Dark Butterfly, three words:“ This name is so pretty ... not good. ”

"Very good." Jin Cuicui said: "They are all women and can't get up ..."

"Women? All women?" Su Tang's face had changed before Jin Cuicui finished.

"Yeah." Jin Cuicui responded.

"Change one for me" Su Tang's tone was very firm and heavy. I remember that I didn't understand anything at that time. I bumped into Xi Xiaoru's snare net and turned out to be a public servant for a long time. Not to mention things. In the wild, he has to do the hard work. He sleeps the latest, gets the earliest, and eats the worst. When I think of it, I am full of bitter tears. The nanny ’s experience is enough.

Jin Cuicui reacted, and Su Tang ’s purpose should not be on Hunting Yan. She frowned for a moment and said again: "I thought of it, let ’s go hunting for the squad, sir, the fifth place in the standings Xin Yang and the ninth place Dangyuntai is in the hunting team, they should be the most elite master-level team in Darkmoon City. "

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