The Magic Outfit

Chapter 317: Lava Mountain

In the wilderness beneath the lava mountain, Su Tang saw the squad. The two samurai warriors and the captain of the squad walked aside and chatted in a low voice.

Jin Cuicui did not show up, because she personally appeared to show the true identity of Su Tang.

The captain of the hunting team is called Wei Dukun.It is said that he is an old man, but he is soft outside and inner, with a very responsible character, fair and fair.He is the captain of the hunting team. .

Perhaps, when allocating points, he thinks that his contribution is not enough, so he is behind.

For a moment, Wei Dukun showed a helpless look, looked at Su Tang sideways, then nodded.

The two warriors in Tianji Tower entrusted them with errands, chatted with Su Tang, and left with satisfaction.

Wei Dukun called several other players in the past to explain what Su Tang joined. The appearances of several players are different, but one thing is the same, they are helpless.

If you change someone else, they won't accept it anyway, but Mr. Jin Da makes people talk, and they have no courage to refuse.

"Brother Su, welcome to join our hunting team." Wei Dukun said in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Please ask the captain to take care of it in the future." Su Tang smiled.

"Let's go." Wei Dukun turned around: "It's getting late, we are going to rest in the pothole today, we have to speed up."

"Brother Su, my name is Dangyuntai." A thin young man came out and extended a fist to Su Tang.

"My name is Su Ren." Su Tangdao then extended his fist and gave a light touch on the fist of Dangyuntai. He thought that the other party would consider his own strength, but found that Dangyuntai did not use spiritual power. It is obviously just a polite greeting.

"My name is Li Hang." Another man came out.

"My name is Xin Yang."

"My name is Wu Pengju."

The other team members also introduced themselves one by one, and Su Tang was very kind and greeted one by one.

"Brother Su has a very deep background ..." Dang Yuntai said with a smile while walking: "If you can let Mr. Jin Da recommend it personally, you should be the first one."

"Hehe ..." Su Tang didn't know what to say, only to laugh.

"However, the Brothers Su has this relationship. What is not good to do in Tianji Building?" Dang Yuntai said: "Why should we join our hunting team to do this kind of licking blood?"

"It was Mr. Jin Da who asked me to find it." Su Tang said: "I just said that if I wanted to find something with a high score, she would let me join your team."

"In order to score?" Wu Peng gave a stunned expression, and several people looked uncomfortable.

"Brother Su, ugly things must be said in the front." Wei Dukun turned around and said with a sullen face: "Our team's points have always been distributed according to work, do not want to do anything, and want to mix high points, here Absolutely impossible. "

"I know." Su Tang nodded.

The atmosphere became silent, and even the first party cloud platform that showed closeness had deliberately pulled away from Su Tang. Obviously they all misunderstood, thinking that Su Tang relied on relationships to mix points.

The closer to the lava mountain, the higher the temperature of the air. Grandmasters like Su Tang who barely noticed the changes in cold and heat began to sweat, as did Wei Dukun and others.

The green vegetation is gradually decreasing, and finally, the front has become a bare plain. There is nothing but large and small stones with strange shapes.

"Everyone be more careful." Wei Dukun turned back, then flew up and fell in the stone forest.

Several people at Dangyuntai looked at Su Tang. In fact, Wei Dukun said this to Su Tang alone. The other members have been in and out of Lava Mountain countless times, and there is no need to ask.

After traveling in the stone forest for more than an hour, Wei Dukun stopped suddenly: "How did the rock bubble spread here? Did something happen to the Lava Mountain these days?"

"What is rock bubble?" Su Tang asked curiously.

"Well, that's that." Dang Yuntai jawed his head to the side.

Su Tang looked in the direction indicated by Dangyuntai, and saw a hill-shaped thing, which was semicircular, dark gray, and there seemed to be something creeping inside, making a slight buzzing sound.

Su Tang felt a little strange, he walked towards the direction of the rock bubble, he wanted to see what happened. This time when I came to Lava Mountain, I mainly secretly observed whether Thunder Fury and He Yuanzheng's actions were appropriate.If everything is okay, the defeat of the Fire Leopard is a foregone conclusion.He will do his job with peace of mind. After that, go back to the mountain and rest. If he needs improvement, he will pass on his thoughts to Jin Cuicui, and then use Jin Cuicui to remind Thunder Nu and He Yuanzheng.

"Stop you?" Dangyuntai shouted and grabbed Su Tang's arm.

"I want to take a closer look." Su Tang said.

"Come closer? I really don't know life and death" Dangyuntai shouted: "Have you ever been to Lava Mountain before?

"No." Su Tang replied for granted.

"He doesn't even know the rock bubble, can he come here before? You are asking nonsense." Xin Yang smiled bitterly: "Everyone hide away, I will show Brother Su to see what the bubble is." After that, Xin Yang Picked up a stone from the ground.

At the next moment, Xin Yang threw the stone away, hitting the distant rock bubble, blasting ... the rock bubble exploded like a bomb, countless fires shot up into the sky, forming a huge mushroom cover in the sky, and After falling down one after another, the ground with a radius of more than 100 meters around the bubble has become fiery red.

Su Tang was surprised, no wonder that the wandering samurai regarded the lava mountain as a fright. The power of the bubble explosion was too strong. If the guru in the ordinary sense is close to the range of the bubble explosion, there is absolutely no life.

"Now I know?" Xin Yang said: "There are thousands of rock bubbles around the lava mountain when there are few, and there are tens of thousands when there are many.

"In fact, this thing is very dangerous, but it is not dangerous." Dang Yuntai said: "The inside of the bubble is boiling magma, and the outside is the burnt stone dust and iron powder. If no one touches, the bubble will slow itself. It disappears slowly, but if someone encounters it, or a strong wind blows, or someone speaks louder, the walking pace is too heavy, causing vibration, and the rock bubbles may explode. "

"There is also a crack in the ground. It is obviously a flat ground, and it usually passes by. It was originally okay. But when I walked up today, I suddenly fell into the ground, just like the swamp." Wu Peng said: "But if you sink in the swamp, you still have There is hope of escape. If you fall here, half of your body will burn and you will die. "

"The most dangerous thing in Lava Mountain is not the rock bubble, nor the ground fissure, but the poison gas." Wei Dukun said, they are kind enough to know that Su Tang has never been to Lava Mountain, so he tirelessly told Su Tang the main points, of course. It is also for their own consideration that in the event of the death of Su Tang, they will not be able to explain to Mr. Jin Da when they go back.

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