The Magic Outfit

Chapter 318: Heavy color

"Yeah." Dang Yuntai said: "And the poisonous gas is not the same. Some poisonous gas is very light and will float in the air. You must crawl forward to avoid the poisonous gas. Waist, even flying in the air, avoiding the area covered by poison gas, at least how to choose ... It depends on the experience. "When it comes to the end, the look of the party cloud platform is a little proud, because these are all the The experience of getting out of date with death.

"What are the symptoms of poisoning?" Su Tang asked curiously.

"It's different." Dang Yuntai said: "Some people are poisoned, they will feel dizzy and weak, and their lips will become a strange pink."

"That was carbon monoxide poisoning." Su Tang said.

"Wh ... what carbon?" The party cloud platform froze.

"It was carbon monoxide poisoning," Su Tang repeated.

Wei Dukun and others looked at each other with antidote specially prepared by the pharmacist, but the pharmacist of Darkmoon City has always been inexplicable to the gas of Lava Mountain.The antidote is sometimes effective, sometimes ineffective, untrustworthy, mainly They had to take the initiative to evade poisonous gas. This was the first time they heard the exact poison name.

"What kind of poison is that carbon?" Wei Dukun asked seriously.

"I don't understand a few words." Su Tang said: "Are there any other symptoms of poisoning?"

"Some will sneeze continuously, shed tears, can't see things clearly, and can't breathe ..."

"That's sulfur dioxide poisoning." Su Tang made another definition.

"Brother Su, is there any antidote?" Dang Yuntai asked.

"No." Su Tang shook his head: "But those two poisonous gases are easy to deal with. The external aura can prevent the poison from eroding. Even if the poison is accidentally poisoned, the operation of the breath can relieve the symptoms of poisoning, and then find a safe place. The place will be fine after a short rest. "

Su Tang said that there is no saying.The key is that there is no safe place near Lava Mountain.Always be alert to the fire leopard's attack and use the external aura to stop the toxins from attacking. This is instinct. Without Su Tang, everyone will know. It is an antidote.

"Speaking of poisonous gas, the poisonous gas is coming." The man named Li Hang sighed suddenly.

The crowd turned around and looked forward. In the stone forest in front, a column of gas was sprayed out rhythmically, some in white and some in gray.

"We can only fly through the air." Wei Dukun said: "There is still three miles away from the pothole. You must insist on flying to the pothole in one breath. You must not stop and rest. Brother Su, can you do it?"

"I'm fine." Su Tang said.

"This is not the time to succeed." Wei Dukun said in earnest.

"Really no problem." Su Tang smiled.

Wei Dukun no longer speaks. He can see that Su Tang is not an incompetent. At least he immediately said the name of the poisonous gas, and it is definitely not like nonsense. It is based.

"I'm going first, you keep up." Wei Dukun said, after he finished, he stood up and flew to the sky, then quickly swept forward.

Dang Yuntai, Xin Yang and others followed, Su Tang fell at the end, Wei Dukun glanced back, he felt that although the spiritual fluctuations emitted by Su Tang were not strong, but the look was very relaxed, it was easy. Performance.

Wei Dukun gradually speeded up, and finally released his full strength. Fortunately for others, Li Hang couldn't eat it. Fortunately, there was only three miles away, and he would arrive after he gritted his teeth.

Wei Dukun's figure began to fall, and fell on the side of a bald mountain, with a big hole more than three people high in front.

Wei Dukun's head was already covered with sweat beads, and his chest was a little panting, but his eyes were filled with joy, so let's say, with the talent of Mr. Jin Da, he would never send a waste to pull their team Hind legs.

The stronger Su Tang's strength is, the more points may be assigned after the completion of the task.However, Wei Dukun believes that it is a matter of course. Everyone's safety is also guaranteed, and there are opportunities to take on more difficult tasks.

Dangyuntai and others fell down, and Su Tang was still suspended in the air.He was looking at a big mountain in the distance.The big mountain can be described as gorgeous.It is a cone-shaped mountain, and the upper third is red There are more than a dozen red lines of varying thickness hanging down the mountain, which should be a lava river.

"That kid has two sons." Xin Yang whispered.

"Yeah, I thought he had offended Mr. Jin Da. Mr. Jin Da deliberately caused him to follow us." Li Hang was still breathing heavily, and the spiritual consumption in flight was very violent. Or even as much as a battle.

"Be quiet," Wei Dukun said unpleasantly: "Since joining our squad is our brother, don't reject him."

"Where am I?" Li Hang shouted, then glanced upwards, then paused: "You look at his boots, as if they are made of cowhide ... Oh, he will cry after two days." At the end, he deliberately stepped on the ground, the sole of the boots rubbed against the ground, and made a dull sound.

"I can't figure it out." Xin Yang said: "Since Mr. Jin Da let him come to Lava Mountain, how should he tell these basic common sense? I feel like he doesn't know anything."

"There are two possibilities." Dang Yuntai said: "One is that he is very strong, much stronger than we now guess, or even so strong that he doesn't need to understand these common senses at all; another is that Mr. Jin Da didn't treat him Is it serious, come in and practice, can you go back alive to count his luck, and die if you die. "

Dang Yuntai really guessed. In Jin Cuicui's eyes, Su Tang's strength should be above Thunder Fury, so I don't think there is anything in Lava Mountain that can threaten Su Tang's safety.

"How many years should he be younger than me? How strong can he be?" Li Hang laughed.

"Hehehe ..." Dangyuntai gave out a laugh.

"You laugh so far" Li Hang was angry.

"As long as you are smaller than you, you are not as strong as you?" Dang Yuntai said: "Dare you say this in front of He Feng?"

He Fengzheng is He Yuanzheng. When he mentioned the name of He Yuanzheng, several people did not speak. He Yuanzheng was very young, and he was not yet an adult, but his strength was outrageously strong. During this time, they rescued them several times.

"How many people do you think of Xianghe worshiping?" Li Hangdao said: "It may not be possible to find one among thousands of people. I don't think even the core disciples of the three heavenly gates, there is no consecration."

At this moment, a soft voice came from the hole behind him: "Several brothers, all come here, they all pestle to the door. What do you want to do for the younger sisters, hee hee ... then the relationship is good, here first Thank you several brothers. "

Hearing that voice, the expressions of Wei Dukun and others changed, and they were different. Wei Dukun's face was very complicated. Xin Yang showed a little helplessness, Li Hang and Wu Pengju sighed, Dangyuntai was ecstatic

"Why are you here?" Wei Dukun said.

"Yo, this is what I said." A hoarse voice came out: "You can hunt, can our dark butterfly come?"

"Is Liang Xiaoyue coming?" Dangyuntai shouted hurriedly.

"Of course, our sisters are inseparable." The soft voice replied earlier.

"Captain, I'm going to find Liang Xiaoyue." Dang Yuntai shouted, and then didn't wait for Wei Dukun's consent. The **** generally rushed inside.

"This bunny has always been so dear to friends," Wu Pengju said bitterly.

"Don't talk about the small party, the captain used to do everything possible to please others?" Xin Yang said: "Now it's offending others, so it's honest."

"Don't really say it." Li Hangdao said: "The captain used to be clanging poorly. In the past few months, I finally saw him purchase a few things. By the way, I asked us to drink a few times. Everyone. Remember? If it used to be ... "

"Are you saying that the captain is more important than friends? Li Hang, are you looking for death?" Wu Peng said in a test.

"How can I just say that the captain invited me to drink these months." Li Hang argued: "I used to rub my wine before"

"A few of you, can you die by saying a few words?" Wei Dukun said coldly.

Su Tang fell down and found that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Li Hang hurriedly said: "We just said, the captain invited me to drink, and we must remember this kindness, in the future ... hey ..." Li Hang hugged his head before he finished. .

"You guys ..." Wei Dukun sighed: "No need to laugh at me, you will have this day sooner or later."

"Who is this brother?" The two girls came out of the cave successively and looked at Su Tang curiously.

"The brother who just joined the team is called Su Ren." Wei Dukun introduced: "This is Xue Yingying, the son of Xue family in Jingtao City, and this is Zong Xiu'er."

Su Tang just nodded his head lightly, even after saying hello, Xue Yingying and Zong Xiu'er are very beautiful in appearance and have excellent temperament. In fact, as long as they are female nuns, their temperament is generally very good.

Xue Yingying and Zong Xiu'er looked at each other, and they could both see the smile in each other's eyes. Like this little man who pretended to be an arrogant man for the first time, they had seen too much.

However, they guessed wrong, Su Tang didn't mean any pretense gestures, there was a beautiful smell of fragrant fragrance around him, Xi Xiaoru with a heroic charm, and a plump princess, and in the deep heart, still He Lan Feiqiong is like a man of heaven, so Xue Yingying and Zong Xiu'er are just good for him and generally pleasing to the eye.

"Why don't you go in?" Su Tang said.

"Okay, let's go in together." Wei Dukun said.

Li Hang leaned over to Su Tang and whispered: "Brother Su, you say, what can you do the most to spend in the world?"

"The most money can be spent?" Su Tang thought for a while: "Of course it is practice." The price of practice resources far exceeds the mortals, and it must be the most expensive.

"This ..." Li Hang didn't expect Su Tang to reply like this. He paused and asked unwillingly, "What about next?"

Su Tang noticed that Li Hang's eyes were spinning on Xue Yingying and Zong Xiu'er, and he tentatively replied: "Women?"

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