The Magic Outfit

Chapter 320: Fire leopard

"What do you mean?" Wei Dukun asked in amazement.

"Brother Wei, you are usually very smart, why can't you figure it out?" The woman named Shi Dai sighed: "Sister Sister is short of elixir, you buy it for her. Sister decides to take a task, you take the initiative to listen to the news, I'm afraid that my eldest sister has an accident. The eldest sister fancyd that flying phoenix sword two months ago. You turned around and bought the flying phoenix sword and gave it to the elder sister. I heard that you spent all your savings and owed Tianji Lougu Mr. Big, do n’t you think? Have you thought about it? What did you do to let the big sister repay you? "

"I'm willing, but I just want to help her. I never thought about what I would get in return." Wei Dukun said.

"What you are afraid of is your willingness," Shi Dai shook his head. "If you hold any purpose, the elder sister will not be as embarrassed as it is now."

"I won't make her embarrassed." Wei Dukun's expression became a little sullen: "The last time she let me go, I knew her intentions, rest assured, I ... I won't be entangled with her again. "

"Are you stupid? Are you stupid?" Shi Dai was angry, but knocked on Wei Dukun's forehead, and they could see that they had a good relationship before: "If the eldest sister is really boring to you, I will Come here and talk to you about this nonsense? You are willing to get away, I should be very happy. "

Wei Dukun's expression was originally ugly. Hearing Shi Dai's words, he was stunned, his eyes suddenly released light: "What? You mean ..."

"Wei Dukun, Wei Dukun, you are also a big man, how can you become so stupid?" Shi Dai hated the iron and steel, said: "Forget it, I only have a few words, you should sew your fingers. Slightly loose, do n’t grasp so tightly, let ’s not let the elder sister have a breathless feeling, just say, just now, you said to give points to the elder sister? Why? The elder sister accepts your points ... let ’s not talk about points. Tianjilou is not allowed to resell, who do you think of the elder sister? She is waste? Can't you earn points? "

"No, I ... I ..." Wei Dukun said with difficulty: "I just want to please her."

"Pleasant to her? If the little girl who loves her first is really happy, they will feel pampered." Shi Dai whispered, "But the older sister has seen more from the south, she doesn't want to be cared by at all."

Wei Dukun opened his mouth halfway and stared blankly at Shi Dai.

"I have to be counted by my elder sister when I go back. She just ran away and ran over. I really don't want to see a pair of bi people inexplicably separated." Shi Dai said: "Elder sister often talks to you about me, do you understand? Too tightly attached, understand? Think about it yourself. "

Shi Dai got up and left, Su Tang's feelings were very keen. He heard the conversation, feeling a little bit in his heart, and couldn't help thinking of Wenxiang. If he reluctantly left Wenxiang at his side, he took the responsibility of revenge. How will Wenxiang choose? With that kind of strong personality, there will be nine or nine of them who will resolutely refuse, and then the two may also drift away.

Wen Xiang is unwilling to involve Su Tang. The most severe blow to a person who wants to do something big is to pull his loved ones into the abyss because of his incompetence and mistakes. Face pain and remorse like heartbreak.

In the conversation just now, Su Tang knew that these warriors held a respectful attitude towards Qian Qifeng. Although he was joking with his name, it was all a bar, and it did n’t matter. Su Tang did n’t even care about it.

Therefore, these should be regarded as their own people, but it is not easy to speak now, and it will give people a feeling of shallow talk.When they are familiar with them later, the captain of the hunt and the captain of the dark butterfly meet each other. A good thing, you should find an opportunity to match.

After eating, everyone was ready to take a rest. The women of the Dark Butterfly Squad were rather brittle. They fell asleep next to each other and did not arrange for a night watch.

Xin Yang, Dangyuntai and others here have no opinions. They feel normal. Fighting is back to fighting. There are six big men here, so why not let girls go to night.

Su Tang offered to stay on the night. Wei Dukun and others discussed it. They thought Su Tang wanted to show it and win the favor of the team members. For a newcomer, it is normal to have such an idea. They are not good for Su Tang. The enthusiasm also agreed, but Wei Dukun kept his eye on it and let Li Hang take care of it, not to doubt Su Tang's intentions, but to fear that Su Tang would cause disasters due to lack of experience.

After everyone fell asleep, Su Tang walked out of the cave alone, floated to the top of the mountain, and looked towards the direction of Lava Mountain.

No wonder people say that there is no night in the lava mountain. The big mountain is like a giant torch, and it shines a hundred miles away.

Su Tang stretched out his hand slowly, and there was a burning ball in his hand.This is the reason why he demanded night.Since he approached Lava Mountain, the spirit of the fire spirit beads in the brain area became very active, he could Feel the inexhaustible nature of the fire and keep agglomerating towards the fire spirit beads.

It's just that there is too little aura to absorb, and there is a tasteless taste. It's a pity to continue to absorb, feel unworthy, and give up.

There were no ground fissures and bubbles in the erupting lava that Wei Dukun and others said, otherwise he would hit the fire spirit beads and make an experiment.

More than half an hour later, Su Tang suddenly sensed something, turned his head and looked back, and saw a wild beast with flames walking slowly at the foot of the mountain.

Fire leopard?

From the appearance, the beast does look like a leopard, but its size is slightly larger, and its length and back height exceed the adult male lion.When it walks, the nostrils constantly emit black smoke, every step When it comes out, it will leave fiery red claw marks on the ground, but the claw marks will disappear quickly, and the fire drops that fall from its mouth can continue to burn for a long time, behind the fire leopard, leaving A long strip of light.

The fire leopard's movement is not slow or slow, but he has been approaching Su Tang. It should be said that it came to Su Tang.

The closer the fire leopard walked, the more clearly Su Tang saw, and he was inexplicably wondering, what kind of creature was that?

The fluctuation of spiritual power was extremely messy, and the sensation of heat came, especially when the fire leopard walked more than twenty meters away and opened his mouth with a big mouth to shake his head. Su Tang found that the fire leopard's mouth and throat were also filled with flames.

He could not feel any breath of life, but the fire leopard clearly had his own thinking

Su Tang frowned, he thought of the mechanical life of another world, the two seem to be very similar.

At the next moment, an extreme sense of disgust rose from his heart. He didn't know where this feeling came from, but his killing intention was very firm. No matter what the price was paid, this ugly thing must be completely wiped out.

Su Tang's consciousness was in a trance. He vaguely saw countless similar things running and roaring, and some had a symmetrical body shape, which could give a proper title, and some were so distorted that they could not look like a strange shape, and he did not know at all. How to describe them, where they passed, or a thousand miles of the red ground, or turned into an endless ice field, all life is particularly fragile in front of them, withered and withered, becoming the main theme of the world.

In the distance, there is a huge tree of thousands of meters, it is crying, but it is helpless.

When those things approached the giant tree, the giant tree shot a golden light, and the golden light shot directly into the sky, tearing a dark crack in the sky, and then the golden light infiltrated into it, and at the next moment, the giant tree began to burn.

Su Tang's body shuddered, his consciousness regained consciousness, and his eyes looking at the fire leopard became cold, and the aversion became stronger, he had never hated anyone like this, even when he was faced with torture and smell, Not as good as now.

The fire leopard also looked at Su Tang dyingly, the fire dripping from the corners of its mouth, falling to the ground and condensing into a small fire pond.

Su Tang stood up and rushed towards the fire leopard, and the fire leopard had already been ready to go. He suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed a tongue of fire more than 20 meters long, which rolled towards Su Tang's body.

Su Tang's spiritual refining method absolutely overwhelms the five magical tactics circulated in the practice world, plus the power of the magic costume, it can be considered that there is no opponent within the same order, and the last time he will be injured by Xie Unchanged Relying on the Tiantianjue formula, condensing all the power into three hits, the power is not much worse than that of the Dazu-level practitioners, so Su Tang is reluctant to support it.

The fire leopard's combat power is too far apart, whether it is speed or power, it is not on one level.

Su Tang's figure suddenly increased, staggering the fire tongue rolled over, approaching the fire leopard quickly, Jianguang drew a light curtain, and cut to the head of the fire leopard.

The fire leopard raised a paw, trying to block the sword light, but its paw only lifted half, and the sword of Su Tang's Taisho had been cut.

Boom ... The fire leopard's body hit the ground, and a watermelon-sized fireball flew away from the fire leopard's body and rolled away.

At the same time, a ring-shaped ripple centered on the fire leopard and rolled down four times.The affected ground instantly turned red, and Su Tang's body shot straight at high altitude.Although he dodged in time, he wore The samurai costume was scorched and ignited.

Su Tang shook his arms, and the Umbrella Hammer appeared in his hands, and then struck down hard with a hammer.

Boom ... The Umbral Hammer was hitting the fire leopard's back, and the fire leopard was violently exploded, and the remaining power was not exhausted, and a two-foot square crater was blasted on the fiery red ground.

Su Tang's arms began to rise again, and when he was about to swing his hammer again, he suddenly paused, and the Umbrella Hammer disappeared in his hand and replaced with the Fire Spirit Pearl.

Fire Lingzhu rolled over the broken body of the fire leopard, and the erratic fire mass in the Lingzhu expanded several times in a blink of an eye, and Su Tang was stunned.

The samurai who rested in the cave were awakened by the violent spiritual fluctuations, but Su Tang completed the kill in an instant.When they rushed to the mountain, they could only see the fire block in one place, and Su Tang looked at the distant Lava Mountain reveals a thoughtful look in its eyes.

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