The Magic Outfit

Chapter 321: Dream team

"Fire leopard? Why is there a fire leopard here?" Xue Yingying exclaimed when she saw the large and small fire pieces scattered on the ground, still burning.

Although the environment here has been affected by the lava mountain, it has not really entered the range of the lava mountain, and the fire leopard should not be infested nearby.

"Brother Su, did you kill the fire leopard?" Li Hang asked anxiously.

"There is no one else besides me here?" Su Tang smiled.

Wei Dukun and other people exchanged their eyes and looked at each other.The individual fighting ability of the fire leopard was very strong.Even if several of them besieged a fire leopard, it would take some effort.They were awakened in the cave and immediately rushed to the top of the mountain. After a few breaths, Su Tang can kill a fire leopard alone in such a short time. There are only two possibilities. Su Tang's strength is very scary, or he has some skills that can completely restrain the power of the fire leopard.

"To ask you a question, have you ever been to Lava Mountain before?" Su Tang turned to Wei Dukun and asked.

"There should always be dozens of times." Wei Dukun said.

"Have you ever seen the little fire leopard?" Su Tang said.

"Little Fire Leopard?" Wei Dukun thought for a while and nodded, "I've seen it."

Su Tang silently appeared in a small fire leopard, proving that there is still a certain difference between the mechanical life of the fire leopard and another world, and when he used the fire spirit beads to draw the aura of the fire leopard, he felt a soul-like, Seeing nothing intangible, flew out of the body of the fire leopard and threw it into the depths of the lava mountain at an extremely fast speed. With his current strength, there was no way to stop it.

"It's alright, you go to rest." Su Tang said.

This should have been said by the person who issued the order.Su Tang just shot and killed the fire leopard.Although the fluctuation of spiritual power has returned to calm, Yu Wei in the momentum is still there, Wei Dukun and others are affected, and naturally turned to Walking down the mountain, I felt a little weird after walking a few steps.

"Right, Brother Su." Xin Yang turned and shouted: "After the fire leopard dies, those flames will burn for dozens of breaths, and they will extinguish themselves. You have to find the fire leopard's head, usually one or Several excellent fireballs, the shape of the fireballs is not the same, there are round, oval, and angular like stones, but the shape of the fireballs found on the same fire leopard must be the same, you should be careful Don't miss it. After going back, you have to take Huozhu to Tianji Building to calculate the points. After you finish the calculation, you can also sell Huozhu, which is expensive. "

"Thanks." Su Tang smiled: "How many points can a fire leopard exchange?"

"Five hundred." Xin Yang rolled his eyes. This Su Ren was so weird that he wanted to earn points, but he didn't even know how much the Fire Leopard could change.

When Wei Dukun and others left, Su Tang's face gradually sank. He felt a threat. It seems that in the distant future, the tragedies he saw will repeat itself. This threat is more stressful than the three major gates. Also heavy.

In the early morning, the warriors of Hunting Squad and Dark Butterfly Squad were well-dressed, had eaten, and continued to march towards Lava Mountain.

Without communication, the two teams acted together naturally. The closer to the Lava Mountain, the worse the road

In the pothole, Li Hang, Xin Yang and others and the girls of the Dark Butterfly Squad fought fiercely, hustle and childish, and now they are really in danger, but their looks have become very dignified, as if suddenly Grown up the same.

Do n’t always bring trouble to your teammates. This is the basic rule among warriors. Whether it is a man or a woman, no matter how old or young, you must obey.

Rock bubbles one after another, and the fissure zone spraying flames also appeared one after another. Li Hang told Su Tang softly that this is the sea of ​​death in Lava Mountain. A rock bubble burst is nothing, but here, the explosion of the rock bubble Will cause a chain reaction, everything around will be swallowed up.

In fact, without Li Hang's instructions, Su Tang's actions have been very careful. These people should be the most elite warriors in Dark Moon City. Even if they don't cherish their lives, Su Tang will protect them as much as possible.

Through the sea of ​​death, there was a sandy land in front.Wei Dukun and others were relieved.Every time they entered the lava mountain, they had to pass through the sea of ​​death.Although they have traveled many times, they will be worried every time. They will not make low-level mistakes themselves, but if they encounter a fire leopard while passing through the sea of ​​death, it will be bad. Once a conflict occurs, the bubble may be detonated, and the fire leopard is not afraid. I ca n’t bear it. Fortunately, the fire leopard has a very low intelligence. I never thought of blocking the humans who broke into the lava mountain in the sea of ​​death.

After walking in the sand for nearly half an hour, there was a faint roar in front of him, and there was a shocking spiritual fluctuation.

Someone is fighting the fire leopard? Wei Dukun and others exchanged glances, immediately speeded up, and ran to the opposite from the spiritual force fluctuations.

Soon, two teams of warriors approached the battlefield. They saw eight or nine warriors ahead and a dozen fire leopards, but that was not a battle, but a one-sided slaughter.

Those warriors turned out to be cultivators with water properties.Every time they attack, they can release violent cold and water vapor.The fire leopard's movements were originally very rapid, but as long as they were hit by the cold, the physique will change. The snail is generally slow, and it will return to normal after two to five seconds, but the warriors' next attack has arrived.

Behind those warriors, there is a slightly thin but graceful figure, it is He Yuanzheng, his task is not to extinguish the leopard, but to protect those warriors, so he has never shot.

"It depends on the dream team that Tianjilou just formed?" Li Hang said bitterly.

"Dream Team? What broke the name" Xue Yingying said.

"Don't talk nonsense, it was given by Mr. Su." Wei Dukun hurriedly said.

"Shall we help in the past? Points are all points," Zong Xiu'er's expression seemed tangled.

"Let's go now? Is that called help?" Li Hang said: "Is that called robbery?"

"If He Jingfeng is not here, we can try ..." Xin Yang said discouragedly: "I still don't want to cause trouble."

He Yuanzheng has already discovered the samurai of the hunting squad and the dark butterfly squad, and he is still far away. Floating in the air, falling to this side.

Su Tang tried his best to make an eye on He Yuanzheng, and his father was visiting in private on Weifu, and this is a good opportunity to evaluate the Hunting Squad and the Dark Butterfly Squad at close range. Who is worth training and who should give up.

He Yuanzheng will be turned around by Gu Suifeng because of too little experience, and it does not mean that he is stupid. Seeing Su Tang ’s eyes, if he feels, his sight falls on Wei Dukun.

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