The Magic Outfit

Chapter 322: Gamble

"A few of you?" He Yuanzheng said slowly: "Don't you say you have to take a rest after going back last time? How come you came back?"

"He consecration, we can't rest." Wei Dukun replied very respectfully: "Moreover, the brethren want to gather 10,000 points as soon as possible and become a mountain guard samurai."

"It's a good thing to have a goal." He Yuanzheng smiled gently: "But we must do our best. There is a saying that is good, but the speed is not enough."

"You can rest assured that with the last lesson, we will never take the risk again." Wei Dukun said.

Su Tangzong blinked at the back, but he didn't expect that He Yuanzheng, a young man, would have a nice appearance.

He Yuanzheng nodded his head and looked at Su Tang once again, his eyes asked a little, but when he saw that Su Tang didn't mean anything, he turned around and walked towards the dream team of warriors. It also relieved Su Tang.

After the flames of the wreckage of the fire leopard were extinguished, the warriors of the dream team began to collect the fire beads left by the fire leopard. More than a thousand points, so it wo n’t take long before the name on the standings will change a lot.

In fact, after the establishment of the Dream Team, the first few battles were dangerous, but fortunately Thunder Fury and He Yuanzheng escorted them, and they repeatedly gave instructions to the Dream Team members to quickly pass the running-in period. More and more tacit.

"He enshrine is so beautiful ..." Xue Yingying looked at He Yuanzheng's back and said indifferently.

"Okay, silly girl, how many years older than other people's offerings, don't daydream." Zong Xiuer laughed and said: "Are you ashamed?"

"What's the matter with what age?" Xue Yingying refused to accept: "The older woman, she knows more about hurting people"

"Yingying, take your heart as soon as possible." Shi Dai smiled bitterly: "A friend of mine is from Tianji Building. She heard Mr. Jin Da say that if you are lucky, at most two or three years, the consecration may be broken. The bottleneck, to reach the realm of ancestors, you ... He Hefang and we are not the same kind of people. You are just a little emotional and like it now. If you get deeper, you will not have the opportunity to look back. "

Shi Dai's words were completely awe-inspiring to destroy his own people, but they were also very real. He Yuanzheng's strength, temperament, conversational cultivation, etc., far surpassed them.

Xue Yingying lowered her head and stopped talking. Zong Xiu'er and others also showed their disappointment.

In Lava Mountain, there are not many places for rest. The dream team needs a rest after a big battle, and Wei Dukun and others heard the dream team warriors say that the fire leopards that are active in the nearby area have been cited. Come here, they want to complete the task, in exchange for points, they can only continue to go deep in the lava mountain, that is to say, there is nothing to do today, Wei Dukun and the players discussed for a moment, and decided to follow the dream team Let's start with the spirit first, and we will talk about it tomorrow.

At dusk, more than 20 samurai of the three teams entered the stone forest one after another, each looking for a place to rest, the people of the dream team formed a system, and the people of the hunting team and the dark butterfly team were relatively close to each other. It's hilarious to get together and eat, drink, sarcastically, and fight each other from time to time.

Su Tang saw He Yuanzheng standing on the bare hills and looked away. He had long wanted to talk to He Yuanzheng. Passed.

"What are you going to do?" Wei Dukun asked.

"I'm looking for the consecration to talk to God." Su Tangdao, anyway, can't hide everyone's eyes, let's be honest.

"You? Are you going to consecrate to chat?" Li Hang cried.

"Why ... can't it?"

"Don't mess around." Wei Dukun frowned: "Who do you think he enshrined? Even Mr. Jin Da, you have to be careful with him in front of him."

"Yeah." Xin Yang received: "In case you annoyed He He worship, we all have to accompany you to suffer. Let's be honest here."

"Actually, it is good to consecrate people, not so unreasonable." Su Tang said.

"How do you know?" Xue Yingying shouted.

"Um ... it looks ... it feels like it." Su Tang explained happily.

"Oh, you are looking at congratulations on the young age, you think it's easy to deal with?" Zong Xiu'er accepted.

"I said, do you think the He-Feng is easy to fool, so it's almost right to go?" Xue Yingying sneered.

Su Tang wanted to nod, and then asked Xue Yingying how he knew He Yuanzheng was easy to fool, and immediately reacted: "I really want to chat with He Fengfeng, you think too much ..."

"Cut" Xue Yingying said disdainfully: "Dare you bet me?"

"What bet?" Su Tang asked.

"Bet that you can chat with He Fengfeng for at most ten minutes, and then you will be driven away." Xue Yingying said.

"What is the bet?" Li Hang asked curiously.

"Don't Xiao Su kill a fire leopard last night? Just bet on five hundred points." Xue Yingying said: "You lose, you have to give us the fireball. If you win, I will give you five hundred points."

"Not good" Su Tang smiled and shook his head bitterly. It was obviously a stubborn thing. He Yuanzheng would never chase him away. He bet on people with this kind of thing. There is a suspicion of a liar, not to mention that he turned these samurai into Qianqifeng. The potential power is not willing to bully people.

"Don't you dare," Xue Yingying shouted.

"I'm fine, but I'm afraid your women will cry and play tricks after losing." Su Tang was a little displeased in his heart. He knew that Xue Yingying should be jealous, and wanted to take this opportunity to win the points.

The level of the position can affect people's mentality about the same thing. If Su Tang is still a bitter wandering warrior, pointing at the points to spend the day, he will definitely regard Xue Yingying as a hatred. And now, he is just not happy with Xue Yingying's greed. He will not take it seriously for a trivial matter.

"Who does it? What do you think of our women?" Xue Yingying said angrily.

"I also have 500 points." Zong Xiuer interjected: "Bet you lose"

"I have five hundred"

"I'll also come to five hundred"

The women of the Dark Butterfly Squad appeared to be very united, and all of them scored 500 points. They bet on Su Tang to lose, and Su Tang couldn't laugh or cry. His eyes swept on Wei Dukun and others: "Who are you? Who will win ? "

"Dangyuntai, you said, who is willing to win?" Exclaimed Liang Xiaoyue.

"I ..." Dang Yuntai grinned bitterly, looking very tangled, and then said: "Of course I bet you won well, and I also got 500 points"

"You guys are so shameless" Li Hang couldn't see it, and then looked at Su Tang, Yu Xiao said: "Being a brother, of course I have to support you at this time ... but ... just brother Su, this is simply there I wo n’t win, I wo n’t join in the fun. ”

"It's just a joke, as for you?" Xin Yang said.

"Take care of you? Now I only ask you, do you follow?" Xue Yingying exclaimed.

"Don't follow." Xin Yang flinched back immediately, then squeezed his eyebrows at Su Tang on the side, instructing Su Tang to stop fighting.

"I have two thousand points and bet on the Su brothers to win ..." Wei Dukun said suddenly, but he hadn't finished his speech, and Li Hang, who had been surrounded by him, covered his mouth.

"The captain has drunk too much, so you shouldn't hear it, ha ha ... ha ha ..." Li Hangyu smiled.

The female warrior headed by the dark butterfly across the face sighed, Shi Dai showed her anger, and stared at Wei Dukun fiercely, as if to say that she had talked so much to you, and she forgot to turn around?

Wei Dukun also reacted, his behavior was too obvious, bowed his head in shame.

"Look, you lost, only lost our 500 points, and if you win, you can win 3,500 points." Xue Yingying said: "Is it fair?"

The six women of the Dark Butterfly Squad all bid, plus the party ’s five hundred and five hundred friends, which is indeed three thousand five hundred.

Su Tang was very helpless, he let Li Hang and others bet, just to have a room for maneuver, when he won, only take away the five hundred points of Xue Yingying, also gave Xue Yingying a lesson 丨 other assigned to Wei Dukun, etc. People, because of the relationship between the two teams, they should return the points in their backs. Who thought that apart from a self-defeating Wei Dukun, no one would like to follow him.

"Good." Su Tang was too lazy to speak.

"Come, high-five for oath" Xue Yingying extended her slap.

Su Tang reached out his hand and hit each other, then Su Tang turned around and walked in the direction of He Yuanzheng.

He Yuanzheng saw Su Tang early, and the surface was quiet. When Su Tang approached, he asked softly, "Sir, what's going on? When did you get in with those boys?"

"Miscellaneous? The dunya is really a big dye tank. You wouldn't have spoken like that before." Su Tang laughed: "I just can't sit on the mountain, so I ran over here to see the scenery of Lava Mountain."

"It's quite appropriate to mix the word." He Yuanzheng also smiled: "Those silly boys don't know your identity.

"I don't know. I just said I would come over and talk to you. They still bet with me that you will definitely drive me away." Su Tang said.

"Then do I rush ... or not?" He Yuanzheng smiled more cheerfully.

"Don't be fooling, you have to let me win." Su Tang said: "If you have a bet, you can win more than 3,000 points. When I came, I said to Jin Cuicui that within a month I would be ranked first in the standings. Bit, I still felt a little difficult at the time, now look ... a piece of cake. "

"There are bets ..." He Yuanzheng paused: "Dividend"

"Oh ..." Su Tang stunned: "Xiaohe, only a few days later, the study is broken? I still have to pay dividends? Besides, what's the use of points?"

"Dividend" He Yuanzheng repeated: "Either you will be driven away, or your identity will be demolished.

"No, it's not right," Su Tang said: "You have to be conscientious in your life. You are just standing with me to say a few words and asking me to pay dividends?"

"I can't accompany you." He Yuanzheng increased his tone: "dividend"

"Well ... well, there is yours" Su Tang was helpless, and then the topic changed: "Did you find any abnormal phenomena recently?"

He Yuanzheng was a little surprised, the smile faded on his face: "You also found out?"

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