The Magic Outfit

Chapter 323: Bet again

Upon hearing He Yuanzheng's words, Su Tang frowned, "What did you find?"

He Yuanzheng looked at the positions of the warriors and whispered: "In the past, Xinzu promised to have the father of Huai family, everyone cooperated to fight the fire leopard, although in the end, because of the heavy losses, they had no choice but to kill two fires. Leopard, Xinzu said, the fire leopard at that time was more fierce than it is now, but ... "He Yuanzheng paused, his face a little more complicated.

Su Tang asked: "But what?"

"Previous fire leopards will also spray fire tongues, which will release a hot shock, but they are like ordinary beasts, with blood, flesh and bones. Now the fire leopard ... After killing, it will only become a pile of ashes." He Yuanzheng said: "How to say, the former fire leopard was called the spirit beast, now, he doesn't know what it is."

"The current fire leopard is different from the previous one?" Su Tang asked word by word. He Yuanzheng's words confirmed his guess. Last night, he thought that the fire leopard was like this. He Yuanzheng was proved here.

"Of course it is not the same. Xinzu also said that every time he killed the fire leopard, he could sense a strange thing flying out of the body of the fire leopard and to the lava mountain." He Yuanzheng said: "Xinzu doubts ... … There should be a big guy hidden in the mountain, so he left yesterday, to find out what is the time, and he should be back soon. "

"What do you think? Why is his face so bad?" Su Tang asked softly.

"It's nothing." He Yuanzheng said: "There are some bizarre stories in the legend. Well, the stories ... hehe, they are all unbelievable, but I am a little flustered."

Su Tang didn't continue this topic. If nothing happened, he first freaked himself out. That was a huge joke. When Thunder Fury came back, it was not too late for everyone to discuss.

In order to spend time, Su Tang and He Yuanzheng chatted some gossip again. It was almost half an hour before Su Tang turned around slowly and walked to Wei Dukun and others.

Wei Dukun, they are already stupid, the women of the Dark Butterfly Squad look very unsightly, three thousand points is not a small amount, it means that since the Tianji Tower reopened, all their hard work has been put into water, so it is possible not enough.

In particular, Xue Yingying, such a result touched the most vulnerable part of her heart. If only she lost it, it would be nothing. Eat a bite and grow wise. In the future, do n’t mess with people, but the sisters must be strong. She, everyone lost precious points, so she could not accept it anyway.

"Brother Su, I really have you," Li Hangqi said: "What are you talking about with He Fu?"

"It's just gossip." Su Tang said: "Except for women, everything is chatted."

"Have he ever told you, which school of disciple he is?" Xin Yang asked.

"This is not a chat." Su Tang said: "Ask people's privacy ... not so good?"

Wei Dukun and other people have questions to ask, Su Tang has to answer questions, but he never talks about gambling. Xue Yingying and some women are restless. Finally, Zong Xiu'er couldn't help it and said: "Little Su, all the things we can exchange points are left in the city. You can rest assured that you will cash in immediately after you go back. You will never rely on you. "

Su Tang is very helpless. He really suffers from death. In fact, He Yuanzheng told him just now that the wandering warriors in the Dark Moon City are so hard and dangerous in exchange for points. People, his heart softened, so he didn't mention it deliberately. Who knew Zong Xiuer was so active, he had to nod vaguely.

After a few hours, the volcano reflected a red sky, and suddenly there was a violent spiritual fluctuation, and the three teams of wandering warriors immediately entered a fighting state.

For a moment, Thunder Fur's figure fell from high altitude, his eyes turned, saw Su Tang's figure, his eyes showed a happy look, and he flew to Su Tang's side, just then, He Yuanzheng flew into the air, just stopped Thunder Fury.

It should be said that Su Tang, Thunder Fur no longer looked at Su Tang, and He Yuanzheng fell back to the ground.

"Xiao Su, would you dare to gamble with me again?" Xue Yingying suddenly said.

"Re gamble?" Su Tang stunned: "What do you want to gamble?"

"Don't blame me for not telling you, that's our faithful ancestor in the Dark Moon City" Xue Yingying said: "He consecrates the young, good-tempered, easy to fool, you won't be a win, dare to go and chat with Xinzu

"Xue Yingying, are you overdoing it?" Xin Yang lowered his face: "What kind of person was Xinzu before? You don't know that let Su Brothers disturb Xinzu, that's to die."

"I didn't force him again. If he's afraid, he can't bet with me ..." Xue Yingying was a little guilty and avoided her sight.

"It's okay." Su Tang said to Xin Yang, and then looked at Xue Yingying, this woman really didn't die until the Yellow River: "Say, how to gamble? What to gamble?" This time, he was really angry, must To give Xue Yingying an unforgettable lesson 丨

"You used to chat with Xinzu, but you can't just talk. You have to shoot three times on Xinzu's shoulder. By then Xinzu is not angry, even if you win." Xue Yingying said: "If you win, we will give you three more Thousand points, if you lose the previous debt and write off, no, your points are still yours, we do n’t want it, and then I will give you another five hundred, how about it? No matter whether you lose or win, you earn it. "

"If Brother Su doesn't gamble with you, wouldn't he earn more now?" Li Hang shouted, and then looked at Su Tang: "Brother Su, don't ignore her. Sure enough, you can't lose. Xinzu and He worship are different. , Do you know who he was before? "

"It's the pirate leader" Xin Yang said in a low voice: "If you don't agree, you will kill people"

On the contrary, Su Tang's expression eased slightly. Hearing that Xue Yingying no longer coveted the fireball in his hand, he just wanted to make up for the mistakes he made, at least to save the sisters' losses.

"Okay." Su Tang nodded. "That's it."

After talking, Su Tang stood up and walked in the direction of He Yuanzheng and Thunder Fur. Li Hang and Xin Yang were very anxious. They lowered their voices and kept calling Su Tang back, but Su Tang ignored it.

In a moment, Su Tang was close to He Yuanzheng and Thunder Fur. Thunder Fur saw Su Tang walk in and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Mr. would also make fun of people like this."

"It's not that I'm making fun of people, it's they crying and begging me to bet." Su Tangdao then turned the subject: "Anything found?"

"Everything else is nothing, but there is a valley that is very strange." Thunder Fury said in earnest: "There are hundreds of meters away, and I can't get closer ..."

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