The Magic Outfit

Chapter 330: God willing

After descending from the mountain, the boat of the angry sea group crossed the strait, crossed Jingtao City, and headed all the way north. On the road, Su Tang saw Anshui City from a distance.

Revisiting the old place too, Su Tang left the caravan and walked down the street towards his impression. After searching for half an hour, he finally saw the mark of the blacksmith shop.

With a smile on his lips, Su Tang walked slowly over and lifted the blacksmith's curtain.

There are guests in the shop, a man and a woman, not very old. They carefully took out a box and held it in front of Tong Fei. They laughed and said, "Master Tong, this is the meteorite we prepared. Can you give it? We forge a short sword? "

Tong Fei was repairing the stove. He glanced into the box. There were seven or eight pieces of black iron in it, and then frowned: "There are only three meteorites, and the rest are just ordinary meteorites."

"Meteorite?" The woman was angry, staring at the man: "You lied to me?"

"Oh, why am I willing to lie to you? Really, I have looked everywhere, only these" the man hurriedly cried.

Tong Fei was too lazy to care, and said impatiently: "If you only use these meteorites to forge short swords, you can't count spiritual weapons, at most weapons and weapons."

"Master Tong, what do you need if you want to forge a magic weapon?" The woman asked quickly.

"The lapis lazuli, dushan jade, blue copper, tourmaline stone, etc., the more they are used, the greater the chance of forging out the spiritual weapon. However, the spiritual vein is deep and shallow, and the thread is rare and wide. You can only see your luck. "Tong Feidao.

The woman turned to look at the man, but the man smiled bitterly and refused to take the topic.

"Let's put it down, take it in ten days." Tong Fei said: "Twenty gold coins."

"Can you also create a magic weapon for me?" Su Tang walked in with a smile.

Seeing that it was Su Tang, Tong Fei showed a surprised color, then remembered something, the probe looked behind Su Tang.

"Who are you looking for? Wenxiang? I'm alone." Su Tang said.

Tong Fei took a breath and looked at the pair of men and women impatiently, "Isn't it telling you to take it after ten days? Either put it down, or just take it out, don't worry about it."

The men and women did not dare to echo, put the box aside and walked out quickly.

"What is your attitude?" Su Tang said with a smile: "Just bully and bully the honest people, and replace it with me. You must have burned your blacksmith shop."

"They dare?" Tong Fei pouted: "Without me talking, the Wushui family in Anshui City can't get around them."

"It's a big tone, it seems that it's really close to the main house." Su Tang said: "What else do you do with this kind of chores? How good is the main house's supply, twenty gold coins ... Just look at their faces, It may not be available.

"Can't get it out? Then don't they want to take away their swords." Tong Feixing stood up: "Sir, you sit down for a while, I went to Zhangluo to eat, I haven't drunk for a long time, I'm not drunk today."

"Okay." Su Tang smiled.

Tong Fei went out to buy some food in the small shop next to him, and then picked up a large wine jar in the wine shop, put the table in the net, and laid out the dishes. Tong Fei's eyes rolled back and walked to the back Take two wine glasses from the bottom of the cabinet. The wine glasses are light red and the workmanship is very delicate.

Tong Fei opened the wine jar, scooped the wine from the wine jar with a large bowl, and then poured it into the glass. Su Tang looked a little strange: "Do n’t you drink in a big bowl and eat meat in large pieces? How did you start using this crepe? Something

"Because you are a distinguished guest." Tong Fei said with a smile: "Come on, don't say anything else, sir, you can come to see me and prove that you are really treating me as a friend. Let me give you a drink first." Tong Fei raised his glass and sipped it out.

Su Tang sat opposite, his fingertips just touched the wine glass, and the wine glass glowed red, not very bright, with a lustrous luster, and it looked very comfortable.

"Interesting ..." Su Tang looked at the wine glass in surprise.

Tong Fei became stunned, and for a long time, said with difficulty: "You ... you have been promoted to Grand Master?" Seeing Su Tang, he felt that Su Tang's temperament changed a lot, but he couldn't tell where it changed. So the spirit machine moved, and took out the wine glass that was just obtained. I don't know who made this wine glass. It can sense the spiritual power. The spiritual power of the guru is not strong enough. The practitioners of different realms such as Grand Master, Grandpa, etc. touch the wine glass and the wine glass. Will emit different colors of light.

Although not very useful, Tong Fei is very interested and wants to study carefully.

"Yeah." Su Tang said.

"How is it possible ... so fast?" Tong Fei shouted.

"Luck." Su Tang said: "Have you been okay these months?"

"There are people from the Wu family blocking it for me. Most people don't dare to bother me, and they have a lot of time to do what I want. It's okay." Tong Fei said.

"Do you want to move somewhere?" Su Tang said.

"Forget it, I don't want to toss about everywhere." Tong Fei said: "Anshui City is very good."

"Really good? How many coffins have you saved?" Su Tang smiled.

"Alas ... sir, I know what you mean, but I ... I am not greedy for life and death, nor ambitious. Some things are really impossible." Tong Fei sighed: "I want to help you ... But ... Wen Da enshrined was like a demon. He actually regarded the three major gates as enemies. If it's not good to say, can ants shake the mountain? "

"You have been thinking for a long time. I and Wenxiang are not together now. Her affairs, even if I am not allowed to intervene, why would you hold you back?" Su Tang said.

"Hehe ..." Tong Fei laughed twice, without answering.

"What I said is true." Su Tang said: "A few months ago, I broke up with Wenxiang and took people to the south, walked across the strait, and went to Darkmoon City, the owner of Qianqifeng in Darkmoon City. , Treat me very well and helped me a lot. "

"Sir, you can be promoted to Grand Master so quickly, could it be ..."

"Qianqifeng has spiritual veins, and practice in the spiritual veins, the speed is naturally much faster, not to mention, the owner of Qianqifeng also gave me a few Pills of Transmigration." Su Tang said.

"Hua Jing Dan?" Tong Fei moved with horror, and then awakened to what he said: "The master of Qianqifeng is a lady?"

"You ..." Su Tang wanted to curse people for a moment.

"If it weren't for the ladies, why is it so good to you?" Tong Fei said.

"Do you understand what you mean?" Su Tang shouted: "When things happen, I and he can always think of going together

Tong Fei scratched his head, he still didn't believe it. The value of Huadan was so high, how could it be given away casually? I remember hearing Xiang Xiang say before that Su Tang is very popular with women. The one named Xi Xiaoru took the initiative to raise Su Tang. No matter what is missing, as long as Su Tang speaks, everything is not a problem.

"Would you like to go to Darkmoon City?" Su Tang said: "Qianqifeng has spiritual veins, which is good for your practice, and there are lava mountains nearby. What materials are missing. Just send a task, and someone will definitely give you. Found it.

"Go to the Dark Moon City ..." Tong Fei's face was struggling. Of course he wanted to practice in a place with spiritual veins. However, Su Tang and Wen Xiang could cause trouble one by one. They really went. It is estimated that he can't be flat. Passed away.

"The host of Qian Qifeng and I are good friends. As long as I say a word, he will definitely treat you as a guest." Su Tang said: "How?"

"Forget it," Tong Fei said strenuously: "Having lived in Anshui City for half a year, I am familiar with it, and I really don't want to change a strange place."

"Okay, don't say this." Su Tang said: "Drink and drink."

Suddenly, a jar of wine has turned into a half-tan, and both Su Tang and Tong Fei drank a little blushing.

"Tong Fei, you said, how about me and Wen Xiang?" Su Tang changed the subject.

"You two ... to be honest?" Tong Fei laughed.

"Of course be honest."

"Neither is a good person." Tong Fei said: "Wen Da enshrined it. It was like that when she was in Changshan County. She smiled face to face and touched the guy in the back. Both Lao Xiao and I evaded Sanshe. Even Mr. Long dared not manage She, but when you Mr. Su entered the city ... what a wonderful person, who only knows how to learn from the Dawen worship in a few days, but you still have some bottom line, which is much better than the Wenda worship. "

"The bad is not to learn, it is forced." Su Tang said lightly, then frowned: "What does this wine taste? Do you have any other good wine in Anshuicheng?"

"Of course I have, but I have to go to Juxianzhuang to buy it, and it takes half an hour to come and go." Tong Feidao.

"Going to buy it, it's hard to invite a guest, so stingy"

"Sir, you really look down on people." Tong Fei shouted: "I'm not afraid you are impatient waiting

"Go buy it." Su Tang put the glass on the table: "I can't drink this sour wine."

Tong Fei had no choice but to get up and walk out. When he reached the door, he turned his head suspiciously and glanced at Su Tang, but Su Tang was yawning there.Tong Fei felt a little wrong, but Su Tang behaved very badly Naturally, he couldn't see anything.

Tong Fei left, Su Tang waited for a moment, stood up and walked slowly to the stove, standing for a while, he couldn't help laughing: "Do I have a bottom line? Alright ..." After that, Su Tang raised his foot Kicked, with a bang, the furnace wall was kicked out of a big hole.

When Tong Fei hurried back holding the wine jar, he saw a scene that made him dizzy.The hardworking blacksmith shop he had worked so hard had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the street was full of people watching Su Tang. Just in the middle of the street, there was a languid scream: "It's on fire ... on fire ..."

Tong Fei threw the wine jar down the street, threw himself over, and roared in his mouth: "It's on fire

"I know." Su Tang said.

"You ..." Tong Fei almost gasped: "Why don't you save the fire?"

"This is God's will, why should I save?" Su Tang looked at Tong Fei's clenched fists and grinned: "You have to think clearly ..."

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