The Magic Outfit

Chapter 331: Guest bully

Su Tang is still drinking, but the place of drinking is transferred from Tong Fei's blacksmith shop to the hotel, Su Tang is safe, Tong Fei has black and gray on his body, and there are many tattered piles in the corner, all are Tong Fei Hard to find from the fire scene of the blacksmith shop.

"Sir, if you want me to go to Qianqifeng, or there is something I need to help, do you say it clearly?" Tong Fei almost cried: "As for this?"

"What's wrong with me?" Su Tang said: "I didn't do anything"

"You didn't do anything, how could it catch fire?"

"The stove is down." Su Tang explained.

"How could the stove fall?" Tong Fei continued to ask.

"I fell myself."

"Sir ... Well, I was wrong, you are even more ruthless than Wen Feng," Tong Fei shouted: "Dirty Wen Feng, toss me at most for a while, and you ... you are so amazing. "

"What's wrong with me?" Su Tang repeated: "I didn't do anything."

"You didn't do anything, how could it catch fire?"

"The stove is down ..." Su Tang said.

Tong Fei blinked his eyes and asked it for about ten days and a half months, but he couldn't ask for anything. Forget it, break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach ... He had no other choice. In the past, Tong Fei was enshrined in the Miao Dao Pavilion, and was originally bound by Su Tang. Now Su Tang has been promoted to Grand Master, and his strength is far above him. He can't beat, beat, say, say.

Moreover, Su Tang can use this method that is too extreme. It may be a big deal than him to go to Dark Moon City. He must be helped, and he has to go for a trip. Wait for Su Tang to solve the trouble. No longer involved in his freedom.

Tong Fei reluctantly restrained his emotions and kept drinking. Finally, after a big mouthful of half an hour, he successfully drunk himself and slowly slid under the table.

Su Tang stood up with a smile, took out a stack of gold tickets from his pocket, put it on Tong Fei's chest, then closed the door, turned to the window, and jumped out of the window.

The main purpose of Su Tang's northward return was to go to Feilu City. If he could spare time, he would also go to Hongye City for a turn without delay. It's time to leave, and when you come back, if Tong Fei hasn't left yet ... it's a big deal to set fire again.

After leaving Anshui City overnight, he continued to walk north. At noon that day, he finally arrived at Feilu City. Su Tang did not rush to find the secret residence of the Zhu Temple, but found a hotel nearby.

He didn't know exactly what kind of trouble Wen Xiang was experiencing. It is estimated that he wouldn't say it when asked, and if he directly came to the door, he would definitely alarm other people. He should find Zong Yiye first, and then make plans.

After waiting for two days, at dusk, Su Tang saw Zong Yiye hurried out and walked in the direction of the north of the city. Su Tang withdrew from the room and followed behind quietly.

Zong Yiye was very worried. He just walked forward. He didn't see a few catkins on his shoulders. In fact, he wouldn't care if he saw him.

Now Su Tang has not realized that his tracking technique is unparalleled in the world, no matter where Zong Yiye goes, no matter how many streets and buildings are separated, he can clearly sense Zong. The location of a leaf.

For a moment, Zong Yiye walked into a ready-to-wear store, and Su Tang looked around and walked slowly into a restaurant.

Almost an hour later, Zong Yiye walked out of the clothing store, glanced around, turned around and walked out of the city.

"Wait, wait ..." With the shouting, a restaurant guy aged around 18 or 9 chased breathlessly.

"You call me?" Zong Yiye asked with a frown.

"Are you a son of Zong Yiye Zong?" The restaurant guy laughed with him.

"It's me." Zong Yiye's eyes immediately became awe-inspiring: "Who are you?"

"A guest asked you to have a few drinks in the past." The restaurant man said.

"I have no time." Zong Yiye's face became colder, and then turned around, ignoring the restaurant guy again.

"The guest said, if you haven't forgotten the friendship of Taohuayuan, be sure to go there," the restaurant man hurriedly cried.

"What are you talking about?" Zong Yiye shouted suddenly.

"Yes ..." The restaurant guy was startled and cowardly explained: "It's not what I said, it was the guest."

"Taohuayuan ..." Zong Yiye took a long breath: "Take me over."

Under the guidance of the restaurant's folks, Zong Yiye walked into the restaurant and came to the door of a box. For a long time, a long breath.

"Sir, why are you here?" Zong Yiye hurriedly closed the door.

"Listening to Bao Lan, you have a lot of trouble, how can I not come?" Su Tang said: "Sit down."

Zong Yiye's **** just touched the chair and stood up again. He walked to the window, pushed the window open, and looked carefully at the exterior. After seeing nothing unusual, he relaxed and walked back.

"Have your situation been so sinister?" Su Tang asked slowly.

"Sir, you don't know, it's hard to say a word ..." Zong Yiye sighed: "If you start from the beginning, you can't finish it for days and nights"

"Then it's the simplest to say." Su Tang said: "Or, you tell me directly, who are the enemies, where do they live, how many people are around, and then you can leave the rest to me. "

"Sir, has Princess Mei also followed?" Zong Yiye's eyes suddenly lit up.

"No." Su Tang said: "What do you mention her?"

"Why didn't you bring Mei Fei over?" Zong Yiye's expression collapsed.

"Wen Xiang hasn't come back yet?" Su Tang suddenly realized what he was doing, and straightened his spine. After all, Wen Xiang lived in Qianqifeng for two days, and knew the core strength of Qianqifeng.Thunder Fur was the great ancestor.He Su Tang, He Yuanzheng, and Jin Cuicui were great masters. Mei Fei's strength was at the fifth place. Wenxiang has arrived in Feilu City, and Zong Yiye will know about it, but now, Zong Yiye still regards Mei Fei as the top strong among them, something is wrong.

"No." Zong Yiye said.

"She left a day earlier than me. Is there something that was delayed?" Su Tang frowned.

"It's good that His Highness didn't come back, or else ..." Zong Yiye shook his head and sighed again.

"What the **** happened?" Su Tang said in a deep voice.

"How to say, internal and external troubles are really internal and external troubles" Zong Yiye said: "After we arrived at Feilu City, we met another group of people. They are also the temples of the gods, and some people might have robbed us of a large number of spiritual weapons and elixir. The matter has spread, they want to work together with us. His Highness didn't think much, and promised them. Who knows, the Hakka deceived the Lord and the Mo Gu Zong, they let out the words, if they want to continue to cooperate, they must put Your Highness handed over to them. If your Highness is not a descendant of Master Wen Tianshi, it would have been a catastrophe. "

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