The Magic Outfit

Chapter 458: Attacked

Wen Xiang and others were silent. The ancient Jedi was very dangerous. But if it was really Zong Yiye who was transported in a coffin, would they go or not?

For a long time, Wenxiang looked at Qian Daban: "What did you say, is it true?"

"Of course it is true, I dare to swear" Qian Daban raised his hand.

"Since this ..." Wen Xiang paused: "You called Qian Daban? Stay here for a few days. When I come back, I will naturally thank you a lot."

"Okay, okay, no problem." The money master class grinned broadly, apparently caring about the remuneration that Wenxiang said: "Listening to Brother Qiu said, Master Wen is that ... what a cool person like Xu Mei, Sure enough

"Do not let Xumei" Qiu Jie reluctantly reminded.

"It's all the same, it's all the same, haha ​​..." The money class became more and more happy.

Wen Xiang said in silence, and she could see that the money master was a man who had no intentions. She wanted to leave the other party. In fact, it was a threat. If you are telling a lie, or something went wrong in this trip, you need to come back. Anyone with a little bit of your life will understand, but Qian Daban is very happy and unlikely to be a fake.

Then the question is coming again, the other party can take away Zong Yiye silently, and why hire other wandering samurai escorts? There are so many traces left?

It should have been intentional, and I wanted to lead them to find Zong Yiye, and then set a trap, it would also say that if I really went to the Evil Monarch, it would be an adventure with no return.

After thinking for a long time, Wenxiang couldn't make a decision. Then he raised his head and looked at Su Tang, with a faint smell of help in his eyes.

"If you don't run this trip, in case something goes wrong, it is estimated that you will not be at ease in your life." Su Tang smiled: "I will go with you."

"Okay ..." Wen Xiang nodded slowly, and then glanced around: "Who else wants to go to Xiejuntai with me?"

"Everyone goes together," Quan Guan said: "I'll go find a few of them." After that, Quan Guan turned and walked out.

"Wait a minute." Su Tang said: "It's more inconvenient to have more people to go. Four or five people are the best."

"Inconvenient? What do you mean?" Quan Guan frowned.

"We all leave, and here is empty." Su Tang said: "Aren't you worried?"

"You have something to say ... but if the people who robbed Zong Yiye laid an ambush and fewer people went, wouldn't they be the meat buns delivered to the door?" Quan Guan asked.

"It's not that dangerous." Su Tang said lightly: "If they are strong enough, they don't need to steal Zong Yiye quietly, open the posture, and open the sword, we are not their opponents, so ... Can represent them a lot, so we must think of some tricks. "

Based on this judgment, Su Tang decided to accompany Wen Xiang to take a trip.If he activates all spirits, he will go all out to release the combat power, and at the same time, there will not be too many problems with the seven or eight peak masters. , Has been verified in the Duron domain. Since the other party does not have a great ancestor of the ancestor level and dare not confront the front of Wenxiang's Zhu Temple, then no matter what trap it is, he also has enough ability to protect the good smell of incense. .

"His Royal Highness, I will go too," Qiu Jie said slowly.

"Mr. Xiao, what about you?" Su Tang looked at Xiao without regret.

"Me? Then let me go ..." Xiao said regretlessly, looking at Su Tang's meaning, this time he had to go if he didn't want to go.

"Okay, you guys all go to tidy up and we set off at noon." Wen Xiang said.

Quan Guan and Qiu Jie hurriedly left the study, Wen Xiang glanced around, and then looked at Su Tang with suspicious eyes: "Su Tang, do you have something to hide from me? I always feel ... somewhat strange . "

"Intuition again?" Xiao said regretfully.

"It's none of your business," Wenxiang said.

"You really found out?" Su Tang shrugged: "It feels quite accurate."

"what exactly is it?"

"After a while, you will know." Su Tang said.

"Why do you have to go through it? You said" Wen Xiang anxiously said.

"I have to think about it." Su Tang was silent for a moment, and suddenly said dizzy: "However, you have to thank Xiaoru.

"What did you hit?" Wen Xiang asked.

Su Tang stopped talking, staring at the floor in front of her toes, and sapphire blue, said: "Sir, what about us?

Su Tang did not respond. After a while, he woke up and looked at Bao Lan: "What do you say?"

"Sir, shall we follow along?" Bao Lan said.

"Get me the pen and paper, and I write a letter." Su Tang said: "You will not go, I can't take care of it."

The looks of Bao Lan and Mei Fei were a little disappointed, but Su Tang had decided that they could only accept it.

Wen Xiang put the pen and paper in front of Su Tang, Su Tang pondered for a moment, wrote a few lines on the paper, then folded the paper, wrote another place name, and then handed the letter to Bao Lan: "You go to this place A person named Fang Yizhe, if you say his name directly, no one will stop you. "

"Got it." Bao Lan accepted the letter.

"Fang Yizhe?" Xiao didn't regret stunned: "That's ... Mo Guzong is the head of the community here? Speaking of worship, didn't you have many conflicts with them a few days ago? friend

"Hush ..." Su Tang smiled and put his index finger to his lips.

"You guys ..." Xiao didn't regret it all. He has been here for a while. The contradiction between Wenxiang and Fang Yizhe is very deep. When the conflict is the most intense, there are many deaths and injuries every day. Until this month, the atmosphere Suddenly it became quiet again. He thought that both sides could not support it and could not bear such a big loss. Now he only knows that it is almost the same as sweeping away the dissidents. Xiao Xiao regretted and sighed: "Who are you? Idea? "

"What did you say?" Wen Xiang smiled.

Xiao didn't regret looking at Wenxiang and Su Tang again. His eyes turned between the two people, and finally fixed on Su Tang: "Mr. Su, your changes ... it's really too big"

"So I told you a long time ago, you should go to Qianqifeng." Wen Xiang said: "This man ... Now he has reached the point where he eats people and doesn't spit bones. He has sincerely invited you like this, but you always push back and forth Now I know too many secrets of him, if you want to refuse ... Ha ha ha, I can guarantee that you will die ugly and ugly. "

Xiao Buxin's face changed a little. He knew Wenxiang was joking, but he couldn't laugh. For a moment, he barely touched the corner of his mouth.

Wen Xiang is beating him in an alternative way. Su Tang has repeatedly sent him invitations to Xiao Xiaoxin, with full sincerity. Such hesitation will only destroy the feelings of both parties.

What's more, Su Tang didn't hide him from anything. This is a kind of trust and a hidden pressure, which Su Tang deliberately did.

You already know so much, can you still go? Will I let you go?

With a word that awakened the dreamer, Xiao Buxin always thought that he had the power to choose, who would have inadvertently completely grasped the initiative by Su Tang.

That young man, the young man who walked into Changshan County with a smile, when did Chengfu become so deep? It was so chilling ...

For a long time, Xiao Unrepented turned his eyes back to Wen Xiang. He not only underestimated Su Tang, but also underestimated Wen Xiang. At least, Wen Xiang knew Su Tang very well, so he reminded him in this way. Almost already, don't let Su Tang continue to be disappointed.

At noon, several people in Su Tang took the carriage and drove in the direction of Taohuayuan.

There are a total of five people, Su Tang, Wen Xiang, Xiao Buzheng, Quan Guan and Qiu Jie, Su Tang and Wen Xiang are sitting in a carriage. Only then did Su Tang know that Wen Xiang has broken through the bottleneck and was promoted to big Grandmaster, he was very happy for Wen Xiang, but also asked about the process, only to realize that Quan Jia had a great ancestor.

Su Tang asked in great detail, that the ancestor's preferences, endowment, etc., and Wen Xiang's answer made him a little relieved.

What Su Tang was most worried about was that the Quan family was powerful and repeated the dove in the magpie nest, but from the information that Wen Xiang confided, he saw that the ancestor of the Hong Zu was very indifferent and did not like to fight for power and profit. The sacrifice that pays attention and is willing to pay for it is to make the Zhu Temple stand again on the top of Moyun Ridge.

The slightly promising children of the Quan family were brought by him to assist Wenxiang. All affairs were completely decided by Wenxiang. He never involved, and Hongzu was an example. No one of Quanjia ’s disciples dared to smell Xiangxiang. In front of madness, one by one seemed very obedient.

Moreover, the strongest generation of the Quan family is the crown of the foreign house. Hong Zuli has criticized the public and has made the crown the next generation.

The relationship between Wenxiang and Quanguan is good. Hongzu is a role model and has the right to be a deputy. Some ghosts are killed by the flying deer society controlled by Fang Yizhe. Wenxiang's status is becoming more stable and no one is there. Can be shaken.

Coupled with Wen Xiang's more mature and stable character, she is very clear that if only relying on the power of Quanjia, no matter how close the relationship between the two parties, there will be disputes sooner or later.

To put it bluntly, it is two words, balance.

Therefore, Wenxiang has been helping Zong Yiye and making Zong Yiye a representative of another mountain. However, with only two mountains, it is still not stable enough, because the strength cannot be absolutely equal.

Originally, Wenxiang hoped to highlight Mo Xiaobai, thus forming a triangle, and her layout was basically completed.

But the plan didn't change fast. Mo Xiaobai transported the spirit weapon to Qianqifeng. The road was only killed by a small accident on the road.

Mo Xiaobai's death not only made Su Tang sad, but also smelled incredibly sad.

She wanted to re-layout, choose and choose, and chose Qiu Jie. Qiu Jie joined the Zhu Temple for more than a year. Previously, she was the guard of Mo Xiaobai. When Mo Xiaobai left Feilu City, she gave everything to Qiu Jie. .

Qiu Jie is very disciplined and calm, and the whole Feilu city is up and down. Outside Wenxiang and Fang Yizhe, no one knows the inside story. In the conflicts again and again, Qiu Jie gradually walked into Wen Xiang's field of vision, because he destroyed Wen Xiang's plan several times.

Being trapped by Mo Gu Zong was originally mortal. As a result, Qiu Jie saw through Mo Gu Zong's conspiracy in time, took everyone out, and caused serious damage to Mo Gu Zong.

Once this happened, Wen Xiang could not help crying and laughing, and then turned to Fang Yizhe to explain and make a new plan.

But such things happened repeatedly, and Wenxiang couldn't help but pay attention to Qiu Jie. Finally, he had to tune Qiu Jie to himself so that the plan could be carried out.

Su Tang did not know that Fang Yizhe had been furious with Wen Xiang several times. He finally cultivated his cronies and was defeated by Qiu Jie, and the plan he made was cracked by Qiu Jie, which had a very bad influence on his reputation.

If it were not for Su Tang's sake, Fang Yizhe almost wanted to really fight with Zhu Temple, at least, that Qiu Jie must be removed.

After entering Taohuayuan, several people formed a team and moved forward slowly.

Including Xiao not regretting, everyone has enough experience, what to bring, what to pay attention to, needless to say, all fighting is orderly.

On the third day after entering Taohuayuan, Qiu Jie accidentally found a clue.

There is an obvious path in the forest that was dragged out by something. It is inconvenient to walk in the forest with a big coffin. The forest of Peach Blossoms is very lush, so the grass and shrubs will stay in the process of **** A lot of traces.

Xiao did not regret to judge that the trace was very new, no more than two days. In fact, others have their own judgment. As long as they follow the trace, they will certainly catch up with the wandering samurai and find Zong Yiye if he is really in the coffin.

I walked through Taohuayuan for seven or eight days. On this evening, Wenxiang decided to take a short break. Several people found a secluded place and started to pack up and prepare for dinner.

Su Tang sat alone in front of the stream, watching what the stream was thinking, and Wen Xiang walked lightly and sat next to Su Tang.

"You are really sure that we can get Zong Yiye back?" Wen Xiang said softly.

"Almost." Su Tang paused: "In a few days ... I will give you a gift that will make you very happy."

"What gift?" Wenxiang looked sideways at Su Tang.

"I can't say it now." Su Tang laughed: "Otherwise it may fly away."

"I hate you like this" Wen Xiang said: "Why can she know that I can't?

"Don't blame me, I can't really say it now." Su Tang said softly.

"Why are you so sure?" Wen Xiang changed her angle.

"Because I know what they want." Su Tang smiled sarcastically.

"What do you want?" Wen Xiang immediately asked.

Su Tang looked around, and for a moment, his eyes slowly fell on Wenxiang: "They want you."


Su Tang stood up with a smile: "You are too clever, I have to be careful not to be guessed by you, otherwise they will be aware of it."

Wenxiang's eyes flickered, revealing a thoughtful expression.

"And, this is not the time to say this." Su Tang said: "Let's think about how to get rid of the trouble first."


Just then, a silent arrow shot out of the forest, and Xiao Xiao, who was sitting on the stone and yawned, shot it.

Xiao Unrepentant's figure collapsed backwards, avoiding the arrow attack by a few centimetres.

Quan Guan and Qiu Jie both roared at the same time, Quan Guan pointed at the tip of the toe, his body started quickly, and he approached Wenxiang. It seemed to be to protect Wenxiang, and Qiu Jie threw away his sword light and plunged into the forest.

"Since we entered Taohuayuan, someone has been stalking us in secret." Su Tang said lightly: "This attack ... Their target should be Xiao Buzhen and Qiu Jie, want to kill one first, but they seem to be looking for The wrong person. "

Xiao Wuzhen's figure flew towards the ground against the ground. Suddenly he encountered an attack. Everyone naturally had to get together to avoid being broken by everyone.

"Those traces were also left intentionally," Su Tang said again: "Only here is suitable for rest, so that they can set the battlefield in advance."

At this time, something was found in the gravel pile.Xiao Unregret's figure just passed by the gravel pile.At the moment when the fluctuation of spiritual power was suddenly triggered, Xiao was not regretful but not chaotic. On the pile of gravel, the figure flew upwards by the momentum.

The sword light flashed away and was passing under Xiao Xiaozheng.If Xiao Xiaozheng just wanted to change his body by operating the spiritual veins, the speed would be much slower.I definitely can't avoid this sword, and I walked countless times in life and death His fringe experience allows him to make wise and instinctive choices at the juncture of life and death.

The gravel shot upward, a figure rushed out, the sword light flashed again, chasing Xiao's chest without regret.

Xiao did not regret to say nothing, his hands had grabbed the dagger, and strung it across the sword light, his figure flashed sideways again.

"Why do you say that their goal is Xiao Buzheng and Qiu Jie?" Wen Xiang didn't rush to shoot, she stared at Xiao Buzheng's figure with her flashing eyes.

"They know you very well." Su Tang said lightly: "Qiu Jie has great ambitions, so he must show his full strength in front of you when he encounters an attack. Xiao regrets being a guest. When he suddenly encounters an attack, he must first ensure his safety. He wo n’t take the chance to attack. As for the crown, he cares about your safety better than caring about himself. When he encounters an attack, he will approach you with the fastest speed as soon as possible. "

"Xiao Xiaozheng and Quan Guan are both retreating, why is the goal of Xiao Xiaozheng?" Wen Xiang said.

"Because that arrow shot Xiao Xiao regrets." Su Tang said.

After avoiding the arrow light, the Metropolis chose to go back in the direction of the arrow. If the arrow was shot from another angle to the crown, then the attack is now the crown. It can also be said that Xiao did not regret being driven by that arrow.

"Hear Your Highness, be careful," Quan Guan shouted loudly.

"Me and him ... nothing." Wen Xiang whispered.

"I know." Su Tang smiled.

"How many of them?" Wen Xiang said, she knew that Su Tang had unparalleled sensing ability in the forest.

"Six." Su Tang said: "Two great masters, four masters."

"Can use this power in the flying deer city ..." Wen Xiang pondered.

"Don't limit your sights to Feilu City." Su Tang said: "They didn't hide their looks, obviously they are not worried about facing you face to face."

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