The Magic Outfit

Chapter 460: Jedi

At this moment, Xiao Wuzhen's figure was like a ghost, avoiding the fierce sword strength released by the other party.After turning to the side, the dagger in his hand slammed under the opponent's rib.At this moment, the tree behind Xiao Xiaozheng suddenly Split, a figure rushed out of the tree, holding two extremely strange wrist blades in his hand, and swept to Xiao Unrepentant heart like lightning.

Xiao Wuzhen was caught flat-footed and appeared a little busy. He hurriedly turned around and quickly left the battle group.

"Aren't you going to help him?" Wenxiang said softly.

"I said, they want to test my strength, how can they be so easy to succeed." Su Tang said: "Moreover, Lao Xiao has not been forced to the point of being exhausted."

"Do you want to see his ability to save lives?" Wen Xiang couldn't help laughing: "I also wanted to know that when he was in Changshan County, he was just a fighter at the peak, but he had successively lost a few masters. Unfortunately, I started from I have n’t gone out with him, and our several offering rooms are not so friendly. Everyone has their own secrets that they do n’t want to know. This is the bottom line. Who dares to violate the bottom line, the result ... it ’s hard to say. ”

Xiao didn't regret being attacked by two Grand Masters, and the situation was very difficult.In addition, he was good at taking advantage of the opportunity and suddenly launched a dark attack.He was not very suitable for this face-to-face, hard-to-face battle. Both Su Tang and Wen Xiang stood in the distance and made it clear that they wanted to see the excitement. No one came to help him.

However, the two grandmasters were even more shocked.They thought they could end the battle quickly.As a result, Xiao regretted sliding like a loach, always avoiding their siege in the most dangerous time, or simply leaving the war. The regiment, while Su Tang and Wen Xiang were standing in the distance and staring at this side, Quan Guan saw that Wen Xiang was okay, and also regained his calmness, and joined the meaning again. The cry was screaming, mixed with Qiu Jie's anger, obviously Qiu Jie had the upper hand.

The two Grand Masters had sprung up, and they exchanged glances, and at the same time they rushed up, launching a new round of mad attack on Xiao's regret.

"Did Lao Xiao talk to you?" Su Tang asked suddenly.

"What did you say?" Wen Xiang froze.

"When he left Changshan County, he was nothing more than a peak fighter. In a blink of an eye, he was promoted one after another and became a Grand Master ... His encounter may be more tortuous and dangerous than you and me." Su Tang said.

"A lot of things, as long as you remember the taste, it is unlikely to tell others." Wen Xiang sighed: "Just say you ..."

"What's wrong with me? I haven't concealed you from anything." Su Tang said.


"of course it's true."

"How should your brother Xi's affairs be explained?" Wen Xiang smiled: "Before you entered the first line gorge, that big brother xi just regarded you as a friend. In a few days, you have become like glue, and that brother Xi really has a deep affection for you, anyone can see ... Haha, what happened in those days? "

Su Tang was speechless, and he really could not describe Wen Xiang in detail.

At this moment, the battle situation changed again, Xiao Xiao regretted being forced to retreat again and again, and the two Grand Masters withdrew at the same time, each flying away in different directions.

"Where to go" The power crown that is close to the war group will never allow the attackers to escape calmly, stand up and stare at one of them.

Xiao didn't regret but also retreated, and stared at the other. He was even more unwilling. He was besieged by someone inexplicably for a while. Finally, he wanted to escape? Not so easy

Quan Guan's hands lit a dazzling halo, and the halo gradually expanded, then Quan Guan waved his hand forward, and a halo shot out like a cannonball, chasing the great master's back.

The grandmaster shot himself into the diagonal stab and wanted to avoid the blow. As a result, the halo turned automatically, bombarded behind the grandmaster accurately, and then exploded.

Boom ... The surrounding trees were shaken, and the Grand Master made a scream, and his body was slammed forward, and he couldn't help but hit the big tree, which is Grand Master, the big tree. He was violently cracked, and the man was just slammed into the head, which was a trauma and did not affect his combat strength very much.

"What is the magic formula?" Su Tang was taken aback.

"Ask for some reason." Wen Xiang said: "Of course it is the sunset formula of the Quan family, but ... they have lost the sunset sword, so they have been trying to change these years and want to release the power of the sunset formula with their own hands."

"The sunset sword ..." Su Tang murmured. The sunset sword has become a spirit of his spirit and will never appear. Of course, he will not tell Wen Xiang, let alone the Quan family.

As a matter of fact, the so-called Seon loses the horse and knows that it is not a blessing to know that the family of power with the sunset sword may produce an extremely powerful cultivator, but the loss of the sunset sword means that everyone has a chance, just like the crown of power.

Otherwise, the Quan family will not improve the sunset tactics, and Quan Guan should also use a long sword, and hope in his heart, hoping that one day the elders will give him the sunset sword. Before that, he will never be a strong man.

At this time, the second halo released by Quan Guan had hit, and the Grand Master had not been able to wake up in a fierce collision, and was hit again, and immediately ejected a sip of blood and slid forward.

Quan Guan flew over the Grand Master, his hands re-condensed the halo, and then flicked down. The Grand Master reluctantly twisted his voice, raised his wrist blade, and tried to resist the halo.

Boom ... The halo exploded, and the Grand Master screamed and fell in the thick dead leaves. The crown of power was not good enough, and his hands were raised again.

"Quan Guan is the best and most diligent of Quan family." Wen Xiang said softly: "If you think about it a little more, it will become a beautiful jade."

"Hehe ..." Su Tang smiled.

At this moment, Xiao Buzhen also sent a fatal blow there.His dagger was piercing the Grand Master's throat.In fact, this was already a decisive attack, but Xiao did not regret that because of his irritation, the dagger picked up suddenly. From then on, the blood stains were drawn from the grandmaster's throat all the way to the roots of the ears, and blood spattered like a waterfall.

"Why don't you keep your mouth alive?" Wenxiang shouted.

Quan Guan froze for a while, and then it came back. He fell next to the grandmaster, first leaned down to unlock the wrist edge of the grandmaster's buckle on the wrist, and observed for a moment, straightened up and smiled bitterly, "This is dead. "

"I can't do this either." Xiao didn't regret it.

At this time, a blood-stained Qiu Jie came out of the forest, carrying a long bow and several swords in his hand.

"Qiu Jie, do you live there?" Quan Guanyang asked.

"No." Qiu Jie raised his eyebrows: "Aren't there any people here?"

Wen Xiang frowned, according to common sense, and suddenly encountered an attack, she should always leave a mouth or two to find out the truth, unless the situation is dangerous. But whether Xiao Xiao regretted it, or Quan Guan and Qiu Jie, they finally gained the upper hand, but they all chose to die.

"Just die if you die. Let's take a rest early, and we will have to hurry tomorrow." Su Tang said lightly.

Taohuayuan is just an ordinary place of experience.Like other places, the stronger the spiritual strength, the higher the probability of a fierce spirit beast. People need to practice, and the spirit beast also needs to practice.They will instinctively gather in places with strong spiritual strength. .

Therefore, the deeper you go, the harder the road will be, and the more dangerous it will be. Fortunately, they are all great masters. Only Qiu Jie's strength is worse. In this peach blossom source, it can be regarded as the topmost existence. There are unintelligent spirit beasts who try to get close and can only be killed by them.

After walking for a few more days, I saw a towering high mountain in front. The big mountain was completely bald, and there was no green at all. After walking for a long time in the peach blossoms with lush vegetation, I suddenly saw such a mountain. It felt weird.

"That should be Tongtianling." Qiu Jie sighed, and then looked around. Soon, he found a pile of bird bones by the forest, and the ashes left after the campfire burned out: "His Royal Highness, they I have been here before, and it should be right in front. The ash here is still warm, and I have n’t walked long. "

"But ... that's Tongtianling ahead ..." Wen Xiang murmured. In a sense, Tongtianling is the realm of life and death, and ordinary practitioners are discouraged.

"Have any of you ever been to Evil Monarch?" Su Tang asked.

"I only know that there is Evil Monarch in front of Tongtianling." Quan Guan smiled bitterly: "I didn't come, what to do in Evil Monarch?" Quan Guan did not say anything, he was just a Grand Master, and he couldn't enter this place. Planting the ancient Jedi is not only meaningless, but it also strikes itself, and then goes back in frustration.

"How about you?" Su Tang looked at Wen Xiang and Qiu Jie.

"No." Wenxiang shook her head.

"Neither do I." Qiu Jie said.

"Come on, those guys dare to go up, what are we afraid of?" Su Tang laughed: "Since no one has been here, then, let's open our eyes together."

The mountain looks very close, but it takes a lot of time to walk up, and the mountain is extremely high. From the bottom, the peak has even penetrated the clouds.

Walking out of the woods, approaching the mountains, and then mountain all the way, it took a few hours before and after, everyone did not run the spiritual veins, and they were very tacit, because no one knew what would be encountered in the front, and reserved some spiritual power, they would have more vitality.

On the top of the peak, there is a vast sea of ​​clouds in front. At this moment, Su Tang, Wen Xiang, Xiao Wuzhen, Quan Quan and Qiu Jie all became stunned.

That kind of shocking mood can no longer be described in words, and it is estimated that everyone who comes to the Evil Monarch for the first time will not be much stronger than them.

In the endless cloud sea, there are countless large and small peaks floating, each peak is an inverted triangle, is floating, real floating

Some of the peaks are extremely grand. The flat field above pays attention to accommodate thousands of people, while some of the peaks are very small. At most, a small courtyard can be built above. There is no bridge or road between the peaks and the peaks. Block.

Moreover, each mountain is moving, some are rising, some are sinking under the sea of ​​clouds, and some are revolving around each other with another mountain.

Su Tang's impact is unparalleled, after all, he merges memories from another world.

Various phenomena in this world can be reasonably explained in terms of another world. Only spiritual power is very special, but it can also be understood as a kind of magical energy.

However, what appeared in front of him completely subverted all the concepts of Su Tang

Su Tang thought that the Ancient Jedi was just a very dangerous area. There is nothing terrible. At most, it is more difficult and more dangerous than the Duron Field. What else can there be?

But how should these strange peaks be explained?

Can they float in the air? There should always be gravity ... What kind of force is causing them to keep moving?

Su Tang could hardly breathe anymore, and stared blankly at the front, as did Wen Xiang and others. If they were not to save Zong Yiye, they would definitely not come this time.

"Good ... so beautiful ..." Wen Xiang murmured.

"This is the evil monarch" Quan Guan sighed.

Qiu Jie's mood is also very excited, his fists are sometimes clenched, and sometimes loosened.

Only Xiao does not regret being calm, his eyes are very complicated, it seems to be sighing something, and it seems to be remembering something.

For a long time, Su Tang eased over and whispered: "This ancient Jedi, can only the Great Ancestor enter? What about those guys? Where did they go again?"

Su Tang's words reminded Wenxiang and others, yes, the mountains at the foot are full of bareness, and it is impossible to hide people. The mysterious cloud sea is in front.If the wandering samurai who escorted the coffin really went up the mountain, sure Has entered the evil monarchy.

"Impossible" Quan Guan shook his head again and again.

"Don't talk," Xiao said regretlessly, "There is a voice in front."

For a moment, a mountain suddenly rose in the cloud in front of the mountain.The mountain was bright in spring and seemed to be completely unaffected by the world's environment.The wildflowers were blooming, the green grass was everywhere, and a dozen samurai The dressed people are coming here talking and laughing.

Su Tang and others froze, and the other's samurai froze, the two sides confronted each other for a moment, and smelled incense: "Where is the coffin you escorted?"

The warriors showed panic, turned around and fled back, ran to the side, and stood up one after another, trying to jump to a nearby mountain, away from Wenxiang and others.

Strange things appeared. The first person who jumped over, just about to step on the front foot, but the body was disintegrating at an unimaginable speed, including their hair, clothes, weapons, etc., all In the disintegration, turned into pieces of fly ash.

The same is true of those who jumped over afterwards, their images stayed in the sight of Su Tang and others for at most a second or two, and then disappeared without a trace.

The last person awoke in time, he screamed, tried to reverse his figure, but still in vain, most of his body disappeared, but left a leg, Yu Baba's leg.

When those people were about to flee, Quan Guan screamed angrily, flicked a halo with his hand, the halo flew into the sea of ​​clouds, and then was swallowed by the sea of ​​clouds, then he heard Wen Xiang ’s toes:

Quan Guan immediately turned around, at this time, he saw a white cloud passing by him in the corner of his eyes.

Quan Guan had a warm feeling, but what he saw made him shudder.

Sprinting forward, then turning back, his robe corner was thrown forward, just into the cloud. At the next moment, his robe corner also began to disintegrate, turning into a piece of silk and disappearing into the air.

Quan Guan's heart was raised in his throat, and he kept retreating back to Wenxiang and others, away from Yunhai, and he was relieved.

"What's that?" Quan Guan exclaimed.

"Many ancient Jedi have similar things." Xiao didn't regret sighing: "Don't say you and me, even if it is a generation of great respect, if it is contaminated by this kind of thing, it has to disappear."

"Don't you say that you have never been to the Evil Monarch Terrace?" Wen Xiang said.

"I just said I haven't been to Evil Monarch." Xiao didn't regret: "But I've been to other places."

"Where have you been?" Wen Xiang asked.

"God falls," Xiao said regretlessly.

Wenxiang couldn't help but took a breath of air, and looked at Xiao with unbelievable eyes without regret.

"How did they get in?" Su Tang said.

"The ancient Jedi is not as terrible as you think." Xiao did not regret it: "Here is a world of its own, and it has its own rules. Just like the rising sun and the moon outside, and the spring and autumn outside, mastering the rules, naturally Can go in. "

"What rules?" Su Tang asked.

"You ask me, how do I know?" Xiao Bu regrets a little helpless: "Actually they don't know, ha ha ... so they were swallowed by the Jedi just now, if they go away, maybe they can come out safely, but I have to turn around and violate the rules, so I can only die without burial. "

"What power can make those peaks float in the sea of ​​clouds?" Su Tang asked again.

"You ... no one can give you the answer." Xiao felt regretless.

Su Tang looked at the sea of ​​clouds silently. He didn't expect that he would face such a dilemma. Now, he may be able to grab the gift for Wenxiang and solve some problems, but Zong Yiye can't save it anymore.

Su Tang can sense that the aura contained in the sea of ​​clouds is magnificent.If Qianqifeng's aura is a pool of clear water, there is a huge water demon hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, which will devour any of it at any time. Or something against its will.

Just like Xiao Buchen said, here is a world, the entire evil monarchy, as a whole, is an invisible giant demon.

"I understand, I understand," Qiu Jie suddenly yelled.

"What do you understand?" Wen Xiang asked quickly.

"His Royal Highness, I have practiced the secret of hope" Qiu Jie said: "In this cloud, there is a spiritual breath that we can't see flowing. If we can avoid it, we can get in and out freely "

"Really?" Wen Xiang looked suspicious.

"His Royal Highness, I will be the first to leave" Qiu Jie said: "You can rest assured that I will never make a joke about my life."

At this time, another mountain rose from under the sea of ​​clouds, Qiu Jiechang took a breath, and cried, "His Royal Highness, this is the time, follow me

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