The Magic Outfit

Chapter 886: Victory

Su Tang glanced sideways at the old man. Although the other party was trying to keep calm, the forehead bounced with green muscles and the knuckles with white grip had already betrayed him.

It seems that Shiquan Xingjun really oppressed him very much, although everyone's spiritual veins have been sealed, but as a Xingjun-level practitioner, most of them will not let emotion dominate themselves, the anger shown by the old man , I don't know how long I have accumulated.

"It's up to you." Su Tang said softly, then dropped her eyes and began to adjust her breathing.

Almost two hours later, intense spiritual fluctuations came from the sky.A platform made of metal pierced the black clouds and hovered in the sky. Then a small black spot floated away from the platform and crashed down. After falling for more than 100 meters, the little black dot turned around and ran towards here.

"Shiquan Xingjun is back" shouted with a tough voice. In fact, to find Su Tang was not only unbearable, but also anxious to change his life situation. It was also an investment that took great risks. If the investment fails, Su Tang enemy But that Shiquan Xingjun, his future will become a tragedy. The prisoners here have been separated into a dozen forces of various sizes. As traitors, they will not be welcomed no matter where they go.

Even if he could escape Shiquan Xingjun's poisonous hand, there was no way to go.

The little black spot is getting closer and closer, that is a rough-looking mine to the extreme, completely without trimming, it looks like a strong man like a beast.

There are dozens of wounds on the strong man's chest, all of which are new wounds, and some wounds are still bleeding, but this makes his momentum exaggerated.

The strong man hovered abruptly in the air at a height of tens of meters, glanced coldly at everyone on the island, and finally turned his attention to Su Tang.

"Your courage ... it's really not small," the strong man's mouth grinned.

"Shiquan Xingjun, today is the day for you to pay your debts." The old man stood up first and shouted.

The strong man looked up at the sky, then put his index finger in front of his lips, booed, and then said with a smile: "A little voice, if you let those patrol officers hear, we can't make it."

"Can't make it?" Na Mazi sneered: "Shi Quan Xingjun, you are too high on yourself, how can those patrols control our life and death? They kept us here in a ghost place, but to squeeze the last drop It ’s okay if you do n’t squeeze out the oil and water, you can also be the target they have experienced. ”

"They don't care about your life and death, but I don't care, but I know they will never care about me." The strong man replied with a smile.

The faces of several people on the island changed drastically, only Su Tang's sorrowfulness, all when he heard nothing.

"Are you surrendered to the Heavenly Dao League?" That Mazi cried with a slightly trembling voice.

"Don't listen to his nonsense," the old man shouted, "He's a fart. Everyone here wants to join the Heavenly League to restore his freedom, but who have you seen going out from here?"

"Laozi is not in the mood to talk to your nonsense color clothes. I have always treated you well. Are you really going to go black with them?" The strong man's eyes fell on the nun.

The nun didn't answer, but took a step back slowly.

"Good ..." The strong man laughed: "Since that is the case, then I can't blame me for being ruthless"

As soon as the voice fell, the strong man's figure suddenly began to fly towards the sea of ​​fire.After only half a breath, he fell into the sea of ​​fire.At the next moment, the strong man pulled up from the sea of ​​fire again, and the volley fell, and there were many in his hands. A giant sword that is more than ten meters long and exudes a blaze of fire.

Several people on the island swept up, letting out the strong man's flutter, and then from all around, the strong man sneered, flicked his wrist, the fire sword flew up like lightning, and was piercing the pock.

The strong man's sword is not very fast, and his power is not great, but in this molten fire purgatory, the fighting power he has shown is extremely amazing.

The only way for Asako to avoid it was to raise his arms and stand in front of him.

The sword of fire was swept away, and then a loud noise rang ...

Blazing flames suddenly burst up and down around the pock, and his body flew out one after another like a powerless straw, and at the same time, he uttered a terrible scream

That Asako couldn't stop even a single blow, Shiquan Xingjun's prestige would make other people's hearts frightened and inexplicable. They intended to prepare for the siege, but now they could not help but retreat.

"Want to go?" Shiquan Xingjun roared, and the fire sword swept again, straight towards the old man.

The old man struggled to retreat backward, but his retreat was far less rapid than Jianguang. He had just started, and Jianguang was close to his heavenly cover.

The old man knew that it was inevitable, he closed his eyes and waited for death, and waited for a moment, and nothing happened.He slowly opened his eyes and was seeing Shi Quan Xingjun still hovering there, still holding a fire sword in his hand, It's just that his expression looks a little weird, his eyebrows twitching, his muscles still twitching.

"Everyone is your own, so why kill and kill." The woman Xiu fluttered into the air and said in a soft voice.

"No ... I want to ... fight, kill, kill ..." Shi Quan Xingjun's words appeared extremely difficult: "They ... betrayed me ..."

"You are too tired" The nun slowly flew to Shiquan Xingjun: "Let's put it down, it's easy to put it down ..."

"Put down ..." Shi Quan Xingjun's cheek muscles twitched more quickly, but his arms began to droop a little.

The nun's forehead was already covered with sweat beads. She slowly approached Shiquan Xingjun, and then extended her hand to grab Shiquan Xingjun's wrist. He kicked the nun's heart, then raised his fire sword and fell to the figure of the nun.

The nun was caught flat-footed. Although she realized that something was wrong in time, the spirit vein was sealed, so that her body movements could not respond. Watching Jianguang fell from above, she could only wait to die.

Boom ... Jianguang fell on the body of the nun, the weak body protector was shattered, her figure turned into a powerless falling stone, and fluttered into the sea of ​​fire.

At this time, Su Tang's figure swept up from the island, grabbed his hand, and was grabbing the female nun's ankle, then turned around and flung the female nun to the island, and then continued to fly upward.

"Dare to find me unhappy, with you?" Shi Quan Xingjun immediately locked Su Tang, the fire sword raised, and fell to Su Tang with all his strength.

Su Tang stretched out his magic wings, easily avoided the sword light, drawn an arc in the air, and approached Shi Quan Xingjun's flanks at an unimaginable speed.

Su Tang's body method comes from the blessing of the devil's wings and the devil's finger. Although the spiritual veins cannot run at full strength, the speed is not greatly affected. Then Shiquan Xingjun turned hard and tried to chase Su Tang, but he only looked at To Su Tang's moment of magnification.

Bang ... Shiquan Xingjun's ear was hit hard, his figure flew out, and the fire sword with a length of more than ten meters also fell into the sea of ​​fire.

Su Tangzhan moved his body, constantly chasing the figure of Shiquan Xingjun, he could always approach Shiquan Xingjun in an instant, and Shiquan Xingjun became an active sandbag, but it took just a few breaths. Su Tang had a good punch and kick.

For Su Tang, there was no problem dealing with such a star king. His eyes kept moving upwards. The last battle with the prisoners, the result was that the patrol arrived quickly, and he had always doubted that the guards of the purgatory could Watching what is happening here in some unknown way, I do n’t dare to use the magic sword, I can only solve the problem with my fists and feet.

Su Tang once secretly blamed the true star king in his heart, he should explain to him the situation in the purgatory, so that he would not get a whip, but then think about it, the true star king has been away for a long time, Or some new spiritual arrays have appeared here, and Zhen Xingjun is not aware of it. Besides, they come too hurriedly, and some lapses are inevitable.

Shi Quan Xingjun was beaten dizzy and turned.In fact, Su Tang's fists and feet were okay to say that the pair of Devil's Wings were extremely powerful. On several occasions, the body-protecting mind collapsed, and he would definitely die.

Shi Quan Xingjun gritted his teeth tightly, struggling again with a wing of the devil's wing, and his body fell down with his strength.When he was near the sea of ​​fire, he suddenly made a crazy cry, and a wave of fire suddenly came from the molten fire Swept up in the middle, gathered into an overwhelming large net, rolled to Su Tang.

Su Tang froze for a moment, the Devil's Wings immediately retracted, wrapped his body inside, and then fully opened the next moment, while rotating rapidly.

Booming ... The fire net that had been rolled was crushed by the wings of the devil, but Shiquan Xingjun seized the gap and was more than 100 meters away from Su Tang. The detective pulled out a fire sword from the molten fire.

"The lord did not use his full strength at all ..." said Ma Zi's teeth with a grin.

"How do you know?" The old man asked in surprise.

"Don't you find that the Lord's eyes are erratic? He is worried about the above ..." Mazi replied in a low voice.

"This time it was the right person." A middle-aged man sighed a long time: "If the Lord has the heart, maybe we can go to Nabao Island in the future.

"Are you looking for death?" Asako looked horrified.

"Of course we can't do it." The middle-aged man said: "The last time Shiquan Xingjun went to Baodao, you haven't come in yet. Shiquan Xingjun can support that guy for dozens of rounds, but now ..."

"Shiquan Xingjun has just been sentenced, and his strength has been greatly weakened. Although the master can now fight Shiquan Xingjun with no power to fight back, it does not mean that he can return from Baodao without incident." The nun suddenly said.

"Same thing ..." The middle-aged man nodded.

At this time, Shiquan Xingjun, who had already lost his spiritual strength, was finally shot down by Su Tang in the sea of ​​fire.Su Tang knew that Shiquan Xingjun had talents, and maybe he could hide in the depths of the sea of ​​fire like him without any damage, and simply grab Shi Quanxing Jun's leg flew far away against the sea of ​​fire.

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