The Magic Outfit

Chapter 887: See also conflict

Under the sea of ​​fire are liquid lava, Shiquan Xingjun's upper body is immersed in the sea of ​​fire, constantly rubbing and crashing with the lava, and almost every time, a large piece of muscle falls off from his body and turns into fly ash .

For a moment, Shiquan Xingjun's upper body had disappeared without a trace, and only half of the coke corpse remained in Su Tang's hands.He exhaled gently.After entering the path of cultivation, he had gradually become accustomed to using Lingbao. Shen Nian went to fight, and now he was beaten back to his original shape. He felt very uncomfortable, but there was no way, just boil it ... it should be possible to go out after another two or three years.

Su Tang returned to the island, and Mazi and other six people hurriedly gathered up. Although Mazi was also the star king and the monk quicksand, but he had lost his sharpness in the long period of suffering, his mouth was flattering: "The Lord is powerful Today, this scourge is over, but the world is lucky ... "

"We are all confined in this place, what are we talking about ..." Su Tang shook his head and then paused: "Shiquan Xingjun is dead, then we should also set a rule."

The six people froze for a moment, exchanged their gazes, and that was the first one that Nazi stood up, and said in a deep voice: "The lord has any orders, but anyway, if anyone dares to violate the order, I will treat him as the best hatred"

"Normally, you are busy with you. If there is nothing important, don't bother me." Su Tang said lightly.

Six people including Asako listened carefully and kept still.

Su Tang waited for a while and saw no response from the other party, frowning: "Did you not hear?"

"Ah?" Mazi raised her head in surprise and looked at Su Tang: "Master, we heard that, but ... are you finished?"

"It's over." Su Tang said.

Asako's expression seemed a bit stiff, with a suspicious look in his eyes, and then said slowly: "That's all?"

"The Lord is kind, it's a great honor for me to wait." Nvxiu said hurriedly, and then poked Mama with his arm.

"..." Asako woke up like a dream, he said anxiously: "Master, when can we go to the island to rest? How long can we rest every day?"

"It's up to you." Su Tang said: "The island is so big, there is no shortage of your place, but you have to be quiet on the island, you know?"

"Understand and understand ..." Six people including Mazi almost wept with joy. When Shiquan Xingjun was there, they were disturbed by their eyes and only allowed them to rest on the island for three or four hours a day. In comparison, Su Tang is very very Tolerance.

This is related to their life and death. Originally, the spiritual veins cannot function as usual, and there is a lack of spiritual energy here.Every practitioner is in the process of chronic death.If they are always immersed in the sea of ​​fire, they will endure for at least a few decades. Weakness cannot continue, and if we can stay on the island forever, this process will be extended dozens of times. Living long means representing hope.

"Well, you are busy with you." Su Tang said.

Six people including Mazi also understood Su Tang's heart. As long as he could keep quiet, he would not anger Su Tang. They immediately closed their mouths and scattered around.

At this moment, there were dramatic spiritual fluctuations in the sky, and Su Tang had been vigilant, swearing in his heart, swept up, drifted into the sea of ​​fire, and then sank.

The patrol officer really arrived. He had no intention of ignoring the people on the island. His eyes fell on the place where Su Tang sank. After waiting for a moment, he shook his head helplessly: "The boy is smart ... hum, I think how long you can hide" After that, the body of the patrol officer rose slowly into the sky again.

The next day was to fight the gopher. Su Tang became a gopher. Every time he just came out of the sea of ​​fire, the patrol always appeared afterwards, forcing him to escape again, so many times, more than half of it passed That month, the patrol envoy seemed to give up, and Su Tang finally recovered his peaceful life.

Asako and others saw it, they couldn't bear it.After all, it was Su Tang who removed Shiquan Xingjun and gave them the qualification to occupy the island, and the responsibility was borne by Su Tang. disturbed.

In the blink of an eye, when the boxes were just dropped from the air, the Asako first flew into the air, and when he fell, he actually held two boxes in his hand.

"Master, do you see enough?" Asako laughed, placing both boxes in front of Su Tang.

"How did you get two?" Su Tang froze.

"Master, you can get a box before, there is one on our island." Na Mazi explained: "Now Shiquan Xingjun is dead, of course you can get two."

"Oh ..." Su Tang nodded a little bit, and the truth of the pock was reasonable. He picked up a box and threw it over: "I want one, it's enough for you."

"Thank you, Lord" that Asako was overjoyed, and then ran to the other side holding the box, and the others surrounded him with joy.

In the past, Shiquan Xingjun had to occupy the next half, and the few left for them were pitiful. Now it is natural to be able to separately distribute a box of food and immortality.

However, that didn't wait for the asako to start distributing food and immortality. There were faint waves of spiritual power around him. Then, the figures of the prisoners appeared, and they silently came here, and their faces looked very bad.

I knew that there would be trouble. Su Tang sighed in his heart, but he was right when he said that he could get one. If he only got one box now and would give it to them, then what he really got was not as good as before. Although I don't want to cause trouble, I have to fight for it.

"Liusha Xingjun, is it over?" A middle-aged man came out and said slowly.

"Where have we done it?" Nako stood up, shouting without any weakness.

"Even the one on Treasure Island only took one box at a time. You actually took two. Why?" The middle-aged man cried.

"Our prince had a copy, plus Shiquan Xingjun's, what happened to the two copies?" Na Mazi replied.

"Where is Shiquan Xingjun? You call him out, we don't say anything, we turn around and leave," the middle-aged man sneered.

I knew that there would be trouble ... Su Tang sighed in his heart, but he was right when he said that he could get one. If he only got one box now, and he would give it to them, then what he really got In the past, although we didn't want to cause trouble, we had to fight for it.

"Liusha Xingjun, is it over?" A middle-aged man came out and said slowly.

"Where have we done it?" Nako stood up, shouting without any weakness.

"Even the one on Treasure Island only took one box at a time. You actually took two. Why?" The middle-aged man cried.

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