The Magic Outfit

Chapter 888: Never let go

Either way, Su Tang is unlikely to flinch. It is his nature to bully and fear hard, especially in this sinister environment, he will release his nature to the fullest. Now he retreats and gives up a copy. Waiting for some days, those prisoners Get together again, ask him for the remaining copy, should I hand it over?

"Everyone is trapped here and should have supported each other." The middle-aged man said slowly, "So, I will give you a chance at last"

Su Tang narrowed his eyes. Although the practitioners surrounded the group, their position was a little mysterious, or a dozen groups, or a group of three or five, keeping a certain distance from each other.It should be the first cooperation. It is difficult to reach trust with each other.

It does n’t seem to be for that food ... Su Tang pondered in his heart, is there anyone who tried to integrate all the prisoners, the conflict in front of them is most likely their first battle, and most other forces in purgatory have been formed for a long time. It is only here in Sutang that it takes less than a month to occupy the island. It seems that it is the easiest to bully and can achieve the effect of establishing prestige.

"Just pay it or not?" The middle-aged man shouted impatiently.

The sight of Asako and others fell on Su Tang, and his eyes were a little erratic.The prisoners were thrown into purgatory, and they spontaneously gathered into small groups.The result of this natural selection has kept each small group The delicate balance is not much different in strength. If you come from a small group, relying on the power of Su Tang, Mazi and others are not afraid, but now there are seven or eight forces, they can't compete.

"It's your job," Su Tang said lightly. Since he wants to use him to stand up for power, it can't let it go. The thief will capture the king first, and the leader will be killed first.

"Want to see our lord, you are not worthy," the middle-aged man frowned.

"So ..." Su Tang was silent for a while, and then sighed: "You will regret it ..." Su Tang had walked slowly to the shore just as the words fell, leaning over and slowly probing into the sea of ​​fire.

"Sorry? Ha ha ha ... honestly tell ..."

Before the middle-aged man had finished speaking, Su Tang had pulled out a long sword from the sea of ​​fire, which was completely a blind eye method, he could not directly illuminate the magic sword, and the magic light of the four lines of spiritual beads was merged. With the ability to absorb flames and cover the sword light with molten fire, others will only think that he has the same talents as Shiquan Xingjun.

At the next moment, Su Tang had released the Demon Wings. This time he shot out with anger, and the Demon Wings started full force, and the spiritual power he released fluctuated, so that the practitioners around him showed shock.

The seal could not suppress the power of Su Tang, the blessing provided by the magic outfit and the Three Burning Arrows was not affected at all, the devil's wings just lightly shaken, Su Tang has turned into an electric light, passing by from the middle-aged person.

The middle-aged man clearly saw every movement of Su Tang, and responded in time, immediately released the body protection mind, and the fist strength had also condensed, but he and Shiquan Xingjun, his body movements could not keep up with the reaction .

The middle-aged man had just raised his fist, Su Tang had swept past him like a breeze, and a golden ripple appeared on his neck, and then the light of the body protection mind became exhausted, and a deep visible The wound of the bone appeared very abruptly in the throat, and the blood spewed out like a spring.

The middle-aged man could no longer maintain his air defense, and fell from the sky like a stone.

Su Tang's body continued to fly rapidly, and the practitioners around him saw a bad situation and immediately became chaotic.

No matter whether they resisted or fled, they could not recover anything. Su Tang relied on his incomparable stature and tyrannical magic sword. Every man was just a sword, and the sword died.

It's just that Su Tang was worried about revealing stuffing, not only will it affect the true star king, but the mission may also fail. He dared not release the sword light and could only use the sword body to kill the enemy, but this was enough.

It is also a kind of sorrow to say that these prisoners are outside, they are all superb star kings, Su Tang has a magic costume, they also have their own spiritual treasures and fighting skills, and they will never be as easy as a chicken tile. Dogs were slaughtered by Su Tang, but here, their power was greatly reduced, and 10% of the power was only 10% at most, but Su Tang did the wrong.

Su Tang chased to one side, and the practitioners on the other side screamed and fled, and immediately fled into the depths of the sea of ​​fire, disappearing without a trace.

In a moment, more than 20 prisoners have been beheaded by Su Tang. The bodies fell into the sea of ​​fire like dumplings. Su Tang turned around and ran to his island, then hovered in the air, and looked up.

"Master Majesty, ha ha ha ... Those Xiao Xiao are really overstretched, and dare to mess with us," Na Mazi laughed loudly, and then winked at several companions.

"They really don't have long eyes, but the lord has given them a chance, but they are stubborn and blame us"

"The lord is also a generation of celestial devil in the horizontal planet"

"It's their death, they deserve it"

Asako's companions suppressed their inner fears, they sang carols, they thought that Su Tang could get rid of Shiquan Xingjun, and his strength was considered strong.He had enough qualifications to occupy the mountain as king here. But unexpectedly, they all greatly underestimated Su Tang's lethality.

Su Tang was unheard of, just looking at the sky. He was waiting for the patrol to come forward, but he waited for a moment, but there was no movement. There should be something that distracted them, or temporarily left the surveillance site. Kill one more time

Su Tang once again spread the wings of the demon, chasing in the direction of those prisoners fleeing, Mazi and several companions looked at each other, and then spread their body and followed Su Tang

For a moment, Su Tang flew over the four islands one after another, his body paused, and then landed on an island.

There were four practitioners on the island, and when Su Tang fell, their faces showed fear. An old man barely suppressed the panic in his heart, and greeted Su Tang with a smile: "I don't know my lord ..."

Su Tang suddenly took a step forward, the fire sword spread, and was sweeping through the old man's neck, the old man had no time to release the body protection mind, the huge head had rolled off the neck, and flew up, without the head. The corpse shook and collapsed.

"What are you doing?" The remaining three practitioners were frightened, screaming while retreating backwards, and at the same time releasing the body protection mind, just didn't dare to take any action, just afraid of inspiring Su Tang's murderous opportunity But seeing that Su Tang was coming to kill, he could not care much.

Su Tang spread his wings of magic, approaching a practitioner with incredible speed, ignoring the oncoming energy, raised his sword, and the sword of fire was piercing the practitioner's chest, and then Su Tang's wrist was shaken. The practitioner's body was almost shaken in half.

Another cultivator screamed and fell into the sea of ​​fire, trying to avoid Su Tang's pursuit, but Su Tang, who was moving the magic wings, was ten times faster than him, and his figure was just Jumping in the air, Su Tang's fire sword had been cut off, and the practitioner's body was cut in half, falling into the sea of ​​fire. The sea of ​​fire immediately filled with smoke, and the smell of barbecue was mixed.

The last practitioner was stunned. He wanted to weep and beg for mercy, but Xingjun's pride made him shut his mouth tightly, and then his eyes slowly closed.

Su Tang took a closer look at the practitioner, spreading the wings of the demon, and swept towards the air, completely ignoring the practitioner.

With a hall of thought, Su Tang's memory is excellent. The practitioners did not participate. So, although it is obviously a group, it is also cheaper.

Asako and his companions followed behind, they saw Su Tang falling on the island, beheading three prisoners in succession, and the remaining one ignored it, and swept up again, causing them to be confused and unknown, so see Su Tang has swept away, and hastily chased the past.

Nearly a hundred hours, Su Tang swept through the flames of fire and found that there was a shape that matched his memory, and he would catch up with it and raise his sword.

Su Tang is really annoyed. He wants to warn all the prisoners with this kind of almost extreme killing.

A strange island appeared in front. The other islands were all black, but the island was silver and white, and the distance was only a hundred meters away. Su Tang could feel a burst of cool breath.

There is a thin middle-aged man in the middle of the island, sitting there motionless, his eyes not open, and two practitioners kneeling in front of the middle-aged man, sometimes looking back at Su Tang in panic, sometimes struggling Knocked his head.

Seeing the two practitioners, Su Tangyu breathed a sigh of relief. There were only two left. They were all here. After they were removed, they could go back to rest.

In the distance, seeing Su Tang falling to the silver-white island, Mazi and others showed horror, and they roared desperately.

"Master, not ... not ..."

"Stop, Lord, don't go ..."

Su Tang had risen to death, only when they could not hear their shouts, the figure was falling on the silver-white island, and the two practitioners cried like crazy.

"Sir, help ..."

"Sir, save us, we are willing to be cattle and horses ..."

Su Tang took a step forward, the fire sword was cut off in the head, a practitioner's head was cut from his hind head, and blood was shot, but when the blood was approaching the thin middle-aged man, he was blocked by a weak force. It is like an invisible glass wall in the air.

Su Tang raised his sword again and beheaded another practitioner. The thin middle-aged man slowly opened his eyes and looked at Su Tang with cold eyes.

"You are quite comfortable here." Su Tang looked around and found that there was a hole in the center of the island in the size of a sea bowl. The area was filled with a milky liquid, and there was a jug cut in half beside it.

Su Tang walked slowly, picked up the jug, scooped half a glass of milky liquid, placed it in front of his nose and sniffed it, and then drank it out, an indescribable sense of pleasure from his chest and abdomen to his limbs Spread out so that he has the urge to look up to the sky.

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