The Magic Outfit

Chapter 894: Self hypnosis

"Xun value?" The big man frowned and asked softly.

"Speaking of words, ask the Xingjun Jun after all to go out from your territory. The people of the Heavenly Dao League want to hear some news in his mouth." The majesty said slowly: "However, he has a hard bone , Heaven Dao League used countless methods, repeatedly tortured Xing Xingjun Jun to death, and finally had to take out the high-grade spirit pill before pulling back Xing Xingjun Jun from the ghost gate, then later, they gave up and changed another This way of thinking, send someone to pretend to be a prisoner, mix into the molten fire purgatory, and then find a way to become a friend by asking Xing Xingjun. "

"Honour value is one hundred points. I have stayed here for nearly a thousand years, and now I can only get 20 points per year."

"The temptation of a hundred honours is irresistible. At that time, a group of new prisoners came almost every month in the Molten Purgatory.

"I secretly reminded to ask Xing Xingjun, he also made corresponding arrangements, toss for a long time, the people of the Heavenly Dao League died, withdrew from the withdrawal, and finally this task was no longer interested."

"Today, it's been almost a hundred years, huh ... I think you kid is a newcomer to the Heavenly Daoist League. busy."

When the monarch was talking, he was staring at Su Tang all the time, but Su Tang's expression was very quiet, unsurprised, unhurried, and it seemed that what the other party said had nothing to do with him.

"If you get rid of me, how much merit can you get?" Dahan smiled.

"This ... at least a few hundred thousand ..." said the monarch.

The big man looked up at the sky, and then slowly turned his eyes to Su Tang: "Do you have a big secret? You can tell it now."

Su Tang's eyes moved slightly, but he was still silent, but in fact he was already eager to go crazy, fight? escape? It's all delusions. The coercion exuded by the big man is like substance. He feels extremely difficult to breathe, let alone run the soul to escape the secret? There are quite a few of him, but none of them can save his life. Saying that, at most, it can make him die a few days late, meaningless.

What to do ... how to do ... Su Tang's brain is running crazy, but he is still helpless, and he has a strange association. He and the real dragon seem to be born with each other. The last time they fell into despair, it was Encountered the sixth prince cricket, is every time he encounters a prince, will he face the threat of death

"I have always been reasonable." The big man said in a soft tone: "If your big secret does have weight, it proves that you are not a spy, and that my unlucky apprentice seems to have a good relationship with you. In his face, I will give you a future; if your secrets are lacking, then you will stay here forever. And ... my patience is not very good. "

Su Tang had sweated slightly from his head, but still could not answer.

"His Royal Highness, I don't think there is a need to waste time." The majesty smiled.

The big man shook his head and then turned his attention elsewhere.

At this moment, Su Tang only felt that his whole blood had become solidified under that invisible oppression. He also understood that he was about to die.At this moment, a sudden flash of light flashed in his brain, and he was in a hurry Open your mouth: "You are really the third prince ..."

"The unruly" prince suddenly burst into roar: "Dare you dare to call His Royal Highness?"

Su Tang groaned, his figure fell backwards, and the roar of the majesty shocked him with Venus in front of his eyes. The power released by a majesty.

"It's okay, listen to what you can say." The big man waved his hand: "Yes, I'm 狴 瑴."

"Then I finally ... I can rest assured ..." Su Tang struggled to get up from the ground, straightened his spine, then took a long breath, and then tried his best to start the operation of the eternal life.

Although Su Tang's spiritual veins were all sealed, the eternal floating tactics still showed a unique effect.

Countless Mars rose from the sea of ​​fire and flew to Su Tang. The true pith in the central pit of Baodao also exudes white smoke. The smoke swirled around Su Tang.

"This is ..." Although the big man had a high weight, controlled the fate of countless creatures, and had experienced too many storms, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he also became stunned: "The eternal life skills? Where did you come from?" Learned? Say "

The roar entered the ear, Su Tang opened his mouth suddenly, and spit out blood. His eyes, pierced ears, and nostrils all had blood flowing out. The third prince Luan was just a roar, and he was shocked to bleed.

"Master Zun ... Zun Zun ..." Su Tang tried his best to make a few words.

The big man suddenly took a breath, and the pressure that enveloped the flames disappeared without a trace. Then the big man took a step, grabbed Su Tang's collar, and picked up Su Tang: "What did you just say? Who is your master? "

"Nine ... Nine" Su Tang didn't know how to mention the Jiujia Zijiao on the one hand, on the other hand it was because the breathing was too difficult, just happened to just say the two "nine" characters.

"Lao Jiu is your master?" The big man's eyes widened, and the fine light in his eyes was like a steel knife, scratching on Su Tang's cheek, as if he wanted to nail into Su Tang's bones.

The big man's fingers were loosened a little bit, Su Tang regained his freedom, fell to the ground all of a sudden, and then breathed involuntarily.

"Is it the Vanguard Floating Technique?" Said the prince murmured: "Is it that the boy was there when His Royal Highness the Nine Prince was killed, and then he got the practice of the Vanguard Floating Technique ..."

"Impossible." The big man looked at Su Tang and shook his head while saying: "Jianlong Jiu Jue, not anyone who wants to learn can build it. Although Lao Jiu's strength is weaker, he is more arrogant than our brothers. Stronger and more in danger, he would rather be dying than handing over the eternal life skills. What ’s more, if he wants to learn the real dragon, he needs soul guidance. "

"Soul guide?" The prince asked puzzled.

"Lao Jiu must extract his own trace of the true dragon's soul, condense it into the root of the spirit, and plant it in his purple house, so that he can practice the true dragon nine tactics." That Dahan said: "That is, unless our brothers really want to Teach it, otherwise he will never be able to cultivate it. I have only accepted five apprentices to this day, which is the reason, huh ... Extracting the soul of my true dragon is not a joy. "

Su Tang, who was sitting on the ground, only felt his back froze, and it turned out that the clothes on his back had already been soaked in cold sweat, but he could finally relax a little after hearing the words of the big man.

"It turns out that ..." There was a hint of jealousy in the eyes of the majesty, and then he said: "But ..."

"What?" Dahan Dao said.

"However, I feel that Zhen Xingjun is not malicious towards him, as if ... it's more relevant." The monarch said slowly.

Concerned about you, I have a look that does not move than Su Tang, but cursing in my heart, look around, as long as I can survive this robbery, the first one will kill you

At this moment, Su Tang already knows that the other party has never mentioned that he must find the Zhenxingxingjun, then the Zhenxingxingjun has fallen, no matter for himself or for the Zhenxingxingjun, he has to find ways to get rid of that one. Maharaja

"Feeling ..." The big man shook his head, feeling that that kind of thing was unreliable. The facts in front of him were more than everything. He looked at Su Tang and then said softly: "You were present when Lao Jiu was killed? You ... Have some resentment? "

"In." Su Tang whispered.

"Tell me, what happened at that time?" Said the big man.

"grown ups……"

"Call me Uncle, you are a disciple of Lao Jiu, and everyone is not an outsider." The big man interrupted Su Tang's words.

"Yes, Uncle." Su Tang responded immediately. At this time, his hall of thought was running at full strength, and he even made up a memory. When he had not understood the personnel, he was already taken by Jiu Taizi Jiao. Then Jiu Zijiao plans how he is good, how to take care of him, how he works hard, masters the eternal life skills, etc. As for his true past, things like joining the Heavenly Dao League are forced by him Forgot temporarily.

Su Tang is carrying out a comprehensive self-hypnosis.He is very clear that a perfect lie must first convince himself, and then be more likely to convince others.After all, he is facing the third prince, if he knows he is lying, he shows a little flaw. , The consequences are unbearable.

"Master has long known that Baoguang Xingjun is unreliable, and I have mentioned it many times, saying that Baoguang Xingjun is too exaggerated, it is easy to provoke right and wrong, and he is very talented, but who can think of ... he can't even guard a door. Live, it's completely waste, "Su Tang hated, and then he talked about the battle again. Su Tang's description is completely true. There are still shadow magic stars among the offenders, but there are more defenders. A tough and **** little follower.

Talking and talking, Su Tang has tears in his eyes. He never deceived anyone. The descriptions are all the painful facts he experienced, and he will cry with his strength, just because he recalls the death of the elder who treated him meticulously. Falling, sadness is born from the heart, and there is no longer any way to suppress it.

At the end of the talk, Su Tang talked about the figure that appeared after the release of the nine crown princes, the third prince's face suddenly changed, and then shouted: "Pouting"

Su Tang was suddenly interrupted and froze for a moment, then slowly looked at the big man.

"Since Zhen Miao Xing Jun has captured you and made great achievements, why hasn't he mentioned it in the League?" Said the Sudden Master suddenly.

With a pig brain, do you need to think about this problem? Su Tang sneered in his heart.

"She should want to monopolize the eternal life skills." The big man sighed.

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