The Magic Outfit

Chapter 895: Najib

Su Tang bowed his head and said nothing. He should have finished speaking. Now he should be cautious and cautious. Besides, his words are not influential. The best way is to guide them and get their own answers after judgment.

In addition, Su Tang found some problems, for example, who is the figure who appeared after the death of Jiujia Zijiao? Why can the third prince's expression change dramatically? But he dare not think about it now, otherwise self-hypnosis will be invalid, and he can only store these memories in the perspective of the hall of thinking, and open it later.

"Boy, you have also been wronged ..." the big man said slowly.

Su Tang's bitter smile was just a grievance, and he could not describe the grief in his heart.

At this moment, a figure fell in the air, and then exclaimed: "Ask for robbery? Master, ask for robbery ..."

"He may do something." The big man looked up: "How is it over there?"

The "one is not left" figure replied in a deep voice, and then fell beside Wen Xingjun, leaning down and watching nervously.

It was an old man with an external appearance of more than fifty years old, but he was energetic, his eyes shone with golden light, and his body was very burly.

"You robbed with questions first." Dahan said.

"Yes, Master," the old man stretched out his hands, hugged and asked Xing Xingjun, and then skimmed into the air.

"Sir, I'll go over and see." The monarch said quickly.

"Go." Dahan nodded.

The majesty swept up in the air and flew out of the crack above in a flash.

The big man turned his head and looked at Su Tang again. Su Tang was staring at the direction of the old man's disappearance, because he sensed that the fluctuation of his abstinence was uploaded from the old man's body. Although it was very weak, it was definitely not wrong.

Seeing that the big man turned his head to look at himself, Su Tang immediately resealed the memory about Najie, and he turned into the young man who grew up in Shengyun Mansion with the pain of mourning.

"That was your brother just now, hehe ... I forgot to introduce you." The big man smiled: "He's called Xuanwol Xingjun, kid, how do you think of him?"

Su Tang only performed self-hypnosis, but his mind remained unaffected. He was stunned for a moment, showing his desire to stop talking.

"Huh?" The big man was a little surprised, and then a ray of curiosity flashed in his eyes: "Speak, but ... I want to hear the truth."

"Qing Xingjun has been trapped for nearly two thousand years." Su Tang said softly: "Two thousand years ... No matter how good the relationship is, it may also become alienated. He seems so anxious and somewhat pretentious." Su Tang said In these words, when I thought of the owner of the death knell, when the owner of the death knell began to write a diary, it can be seen that the feelings for the friends are very rich and deep enough, but as the years pass, don't talk about feelings, see the friends' The name, I ca n’t remember who they are. I have forgotten my past experience. It ’s been too long for two thousand years. He does n’t believe that the old man ’s heart will really be so anxious and sad.

"Hahaha ... Boy, you're kind of clever." The big man laughed: "No wonder Lao Jiu has been tired of recruiting disciples, but he just fell in love with you

At this moment, a faint horn sounded from the sky, and the big man paused, and then said: "We should go too." After he finished raising his hand, he sent a suspense to Su Tang, which wrapped Su Tang's body.

However, Su Tang first endured a powerful and unmatched coercion, and worked hard to release the eternal life skills, then was shocked by the roar of the big man, and finally fully operated the hall of thought to perform self-hypnosis.He had already arrived at the oil-out lamp Withered, at the moment when the great Han **** was possessed, he fainted.

The big man did not expect Su Tang to be so weak. He was stunned, sighed, and skimmed towards the sky.

I don't know how long I slept. When Su Tang opened his eyes, he suddenly found himself lying under a soft flower brocade. From the distance, a pleasant bell sounded, and the nose smelled, giving him a refreshing feeling. At the next moment, Su Tang found that there was a man sitting at the end of the bed, and he was just asking Xing Xingjun.

He sat up hurriedly and murmured: "Ask Xing Xingjun ..."

"You hide me so hard ..." asked Xingjun Jun sighing.

"What did I hide?" At the moment, Su Tang's self-hypnosis has failed, but his control ability is still there, and he has not panicked.

"We are under the true dragon seat, and belong to the brothers of the division" asked the Xing Xingjun with a smile: "No wonder ... No wonder after removing the Qingfa Xingjun, you are always close to me without saying anything, hehe, that You already know it, but why not tell me? "

"I said, would you believe it?" Su Tang smiled bitterly: "What's more, how can I know that you are not sent by the wonderful star king to test me?"

"In that kind of place, thank you for your prevention. It's a good thing." Asked Xing Xingjun Road, and then saw Su Tang want to get up, hurriedly reached out and held Su Tang's shoulder: "You lie down and rest more."

"You should also rest more." Su Tang said, when he asked the Xing Xingjun, he had a little confidence in his heart. After all, the two sides carried the gun together. In this strange place, maybe the Xing Xingjun is The only one who might help him wholeheartedly.

"I've been resting for a long time." Asked Xing Xingjun: "It's you. The master made you take the soul-enhancing incense. I wanted you to sleep for a few more months. I didn't expect you to wake up now."

"How long has it passed?" Su Tang asked hurriedly.

"It's been two months." Asked Xing Xingjun back.

Su Tang suddenly had a creepy feeling in his heart, he also understood why he was suddenly awakened, and some people were refining his precepts

"I ..." Su Tang thought about the wording in his mind.

"What's the matter with you?" Asked Xingjun Jun that Su Tang's face was a bit wrong.

"Have you seen your brother?" Su Tang asked.

"Have you seen it, what happened?" Asked Xingjun Jun again.

"Someone is ... refining my precepts ..." Su Tang decided to tell the truth.

"What?" Asked Xingjun Jun, stunned, and then stood up suddenly: "Your promise is in my brother's hands?"

"Uh." Su Tang nodded.

"Why didn't you say it early?" Asked Xingjun Jun, "Come with me"

Su Tang immediately followed Xing Xingjun and walked out, while he tentatively said, "This is not good ..."

"Not good? Don't you just wait and see that your precepts are being refined?" Asked Xing Xingjun said: "Relax, Master Zun explained when he was leaving, to treat him as our younger brother, just pick things up Ming, how could Brother Brother take one of your vigilance? "

During the talk, the two people turned a few lanes in succession, and a deep courtyard appeared in front of them. They asked Xingjun Jun to turn his head to look at Su Tang: "Here?"

Najie and his master are sensitive to each other. Su Tangning stood for a moment and nodded, "This is it."

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