The Magic Outfit

Chapter 94: Kill

Su Tang's experience is also very rich, not to mention Drum Sword Star King and others, they have been running in the star field for a long time, but when the roar suddenly broke out, no one can respond, because here is not The Star Extinction Domain is the base camp of the third prince, and the speed of the star palace is the symbol of the third prince, who dares to do wrong?

Then, there were screams outside, and the faces of Su Tang and Drum Sword Star King all changed. They never believed that someone dared to start the frame to accept the facts, and then woke up to the crisis facing them. A huge contrast.

It ’s better to say that if someone dared to siege the frame, they must be fully prepared, which is bound to be won, and they are not afraid of the revenge of the third prince.

Drum Sword Star Jun and others turned and rushed out of the hall. Su Tang whispered to Jiang Huquan: "You stay here." He also flew out of the hall door.

When Su Tang rushed outside, Drum Sword Star King and others had fought with each other's practitioners, and the surrounding guards almost fell into the pool of blood, and even the dragons pulling the cart were breathing. , Its pair of unfolded wings with dozens of meters in length were burned to ashes, leaving only a few charred joints trembling

There were more than a dozen practitioners on the opposite side, all of whom were Luo Xingjun, Gu Jianxingjun and others who were besieged by several practitioners, each fighting for their own, the situation is not optimistic.

"Sir, let's go." Wei Dao Xingjun shouted loudly as he tried his best to release Jianguang.

Su Tang's brows were wrinkled. After leaving the Meltfire Purgatory, he asked Xingjun to talk to him a few times, which gave him a lot of insight, and he would think about everything when he learned everything. One idea is that one really wants him to leave Su Tang. As long as Su Tang is fine, they will be relieved of their guilt. Otherwise, even if they escape, the third prince will not let them go. The other is to hope that Su Tang can Attract the attention of the enemy, so as to create an opportunity for them to escape.

At the next moment, the eyes of those practitioners turned to this side. Su Tang was the messenger and the main goal of their trip.

"Walk? Where are you going?" Suddenly a hearty laughter came out of the mist in the distance. Then, a big man flew out and approached the battlefield with lightning.

The big man had just appeared, and the tsunami-like spiritual fluctuations were so overwhelming that he could hardly breathe.

Su Tang's face is very calm, but his heart can't help but cold, that is Da Luo Xingjun

The big man's figure flew over the sky, and suddenly a blade of light gleamed in his hand.

Wei Dao Xingjun also knew that the other party was a big Luo Xingjun. When he saw Daoguang rolling towards himself, he was so scared that he flew away, gave up the fight, and fought a few hard blows, struggling to shoot away.

But the Dahan Han's knife light was too fast. Just here he saw his shot, and the knife light was already approaching Wei Dao Xingjun. It seems that the knife light was there, but now only traces are showing.

Wei Dao Xingjun is Jian Xiu. Among these few people, he is only slightly inferior to Su Tang, but at his speed, he has not been able to avoid the knife light, and his body moved.The knife light has swept from his waist, like He cut his tofu like a tofu and cut his body into two parts.

Wei Dao Xingjun made a terrible trumpet sound, his lower body fell to the ground, and his upper body rolled involuntarily over the air, and several practitioners around him threw at the same time. Splattered flesh and blood.

The big man who flew in the air continued to shoot forward and landed on Su Tang. Obviously Su Tang was his target.

Su Tang still stood upright without any fear. He looked up at the big man, and a sneer suddenly appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Su Tang opened his long bow and the arrow hit the arrow, aiming at the big man.

"Hehe ..." The big man seemed to think Su Tang was very funny and made a laugh.

He has the qualification to be confident. Xiao Luo Xingjun divides the mind and the consciousness, and Daluo Xingjun divides the Shentong and the Shenhui. He has cultivated the Shentong and dealt with the powerful opponents like Su Tang. Relaxed, in his eyes, Su Tang's resistance was totally meaningless.

At this moment, Su Tang let go of his fingertips, the arrows turned into a cold light, and hurried away towards the big man.

The big man carelessly waved a knife, facing the arrow light, his eyesight was extremely accurate, and his movements were also just right, and the knife light was freely blocked before the arrow.

But the imaginary collision did not happen. The arrow light did not seem to exist. It was just an illusory image, passing through the knife light without obstruction, and was shooting into the big man's chest.

Why ... the expression of the big man became stiff immediately, and the long knife in his hand also hung in the air, and he could not react.

Moreover, the great man's prestige was very high. When he was injured, the dozen or so practitioners showed horror, and some of them couldn't fight, and retreated to the rear, with a pair of eyes fixed on the big man.

At this time, Su Tang's second arrow had also been fired, and the big man woke up like a dream, and a thunderous roar suddenly broke out: "Go ..."

The brilliance brighter than the rainbow and dazzling than the sun suddenly exploded between the sky and the earth, the spiritual force fluctuations released by the big man simultaneously expanded several times, and the light group spread to the surroundings at an unparalleled speed, drum sword Xingjun's position was a bit bad. He didn't have time to react. He was immediately swallowed by the light group, not only him, but also several practitioners on the opposite side were also swallowed by the light group.

However, the light and fire appeared quickly and disappeared quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The three arrows burned the flesh and bones of the first arrow, the spirit roots of the second arrow, and the soul of the third arrow. Although Su Tang only had the time to issue two arrows, the spirit vein of the big man had begun to melt like snow. How domineering his spiritual tactics are, he is unable to continue.

The big man reappeared in people's vision, his face filled with horror, and suddenly shouted: "This is ..."

Drum Sword Star King and those unlucky practitioners also reappeared, but they were covered with countless small wounds, and the blood flowers ejected were like miniature fountains, just staggering, and they were planted one after another. inverted.

At this time, Su Tang had released a third arrow, which was as bright as electricity and shot at the figure of the great man.

The big man might have guessed the origin of Su Tang's Lingbao, and there was a desperate look in his eyes. Then he tried his best to make a roar, and his figure disappeared suddenly.

Tens of thousands of miles away, the big man's figure fell into a boundless yellow sand, but he just appeared, and an arrow of light appeared, and continued to shoot at his chest.

The big man's eyes were split, and he roared again, and his figure disappeared again.

Arrow light passed through the residual image left by the big man, and then turned suddenly, turning into a void.

In the battlefield, all the practitioners still maintain a stunned posture.The surviving Bai Tong Xingjun and Tongmeng Xingjun both know what kind of opponent they are facing this time.They cannot accept this fact, and the entry is as low as their Su Tang, who can scare away such a terrifying prince? The practitioners on the other side couldn't believe everything they saw. That big man was the mastermind of the operation and the main force, so it was inexplicably defeated?

In the dead silence, the space behind Su Tang appeared distorted, and then the big man appeared suddenly, burning crazy in his eyes, waving his long sword with all his strength, and slashing towards Su Tang's back brain.

However, his spirit has already melted, and the sword is no longer as fast as lightning. Su Tang can easily avoid it, but Su Tang is motionless.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow of an arrow penetrated into the void and was shooting into the back of the strong man. The strong man's figure twitched sharply, and the knife light fell on Su Tang's shoulder and fell into the earth.

The big man's figure fell forward and fell towards Su Tang. The last few things he did were to open his hands and hug Su Tang's thighs, and at the same time opened his mouth, trying to bite Su Tang. Immortal, but the mind is clearly confused, and his body on the verge of extinction is no longer threatening at all.

The big man's hands were getting weaker and weaker, his mouth opened, but he couldn't close, he slid down a little, and finally hung on Su Tang's feet, and his gesture of death was like giving Su Tangxing the last Kneeling salute.

Su Tang hasn't moved. Whether it's a knife coming to the head, or being surrounded by the strong man's legs, he always stood on his back like a war gun, with a calm look and a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth.

Because Su Tang knew that the battle was not over, there were nearly ten other Luo Xingjuns on the opposite side, and they continued to fight. How much is Junhetongmengjunjunqiang?

The only hope is to be able to frighten each other and let them retreat from difficulties. Therefore, Su Tang dare not do extra actions or dare to say extra words. It is easy to see his details.

"The action failed to withdraw" a practitioner suddenly gave a loud roar.

The practitioners fled to the distance, and they could see that although they were a must-have plan, they made complete preparations, including how to escape.At the first moment when they began to flee, they appeared very panicked and escaped. After hundreds of meters away, their movements became methodical, and wherever they escaped, there would always be large and dense fogs.

That was Su Tang, a large power group that was good at organizing such activities, and then his eyes looked stunned.

Bai Tong Xingjun and Tongmeng Xingjun let out a long sigh of relief. They glanced at each other and went to Su Tang. Seeing that Su Tang was still still, Tong Meng Xingjun tentatively shouted, "Master ..."

Although their attitude towards Su Tang could not pick out faults before, it was only due to the rules, and they did not look up to Su Tang in their hearts. Yes, but now the voice of Tong Meng Xingjun's "Adult, is full of respect."

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