The Magic Outfit

Chapter 95: Give up

At this time, Su Tang finally moved. He lifted his leg and kicked the big man's body to the side. Then he picked up the long knife with his toes and took it in his hands to watch it carefully.

After all, this was the first big Luo Xingjun he beheaded, which made him feel inexplicable.

"Adult, how to deal with it here?" Tong Meng Xingjun said with caution.

"Bring the Drum Sword Star King and Wei Dao Star King into the car." Su Tang sighed softly: "They don't allow you to move their things, it's up to the master to decide"

"Understood." Tong Meng Xing Jun said, and then gave his eyes to Bai Tong Xing Jun and walked forward.

The guards they carried were almost dead. This kind of thing can only be done by them. They cannot always trouble Su Tang.

Su Tang leaned over, rummaging around the big man for a moment, only found a small box, Su Tang slowly took off the big man's ring, and then turned around and entered the car

Jiang Huquan saw Su Tang coming in, his eyes fluctuated, he wanted to know the situation outside, but because of the maids around, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, but just watched Su Tang's expression.

Su Tang sat back on the main seat and took out the long knife again, carefully perceiving the spiritual power fluctuations in the long knife.

Jiang Huquan was very relaxed when he saw Su Tang. He knew that the trouble outside should be solved, and he was relieved in his heart.It was a pity that he did not see Su Tang killing a big Luo Xingjun. Otherwise, his inner excitement must be far more than Bai Tong Xingjun and Tongmeng Xingjun.

Not much time, Bai Tong Xingjun and Tongmeng Xingjun walked in side by side. Bai Tong Xingjun carried a blood-stained package in his hand, then Bi Gongbi Jing held the package in his hand and dedicated it to Su Tang.

Su Tang took the package and briefly looked at it. There were more than a dozen medicine bottles, a few small boxes, and four Na Rings. Su Tang picked up two Na Rings and one was thrown at Bai Tong Xingjun. Throw it to Tongmeng Xingjun.

This is also an advantage of Su Tang. No matter whether the collaborator truly obeyed him or cooperated temporarily, he would not eat solitary food when splitting the loot.

"The rest will be given to the prince." Su Tang said lightly.

"Yes." White pupil star said, and then paused: "Adult, Yalong beast is too heavy. Although it has a strong recovery ability, we have to delay here for a few days."

"You're the master of this little thing." Su Tang said.

"But ... if we stay here, those people still have follow-up moves, what should we do?"

Su Tang was silent for a moment, and he shook his head: "They won't." After he finished, he stood up and walked to the rear of the hall: "I'm going to take a rest, don't bother me."

"Yes." Bai Tong Xingjun and Tongmeng Xingjun responded in unison. It can be seen that after this battle, Su Tang has established the prestige in their minds.

Su Tang walked into a small courtyard and asked the maids to withdraw. He sat by the well alone, pondered for a long time, and slowly took out the letter.

Scanning the letter with Shen Nian, a line of fonts appeared on it, and the frequency of the font appeared very fast, it seems that many people are arguing.

Tianyi twenty-seven: the action failed, the messenger of the third prince Zhan Lian cherishes a strange treasure, and the prince Yokono has fallen to death. What is the matter with you? Give Lao Tzu a clear explanation

Seven of nine days: Not only is the deceased king Yokono, but we have also lost four brothers and immortal thirty-three. Did n’t you say that the messenger was only in the mind of Xiao Luo Xingjun?

Tianyi sixteen: come out immortal 33 you come out to Lao Tzu this is what is going on? Don't think that it's done by pretending to be dumb

Xin Peine made a lot of noise and asked questions, but did not respond.

Suddenly, a font with golden light appeared.

Presbyterian's House: Shut up all the time, thirty-three, are you there?

In a moment, someone answered.

Immortal 33: I am, elder, the messenger is indeed in the mind of Ronaldinho Xingjun, ca n’t blame me

Elderly Home: The rest of the people who come to the hall to speak are restless. The Elderly Home will definitely give you an explanation.

Then, the conversation disappeared, and Su Tang released Shen Nian again. He was already a first-time offering and was qualified to go deeper.

However, after going deeper, I didn't see any information about the conversation. The unbroken thirty-three message should have been taken to a deeper place. He still can't get in there.

Su Tang sighed for a long time, he was very helpless, never thought that the people of the Heavenly Dao League attacked him, can he blame him? At that time, he had no chance to explain, and there was no way to explain. In order to save his life, he could only hurt the killer.

Su Tangduan couldn't sit still, but occasionally watched what everyone was saying with Shen Nian.

Almost an hour later, the indestructible thirty-three actually spoke at the bottom.

Unbreakable Thirty-three: Everyone believes that my original third prince Zhan Lian wanted the four elephants to go to Tianwei Xingfu.

Tianyi 27: It ’s useless to say anything unless you let the dead brothers come back alive

Immortal 33: I know it ’s useless here, just to give everyone a promise. When the demon king comes back that day, I will find a way to contact him, and I will definitely check his bottom out.

Tianyi Sixteen: Okay, let's not quarrel first, thirty-three, what is the origin of the demon king that day?

Immortal 33: He should be a prisoner imprisoned in the molten fire purgatory, and he was rescued together with Xing Xingjun.

Tianyi 27: Should it? I ask if you are?

Immortal 33: I dare to guarantee

Su Tang looked at it for another moment, and slowly put away the letter. This guy ... It turned out that the third prince Zhan Lian also had a spoiler for the Heavenly Daoist League, but because of this failure, the spy angered him Su Tang, and vowed to come and check. His bottom line.

For a long time, Su Tang's eyes flickered with coldness, and it was impossible to confess his identity. God knows what the guy who is annoyed and eager to make up for will do He will try to make the other person dispel the idea, if not, then use it as a starting point so that he can gain higher trust

Su Tang took out the Nahua again, he wanted to refine it, and according to unwritten rules, he removed the monarch, then the loot should also belong to him, but now he is living around the third prince Lien If you do n’t ask for instructions, you will make the decision without permission. It is possible that the third prince will not be pleased. Let ’s be patient first ... Besides, the third prince is very generous to him and has given many treasures. of.

Su Tang narrowed his eyes and fell into contemplation. He came to do the undercover. Unexpectedly, he really got the trust of the third prince Zhuan Lian. On the contrary, he wanted to regain the trust of the Heavenly Dao League What should I do in the future ...

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