The Magic Outfit

Chapter 910: Draw

"As you say, the spirit formula is useless?" The third prince Zhan Lian smiled.

"It depends on whom, if it is a monk who has just started to practice, this spiritual tactic is undoubtedly the best choice, at least, let yourself have a desperate capital." Said: "But if the entry is delayed because of this spirit, it will be worthless."

"What about me?" The three princes said lightly.

"For Master, this spiritual tactic is the tasteless taste." Asked Xing Xingjun said: "Master has already cultivated magical powers and created Shenxi. How to overcome the bottleneck and promote the true **** is the most important thing, otherwise the master will be considered as a master. With this tactic, I am afraid that there will still be some losses incurred by Uncle II. "

The third prince Zhan Lian was silent for a long time, he slowly said: "Ask, you help him this time this time, will he really help you in the future?"

"I don't know." Asked Xing Xingjun with a smile: "I just did what Brother should do. How he treats me in the future, see his heart."

"Haha ... You are still the same as before." The third prince Zhan Lian also laughed, and then the topic changed: "It's okay to give people to Heavenly Devil, but he's the master, and I don't need the tribute of the Chu family. Let me have some Disgusted. These days, I'm not too thin for him, but he ... "

Asked that Xing Xingjun's face became serious.He knew that this topic was the most critical now.The third prince Zhan Lian had a strong desire to control, and almost all the big things in Tianle Mountain needed him to nod, that tribute. What is worthless, what makes the third prince 缴 缴 unforgettable, is Su Tang's unauthorized decision.

Asking the robbing star Jun to pinch the wits, a light curtain slowly rose, and Jiang Huquan was being isolated.

Then, he asked Xingjun Jun: "Sister Tianmo is really overdone this time. The Chu family will only think that he is generous, but he does not know that this is the grace of the Master."

"That's the reason." Three Princes said.

"However, Brother Tianmo knows what is right." Asked Xing Xingjun and said: "He is the unauthorized master, and he has unspeakable pains. The monk has a great relationship with him and can even decide his entry."

"Oh? What did he say to you?" The three princes stunned.

"Master, can you remember the ancestor of Linglian Gate?" Asked Xing Xingjun.

"That old hate is naturally remembered," said the third prince.

"The ancestor of Linglianmen once robbed an ancient tree of destiny from the second master's territory, hasn't Master forgotten yet?" Asked Xing Xingjun.

"Haha ... At that time, the second child was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and he was reluctant to go to the ancient spirit tree for a lifetime, but he knew that the old hate was extremely difficult, and finally had to swallow this bad breath." The third prince Zhan Xuan smiled.

"The monk's spiritual formula comes from the inheritance of the tree of ancient destiny."

"You made me think of it by saying so." The third prince Zhan Lian suddenly showed a sudden color: "Listening to the elder Wu mentioned, the ancient spirit tree is extremely vigorous, and the gods can't die from the thunder, and the fire is endless. It has the same beauty "

"The ancestor Gan Linglian took the risk, and he infiltrated the second master's territory alone and robbed the tree of ancient destiny. He wanted to have his own reasons. Therefore, Brother Tianmo must get the monk." Monarchy.

"Wait, I'm a little confused." The third prince Zhan Lian frowned: "Are the ancestors of Linglianmen related to Heavenly Demon?"

"Brother Tianmo didn't tell you?" Asked Xingxing Jun.

"No." The third prince Zhan Xuan looked at him suspiciously and asked, "What the **** is going on?"

"Brother Tianmo won the inheritance of the ancestors of Linglianmen." Asked Xing Xingjun, then he explained Su Tang's rhetoric at that time.

With the knowledge of the third prince, he was also dumbfounded: "He ... is he a spiritual practitioner?"

"No, he is a man from Tianle Mountain" asked Xing Xingjun: "Although the ancestor of Linglian Men passed on his Taoism, but he ignored him, there is only the truth of the teacher, but there is no emotion of the teacher. "My heart is still towards us." After that, he asked Xingjun Jun to repeat some of the thankful words that Su Tangping often said.

The third prince Zhan Lian was silent for a long time, and sighed: "This kid ... has a lucky path to the sky"

The real dragon has nine skills, and the nine princes each cultivate one of them. The nine skills are all super-spiritual tactics that reach the peak in the star field, and there is no right. However, the super-spiritual tactics are not exclusive to the real dragon. Some sect's spiritual tactics can also be included, and the spiritual sect of spiritual practice is one of them.

As a little Luo Xingjun, it is indeed a great blessing that he can get two methods of reaching the summit.

"Yeah ..." asked Xingjun Jun also sighing.

"In this way, Lao Jiu has fallen, and he has no worries. If the ancestors call him in the future, he will leave?" The third prince Zan Xuan said slowly.

"I asked him, he was very indifferent to the ancestor." Asked Xing Xingjun said: "Master, I also said just now, there is no feeling of mentoring between him and the old man, but the master has to him. The grace of life-saving, not to mention the support of the master here, how can he be willing to leave after calling Bai Nuo? Ha ha ... he already has the idea of ​​setting up a home in Tianle Mountain, he must get the monk, on the one hand because of that The monk can improve his entry. On the other hand, because he wants to cultivate his own manpower, no wonder others. Although Brother Xuan Wolf is not bad to him, he is never friendly. He feels a crisis. "

The third prince Zhan Lian said nothing.

"Master, staying here with Brother Tianmo has many benefits for us." Asking Xing Xingjun said: "The ancestor didn't see anything to help others, and the ability to talk about bad things is unique. At least, we can talk directly to the ancestor; and the elder celestial masters have excellent qualifications, otherwise the ancestor will not easily pass on his ancestry to him, and the master has a life-saving grace for him, as long as he has always been generous He will become a great helper in Tianle Mountain in the future "

"The time is short now." Asked Xing Xingjun again: "There is no way to see the endowment of Brother Tianmo, but we should always try it. It is better than pushing him away. Besides, Brother Tianmo remains here. Even if the monk was given to him, this spirit recipe is still my Tianle Mountain, just copy a copy of the spirit recipe, we can find some monks to practice in private. "

Seeing the third prince Zhan Lian still didn't speak, he asked Xing Xingjun to close his mouth too. He said enough, and continued to say that it might be possible to draw a snake, but it would arouse the Master's disgust.

For a long time, the third prince Zhan Lian finally nodded and said, "Forget it, give the monk to the devil."

"Master Zun sees." Asked Xing Xingjun hurriedly: "Sister Tianmo doesn't know how grateful Master Zuo will be"

"I only see him as a material that can be made. I'm afraid he is willing to do the wrong thing. As for being grateful and not grateful, I don't care." The third prince Zan Lian said: "However, what should the four elephant kings do? These little things have always done the same thing, and they are all of the same ancestry. Why should they be so irresistible? The four elephant princes complained a lot in the background, and the stalemate will continue.

"Master, you know this matter, absolutely we can't blame us," asked Xingxing Jun, "He is doing too much."

"Forget it." The third prince Zhan Lian waved his hands impatiently: "You send the person to the devil, let him copy a copy of the spirit recipe immediately, without hiding anything, tell him, we will choose Some monks practiced spiritual tips. "

"Understood." Asked Xing Xingjun Road, then he removed the light curtain behind him, looked at Jiang Huquan, said softly: "Come with me"

Su Tang was pacing back and forth in his small courtyard. He was anxious in his heart. Suddenly he heard the sound of footsteps from outside. He was stunned for a while, and then he let out a long sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the door of the courtyard opened and asked Xing Xingjun and Jiang Huquan to walk in successively, but Q Xingjun just smiled at Su Tang, did not speak much, and turned around and went out.

Asked that Xing Xingjun had a great palace, he just spent a lot of effort to persuade the master.If he stayed and Su Tang cheered the wine, it would give people a feeling of joy. Once the wind reached the ear of the master, I am afraid Master will start to doubt the gods and the ghosts again, the purpose has been achieved, and the friend's affection is exhausted. At this moment, we must avoid suspicion.

Su Tang and Jiang Huquan were relatively speechless. For a long time, Su Tang whispered: "The Lord has sent you over? What a fluke ... What did they say?"

"I only heard, that ... the lord said that you made the decision without permission, and made him feel disgusted. I won't hear anything after that."

"No matter how much it is, it's a good thing that you are here. Let's take a step by step." Su Tang sighed.

In the following days, Su Tang and Jiang Huquan were much more relaxed, either closed their doors for submerged cultivation, or got together to chat and live a quiet life.

After a few days, I asked Xingxingjun to visit Su Tang. In fact, it was very difficult to accompany him. It was very difficult to ask Xingxingjun's ability, and they were very difficult to deal with. When we met, it seemed that there was a gap, and it was possible for the third prince to be suspicious, so you should still see it when you move around.

When asked to rob Xingjun, Su Tang immediately entered the study, closed the door, and then took out the letter.

Sweeping with Shen Nian, watching the conversation of the practitioners of the Heavenly Taoist League, Su Tang hesitated for a long time, and then entered the place where the monks of the worship level talked. Then, he typed a word with the Shen Nian.

The Great Waste Eleven: The Four Elephant Maharajas will be sent to the Nine Sky Star Field's Ascension House in five days.

No one in the channel answered anything.

Su Tang was silent for a quarter of an hour, and then made a sentence with Shen Nian.

Dahuang Eleven: This is a trap. There are more than a dozen big Luo Xingjun meetings with the four elephants, and Jiutian Xingshu will also be prepared.

Seeing that no one answered, Su Tang put Xinpei aside, and then closed his eyes to recuperate. After almost half a cup of tea, he sensed that Xinpei fluctuated and picked up Xinpei again.

Tianyi III: How do you know? Are you in Tianle Mountain? As far as I know, there is only one immortal brother who blends into Tianle Mountain 33

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