The Magic Outfit

Chapter 911: Big undercover

Su Tang smiled at the corner of his mouth, silenced for a moment, and put the letter aside.He just sent the message for the first time. The credibility is naturally very low. It is useless to say more. It makes people more skeptical that they simply said nothing and let the facts verify.

Su Tang picked up the long knife on the table and asked Xing Xingjun to come to the door this time.On the one hand, he told Su Tang that the three princes Zhan Lian finally decided to abandon the four elephant princes. The reward was given to Su Tang.

There was not only a long sword, but also a Najie, all of which was the spoils won by Su Tang in the last ambush. At that time, he caused the third prince to be unhappy and left in a hurry. These things were left in the real dragon palace.

It took him a few days to return it to him, and the third prince Zhan Lian seemed to express his displeasure in this way.

As for the four elephant kings, he walked into the rhythm of not being immortal.He always thought that he was a hero, but he did not receive the corresponding benefits and respect. Xuan is not fair.

The third prince Zhan Lian has been defending his absolute authority. He can't tolerate sand in his eyes. Once or twice, he can tolerate it. When he doesn't know it, but he has more times, he is irritated in his heart. While falling into the well, he finally decided to sell the Four Elephant Maharaja. The man was already dying. Of course, he had to play the residual heat, so he sent the Four Elephant Majesty to act as a messenger and visited the Jiutian Xingyu.

However, the four elephant princes were rather pitiful. He didn't even know the emotional transformation process of the three princes, and he was complacent for regaining his trust. Naturally, his tone also changed, and he began to praise the third prince. too late.

Su Tang took a handful of crystals from Najie and took it slowly. Then he turned his spirit veins and began to refine the sword in his hand.

At the beginning, there was nothing, but as the blade slowly melted, the entire long knife was actually formed by hundreds of millions of magic symbols.Su Tang was a little surprised, but he still kept running the spiritual refining tactics.Every magic symbol All turned into a tiny spot of light, dissolved into his brain domain, and reunited in the shape of a long knife in the brain domain.

At dusk, Su Tang opened his eyes slowly, feeling inexplicable in his heart, the spiritual practice is indeed overbearing, can even the spiritual charm be refined like this?

Su Tang waved his wrist lightly and a long knife appeared in his hand. He was going to try it in the backyard. Suddenly he found that Xin Pei kept exuding spiritual fluctuations and took Xin Pei into his hand.

In the open channel, practitioners are noisy.

Immortal 33: You believe that my news this time is absolutely correct. I have tried many times. It is indeed the emperor of the four elephants who is the emissary of the nine-sky star field, and he only brings some guards, no other practitioners. Follower.

Wuxiang Seventy-nine: Do n’t be kidding? Brother, I still treat you as a brother. You said last time that there is absolutely nothing wrong. What happened? It's been a few years since this was the worst loss for us. Do you still fart?

Molten Fire 16: How do you believe us? After eating a big loss, do you want to eat a bigger loss?

The arguing practitioners are divided into two groups. One group has only one person, that is, Immortal.

Su Tang suddenly sensed something, then Xin Pei felt a little blurry, and then he found himself being dragged into another channel, where the people talking were all golden.

Presbyterian: Great Wild Eleven, is the Shadow Demon Star King? This is Elder Wu. I saw it last time in the Great Wasteland.

Dahuang Eleven: It's me. I've seen Elder Wu.

Presbyterian Court: It ’s not polite to speak here, it ’s not just me. Most of the elders are here. Shadow Demon Star King, do n’t you go to find a companion? How come to the indestructible star field again?

Great Wild Eleven: It's a coincidence, I haven't been able to leave for a while.

Presbyterian: The Four Elephants Majesty will really send Jiu Tianxing Realm?

Su Tang was silent for a while, and he could see that the Heavenly Daoist League attached great importance to the Four Elephants. This is also common sense. The Molten Purgatory was attacked. I do n’t know how many practitioners who were enemies with the Heavenly Daoist League fled and suffered there. After suffering, he must be full of hatred and animosity towards the Heavenly Daoist League. He must be free from heaven and will continue to be enemies with the Heavenly Daoist League in the future.

The Four Elephants suddenly rebelled, causing catastrophic losses to the Heavenly Alliance, so the Heavenly Alliance must kill the chickens and monkeys. If the Four Elephants are allowed to get mixed in Tianle Mountain, there will be more practitioners in the future. , They would rather pay some price, but also beheaded the four elephants, causing a deterrent.

Dahuang Eleven: It will indeed be the mission of Jiutian Xingyu, the news is true, but this is the trap of the three princes, and the four elephants ’masters have mixed a dozen big Luo Xingjuns in their entourage, and the Jiutian Xingshu will also be there. Make preparations.

Presbyterian House: It is said by Indestructible Thirty-three that the three princes did not guard against it, just a normal mission.

Su Tang was silent for a moment and sighed in his heart. This can't be blamed for me crawling on your head and climbing up, nor can it justify you.

Dahuang Eleven: His news is not accurate. Some of my friends have a high status in Tianle Mountain. The news they tell me is not wrong.

This time, it was the other side's turn to be silent, and it took a long time before they started talking again.

Presbyterian: If we see through the trap of the third prince, and successfully kill the four elephants, will it affect you.

There is a warmth in Su Tang's heart, no wonder that the true star king is so desperate for the heaven and earth alliance, they still tell the truth, after understanding the plan of the three princes, the first thing that comes to mind is the safety of Su Tang.

Dahuang Eleven: No, Elder Wu, you can act with confidence.

Presbyterian: Shadow Demon Star King, we elders agreed that if the trip goes well and the news is accurate, you will be given five hundred honors directly. Are you satisfied?

Su Tang Leng is there, five hundred honors worth? He suddenly wanted to cry. At the beginning, he took the risk of being mixed into the molten fire purgatory, for the value of only one hundred honors, but the intention to plant flowers and flowers did not bloom, and the willows will not be inserted into the shade. There is no chance to inquire about the secret of Xing Xingjun, especially after he has a deeper understanding of the question of Xing Xingjun, he has forgotten this idea for a long time. Jun's suspicion, not to mention that Xing Xingjun helped him so much, he didn't want to revenge.

Su Tang felt a little puzzled. What kind of person is he? On the one hand, he is willing to help Tiandao League, on the other hand, he does not want to hurt Xing Xingjun.

Presbyterian House: Shadow Demon Star King, every decision of the Presbyterian House is public and cannot be higher, otherwise it will make everyone dissatisfied.

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