The Magic Outfit

Chapter 912: Storm

Su Tang woke up and hurriedly operated Shennian, and made a sentence.

Dahuang Eleven: The elders misunderstood. I did not expect to be so surprised to give such a high honor value.

The Elders' Home: For us, the five hundred honors are not worth much. If we hear the news of Indestructible 33, we not only have to suffer a big loss, but we ca n’t get rid of the rebellion of the four elephants.

At this time, another person spoke, and his name was also the elder's home.

Elders' Home: Or should we play a big one, and shouldn't we only target the four elephants, too small to be mad, and let the Indestructible Starfield bloom everywhere, wouldn't it be hilarious?

Su Tang pondered in his heart that he could not see the names of the elders, which should be a protective measure for the elders, and the elders should be able to distinguish each other's identity.

Presbyterian Home: No, do n’t you think it ’s a bit aggressive?

Elderly Home: After so long, we should raise our eyebrows and exhale once.

Presbyterian: Now we have hands-on experience. Apart from exposing our strength, we have no other benefits. Besides, the third prince is the disease of the mustard, and the seven princes Ji Ji and the eight princes are the serious problems.

Su Tang's heart moved, and then he turned his mind to write a line on the letter.

Dahuang Eleven: I have a friend who once commented on the relationship between the Heavenly Dao League and the True Dragon. I do n’t know if I should say it or not.

Presbyterian: Shadow Demon Star King, let's talk about it, our rules of the Heavenly Dao League are much less than other sect gates. Everyone seeks common ground while reserving differences, mutual friendship, and no need to worry about anything.

Dahuang Eleven: He said that the Heavenly Taoist League used three ancient real gods to kill the real dragon and made a big mistake.

Xin Pei's message suddenly became dead and silent. For a long time, a talent began to speak.

Presbyterian: Why did he say this?

Dahuang Eleven: The ancient real dragon was too tyrannical. Although it posed a huge harm to the heaven and earth alliance, it also restricted the development of the real dragon. The ancient real dragon did not allow anyone to threaten him, whether it was an outsider or a real dragon. Inheriters in the same vein, even the real dragon nine sons have to control their own entry, fearing that they will become a nail in the eyes, so the ancient real dragon fell behind, the real dragon lost its control, but instead showed a prosperous scene of blossoming flowers. In the beginning, Tiandaomeng always focused on cutting off the wings of the true dragon. Until today, it is not known which is stronger or weaker.

Some of Su Tang's words were heard from Jiang Huquan's mouth, while others were his own analysis.

Xin Peine was silent for a moment, then exploded, and the messages jumped wildly, not knowing how many people were expressing their views.

In fact, some practitioners in the Heavenly Daoist League have also reflected on the original, but only discussed in a small area.After all, the three ancient gods abandoned their safety and tried to kill the ancient dragon.It is a terrific feat.No one dares to question them. Sacrifice.

Su Tang's remarks were counterintuitive and provoked a fierce debate. Some agreed, some scolded, some were expressing their views, and others were hysterical.

Su Tang couldn't help grinning, he just said what he wanted, who knew it would cause such a big disturbance.

At this time, on the knocking door from outside, Su Tang put away the letter and said softly, "Come in."

Jiang Huquan pushed open the door and walked in slowly. He suddenly had a different look in Su Tang, and hurriedly said: "Master, but what happened?" Calling Su Tang with the order of the Lord is easy to attract the attention of others. The term 'prince' is used. In the indestructible star field, the highest prince is naturally the third prince, and the monks who are divided into three princes will also have a large number of followers to call them the prince, sometimes to avoid taboos. , It will be changed to 'Main,'.

"It's not a big deal." Su Tang smiled bitterly: "I know a friend of the Heavenly Daoist League. When I was interested, I told him the words of the Xiaoyao Xingjun you recounted, and he told the Heavenly Daoist League again. The storm. "

"Hehe ... this is also reasonable." Jiang Huquan smiled: "Xiaoyao Xingjun also said that all things in the world, there must be death, and glory must be withered. The journey of this period has been greatly lengthened. Sooner or later, they will come to an end. Zongmen like Tiandaomeng and Zhenlong are similar. When Zongmen was just founded, Pepsi was waiting for everyone to do. When we are all in the city, the scene is naturally prosperous, but as we grow older, the rot will slowly grow, and finally it will become filthy and filthy, and it will become ill and unable to recover. "

"No matter, anyway, it has nothing to do with me and so on." Su Tangdao, he did not regret saying those words, the argument was controversial. If the Heavenly Daoist League began to suppress him, it would only prove that the Heavenly Daoist League was not a place to stay.

"The Lord still has friends of the Heavenly Daoist League? So ... the Lord and the true dragon are not in the same heart." Jiang Huquan said: "Now Jiang can finally relax."

"Oh?" Su Tang froze.

"I have been waiting for the opportunity to persuade the prince. Instead of suffering here, it is better to go out from the opening door after the wings have grown, just like Xiaoyao Xingjun said. A baby who has just landed may lack the power to protect himself, but The victory is in cleanliness, no corruption, and unlimited vitality. "Jiang Huquan said:" The lord has taken this vitality since he opened the door. "

"You and I are just Xiao Luo Xingjun, since the opening of the door?" Su Tang Renjun shook his head. "Forget it, forget this, Jiang Lao, accompany me to go out."

"Alright." Jiang Huquan said.

Su Tang and Jiang Huquan left the small courtyard and walked from the alley to the long street, chatting while watching the scenery around.

The purple dragon robe that Su Tang wore is a symbol of the core disciples. The Tianle Mountain is so large that only the three princes Zan Lian and five disciples are eligible to wear the purple dragon robe. There are also Su Tang.

Su Tang's dressing attracted everyone's attention on the street. No matter where he went, pedestrians would immediately make a way out, fearing something unpleasant with Su Tang.

After almost half a quarter of an hour, Su Tang walked to a crossroads and found that the long street on the left is very lively, and there are guard posts at the street. Those who want to enter must pay some fees. The star field is different from the ordinary world. Useless, Rongshen Pill is the lowest-level equivalent exchange, and those guards charge Rongshen Pill.

"Where is there?" Su Tang asked.

"It's a bazaar, has the prince never been here?" Jiang Huquan said.

"Bazaar? Let's go and have a look." Su Tang said.

Su Tang and Jiang Huquan walked towards the street. At the moment, several practitioners were waiting outside the checkpoint to wait for payment. Those guards saw Su Tang walk in and immediately sang away the practitioners.

Su Tang just saw that he had to pay three Rong Shen Pills. He took out a box and took six Rong Shen Pills out of it and handed them to the leading guard.

"Adult, this ... this is killing a little ..." The leading guard appeared helpless and did not dare to pick it up, letting aside, he said busyly: "Master, please ..."

Su Tang also understood that this purple dragon robe is not white. Tianle Mountain is the site of the third prince. As a core disciple, he can naturally enter and exit at will. No one dares to block it, nor dare to ask for anything.

"Reward yours." Su Tang threw six Rongshen Pills in the past, then strode past those practitioners and entered the market.

The leading guard didn't dare to take it just now, but now he was ecstatic, thanking him in the back, and then made a wink. Several guards followed Su Tang. Of course, they did not track Su Tang, and Prepare to appear immediately when Su Tang needs it.

Su Tang strolled around casually. The dark market was mainly about buying and selling things that were not visible. The occasional Xinghua meetings held by various star hubs were the formal markets. The Tianle Mountain market, however, is endless day and night, which shows the strength of the three princes.

There is a gap between the Central Regular Army and local forces, as well as guerrillas

After visiting dozens of shops, Su Tang has his own impression.The things here are at least 30% more expensive than the dark market.Other things can't be used as reference objects, but the magic symbols such as the dark purple thunder, the price is dead of.

When walking through a restaurant, Suddenly heard a few guests screaming out loudly, Su Tang paused, then turned around and walked into the restaurant.

Going down the stairs to the second floor, the original lively hall became silent when Su Tang, who was wearing a purple robe, appeared.

At the position next to the window, two people hurriedly stood up and smiled to Su Tang: "I have seen an adult."

Su Tang nodded, and then walked slowly over, several visionary buddies hurriedly moved over two chairs, Su Tang was also polite, and swaggered on the chair, and Jiang Huquan shook his head and stood behind Su Tang. .

"Bai Tong Xingjun, Tongmeng Xingjun, have disappeared for many days, why haven't you come to sit with me?" Su Tang smiled.

"How dare we harass adults for no reason." Tong Meng Xingjun laughed with him.

"These are ..." Su Tang's eyes fell on those practitioners.

"This is Chonggu Xingjun, this is Tianxu Xingjun, this is Dicui Xingjun." Bai Tong Xingjun hurriedly introduced.

Looking at Su Tang's dazzling purple dragon robe, the few star kings didn't dare to look up, and they all stood up to give gifts to Su Tang.Su Tang didn't need to return the gift, and nodded one by one to signal that when he saw Di Cui Xingjun, he paused slightly. , Because that drop of Cui Xingjun is very young, looks like a young girl in the second and eighth years, the appearance of Xingjun does not represent the real age, but it is obvious at what age they have broken through the holy realm, that drop of Cui Xingjun Su Tang paid attention to herself and bowed her head shyly.

Su Tang turned his gaze to one side, his eyesight and experience were already extraordinary, so he was a little unhappy in his heart. Most of the star kings sitting here came from the strong winds and waves.

"What are you busy with these days?" Su Tang said softly.

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