The Magic Outfit

Chapter 913: Collective salary

"We have nothing to do now, and we can only have fun in the day." Bai Tong Xingjun smiled bitterly.

"I asked Brother Brother to find me today and said that the prince would give me an errand to prepare me for more." Su Tang said: "I just need a few helpers. Since you have nothing to do, follow me."

Bai Tong Xingjun and Tongmeng Xingjun were there in amazement. For a moment, they showed ecstasy and almost jumped up. They said repeatedly, "Thank you, my lord ..."

"Do you agree?" Su Tang said.

"Don't you dare not follow your orders," Bai Tongxing said.

"Have you come back this time and haven't you seen Xuan Wolf Star King?" Su Tang suddenly changed the subject.

"No." Bai Tong Xingjun was stunned, and then said: "We had no chance to speak with Master Xuan Wolf before, but Wei Dao Xing Jun and Master Xuan Wolf are very familiar, and Master Xuan Wolf gave the matter to Wei Dao Xingjun. , Everybody is a friend again, so just take us by the way. "

Su Tang glanced at the white pupil Xingjun and said nothing.

"Now that Wei Dao Xingjun has fallen, how can Master Xuan Wolf ignore us?" Tong Meng Xingjun's face was full of sorrow: "Even the salaries have been detained, we have to ask twice, and people just look for it This excuse sent us away. If it was n’t for the love of adults, we were given some of it. This time we will have our hands empty. Where can we have a chance to drink here? "

"And salaries?" Su Tang discovered a very serious matter.

"Of course there is" Bai Tong Xingjun looked a little surprised: "We are the **** of the escort, and the salary is the highest standard. However, for similar errands, I do n’t know how many practitioners have to squeeze their heads. What about it? "

"The prince gave something, is this the salary?" Su Tang asked.

"That's the Lord's reward, not salaries," Bai Tong Xingjun said. "Salaries are to be collected from King Pofan."

"Should I have a salary?" Su Tang asked again.

"Of course it is." Bai Tong Xingjun was even more surprised: "Why? Then Lord Po Fan even dare to withhold the salaries of adults?"

"Oh, what the **** are you, only a few days have passed. It should have been neglected by Lord Bafan. My errand has been over for a year. Isn't the salary paid by Master Bangfan?" Tianju Xingjun He smiled bitterly, he was persuading on the surface, but it was actually fueling the fire.

"It's daring" Su Tanghuo, he can certainly see the intention of Tianju Xingjun, but that is not important, some people dare to detain him privately, this is the theme

"I get it," Tong Meng Xingjun said suddenly.

"What do you understand?" Di Cui Xingjun asked nervously.

"Bao Fan Ma and Xuan Wolf are very good personal, so ... so ..." Tong Meng Xing Jun Zhi Zhi Wu Wu said.

Su Tang originally wanted to ask Xing Xingjun, but now he heard that Naofan Fan and Xuan Wolf Xingjun had a good relationship and simply stood up.

"Master, where are you going?" Bai Tong Xingjun asked hurriedly.

"I'm going to ask for salary." Su Tang said: "Which of you are the salaries detained by Napovan? Please come with me if you want to come."

Bai Tong Xingjun and Tongmeng Xingjun looked at each other, then they gritted their teeth at the same time and followed Su Tang.

At this time, the following Heavenly Curse Xingjun, Dicui Xingjun, and Chonggu Xingjun also stood up, and they were absolutely afraid of replacing them with ordinary ones.Although the Lord Pofan was only an accountant in the True Dragon Hall, they were all Disciple outsiders, who dare to ask for salary can only humiliate themselves, but now it is Su Tang who wants to make trouble, then there is nothing wrong. No matter how bold the Majesty of the Lord is, the background is deep, and he is not afraid of Su Tang.

More importantly, just now Su Tang revealed a message that the third prince Zhan Lian was going to give him an errand and needed a helper. Such a huge opportunity appeared, and it was just a fool not to reach out to catch

A group of people went down the stairs, Bai Tong Xingjun went to settle the account, and then came to the street. When passing by a shop, Su Tang suddenly took out several Rong Shen Pills and bought a white robe. Put on the robe.

Bai Tong Xingjun and Tongmeng Xingjun and others naturally understood Su Tang's intentions, and a smirk appeared in their eyes. They understood that Su Tang was going to die to break the star.

Bai Tong Xingjun and others were familiar with the car. They bypassed the main hall, passed through several corner doors, and finally walked into a small courtyard, and walked out a few practitioners. They knew Bai Tong Xingjun and others, and nodded to each other.

"You go first." Su Tang said softly.

"Understood, you just look at it, sir." Bai Tong Xingjun sneered, then waved and took everyone in.

For a moment, there was a quarrel.

"Zhao account room, should our salaries be down?" Bai Tong Xingjun shouted: "It's almost ten days, when do you want to drag it?"

"I dragged on for a year ... did you shameless?" Tian curse Xingjun also shouted.

"And mine ..." Di Cui Xingjun's voice was a little sharp.

In fact, Lord Pofan relied on his friendship with Profound Wolf Star King, and similar things were not done infrequently, which was cost-free.The star kings were walking around in the star field, dangerous, and maybe one day they will After the death, the salaries that were not received in time naturally cost him less.

With a background, Majesty Po Fan will naturally not make enemies indiscriminately, but those outside disciples who have no roots and no support are all lambs he presses, and no one dares to say anything.

Several account rooms in the room are also used to tyranny. I never dreamed that someone would dare to come to the house to collect wages.The tone was very strict and the blame continued.However, Bai Tong Xingjun and others have Su Tang backing up, how can they be scared back, one Time is too noisy.

For a moment, someone walked into the room from the backyard, and then thunderously shouted: "What are you doing here?"

"Bao Fan Ma, it's not that we are making trouble, you are too much," Bai Tongxingjun shouted: "Our salaries clearly understand that Bai is listed on the brand, why not send it to us?"

Bai Tong Xingjun shouted the name of Lord Fanfan, and he was sending a signal to Su Tang outside. The Lord appeared, and you should show your sword.

"You just send it? Do you think Tianle Mountain is your territory?" The thunderous voice became more and more annoyed: "Come here, take me all this group of troubles"

Su Tang smiled gently, then strode over, kicked the door open, and then broke into the room.

Inside and outside the counter, people are obviously divided into two groups. The people outside the counter are full of resentment, and the people inside the counter are also angry.

"Have you gasped? Give Lao Tzu come out" Su Tang shouted, and then his eyes fell on Bai Tong Xingjun: "Isn't this Baitong Xingjun? Are you ..."

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