The Magic Outfit

Chapter 914: Fair and comfortable

"Let's ask for salaries," Bai Tongxingjun shouted: "We clearly listed our salaries on the card, but they just pushed three and four, unwilling to send us salaries, and don't know how to settle down."

"What about you?" Su Tang's eyes fell on Tianxing Xingjun and others.

"We are also here to ask for salaries. The salaries owed to me are almost two years old, and they will not give me an explanation. It's too much. You talk about it, how can there be such a reason? I also wait for the meter ..." Tianju Xingjun said In general, I suddenly realized that something was wrong. Dangxing Xingjun, eating is naturally a trivial matter. Making an essay in this regard will give people a sense of unreasonable trouble. Then the tone changes: "It is not easy to practice the road. We are born and died, but only A few bottles of elixir, a few pieces of Lingbao, why do you hold our salaries? Ah? How do we live? "

"Yeah yeah" Several other people screamed.

"You have all been deducted from salaries?" Su Tang looked surprised: "The Great Lord Fanfan is really nothing. He is drinking our blood and eating our meat."

On the inside of the counter, the red-faced middle-aged man who was headed was trembling with anger. These ants-like things don't know what ambitious leopard guts to eat today, but they dare to spit in front of him. It's a killing, but after all, it's a real dragon palace. It's really life-threatening. After tracing it down, he wants to give an explanation.

"What are you still stunned? Take it all to me," the red-faced middle-aged man shouted.

Several guards who arrived at the news have been hesitant.Although they are the guardians of the order of the True Dragon Temple, the cultivation is not high, and it is only a face project. Usually, the stars of each road are afraid of what they represent. The highest authority does not dare to be arrogant, but now the emotions of these overhauls are almost out of control, and it is a bit dangerous to step forward.

Seeing that Majesty Pofan gave the order again, the guards had to rush forward daringly, preparing to arrest these troublesome overhauls.

"Slow down" Su Tang frowned.

Su Tang was full of energy, and there was also a deterrent force in his drinking. The several guards could not help but turned around and looked to Su Tang.

"You should also understand what happened to this matter. Lord Fanfan deliberately withheld our salaries. We went to the door to ask for justice. We are not afraid even if we get to the Lord." Su Tang said slowly: " I ’m saving you. If you really dare to catch people, then you are a gang with Master Pofan. After the prince blames you, you ca n’t run away. "

"What are you thinking? Still want to make trouble to the prince?" The red-faced middle-aged man is the lord of the world. He is already angry, but he is afraid to hurt him because of the iron law of Tianle Mountain. Otherwise, he would definitely tear Su Tang to pieces: "I let you take people, didn't you hear?"

The guards looked at each other, and on the one hand, Su Tang's words were reasonable, and no one could blame them for asking for their due salaries, but on the other hand, they did not dare to offend the king. Because their salaries are also drawn here.

At this moment, several other practitioners came in from the outside, and they were very surprised to see that they were in trouble. When they asked the reason, they also joined the Su Tang side without hesitation. A few salaries were also detained. Of course, in terms of attitude, they are much more relaxed than Su Tang and others, just hiding aside to say a few strange things, and some are still trying to do peacemakers, persuading the counter The person made up the salaries owed and paid a hundred.

It's just that they think it's a little simpler. At this moment, the lord of the world can't bow his head. No one has dared to ask him for salaries. It's okay to say that now something is wrong, as long as one person's Salaries, the rumors spread, all practitioners come to the door to urge them, then he will go bankrupt immediately, because many salaries have been taken away by him, some are used for his own use, some make friends, and more have to be turned over, otherwise How could Xuanwol Xingjun support him?

With his teeth clenched, there is still life, a little concession, he will soon be finished

The noise is getting louder and louder, and it is also a coincidence that several groups of practitioners came to receive salaries at this time. They learned that Su Tang was asking for salary, and they joined the Su Tang camp by coincidence.In the end, the house could no longer accommodate it. They were noisy in the courtyard, the number was increasing, and the noise was growing.

The guards were squeezed to the corner, and they were all scared. There was no similar thing in the real dragon palace. Are you going to rebel today?

Seeing that the situation has a tendency to be uncontrollable, then Lord Pofan is also a little flustered, and wants to quickly calm the storm. When the so-called shooter shoots the horse first and the thief catches the king first, what is the head of the troublemaker? Undoubtedly it was Su Tang, who stood in the center and had the loudest voice.

"Shut up for me all." Majesty Po Fan suddenly gave a thunderous roar. He had turned his spirit veins, and the rushing breath swept the crowd. The windows on the wall were shattered at the same time.

At the next moment, Lord Po Fan stepped out of the counter and grabbed his hand to Su Tang.

In fact, Lord Mafan also understands that Su Tang must not be killed at this time, otherwise the situation will be more difficult to control, so he just wants to capture Su Tang first.

Su Tang didn't move. He waited until the fingertips of Mausoleum Fan had been buckled on his shoulders, and then suddenly twisted, breaking away from the fingertips of Mausoleum Fan.

With a snort, Su Tang's robe was torn, and only a few white and purple shattered steps were left in the palm of King Pofan.

Majesty Po Fan was slightly stunned, and his angry eyes were locked on Su Tang. He said secretly: "Dare you dare to commit the following?" But after all, he is a person of the real dragon palace, but the opposite Su Tang dare to run the spiritual veins, then it is too rampant

At this moment, a figure walked into the courtyard with his head high, followed by dozens of guards. The figure was wearing a purple dragon robe similar to that of Su Tang. After entering the door, he yelled angrily, "What are you doing? Is it a land of wildness? "

The noisy atmosphere suddenly became silent, and Lord Mafan broke so much that there was no way to calm down the scene, and the visitor was only two sentences, so that all the practitioners were silent.

Just because he was wearing a purple dragon robe, he was a disciple under the third crown

Some practitioners see the situation is not good, quietly slipped to the wall, ready to escape.

"Don't miss me if you get all of them." The person is Xuanwol Xingjun, he shouted loudly.

Lord Bafan breathed a sigh of relief, and then he felt that his shirt had been soaked in cold sweat. Then, he stared at Su Tang fiercely, with a grin in the corner of his mouth, he could not remember other people, and he jumped the most. Su Tang, who made him unforgettable, can't do anything yet. After he put the person into prison, he slowly manipulated it. Today, this nausea must be recovered.

The guards pounced on the practitioners without hesitation. The menacing crowd just now turned into lambs. They let the guards bring themselves lock spirit bracelets, one by one, they looked very pitiful.

"Is this bad? What did we do wrong?" Su Tangyou said.

"Fuck" Xuan wolf star Jun was furious, but at this time Su Tang was still welcoming King Po Fan, leaving him with a back view, Xuan wolf star leaped in the air and rushed to Su Tang.

Lord Bafan ’s smile was more fierce, he understood that this abominable guy was about to finish

Su Tang turned his head and looked calmly at Xuan Lang Xing Jun. The anger on Xuan Lang Xing Jun's face suddenly disappeared without a trace, replaced by shock and consternation.He immediately withdrew the spiritual power that was about to start and fell. Beside Su Tang, he smiled reluctantly: "Sister Tianmo, why are you here?"

"I'm asking for salaries." Su Tang sighed: "I've been here many times in the past few days, but they just blamed everything. I can't bear it today."

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding ..." Xuan Wolf Star Jun Yu smiled, his eyes flickering.

Although his luck and understanding are not so good, he has been stuck in the bottleneck for more than a thousand years and cannot break through, but his eyesight is enough.The master decided to give up the Four Elephants. There must be Su Tang's reason, that is to say , Su Tang occupies a very important position in the eyes of the master.

"It's their bullying, what misunderstanding?" Su Tang said lightly while taking off his white robe. The purple dragon robe on his body was also damaged, and was torn from the shoulder to the chest: "San Shibo I have been reluctant to wear the robe given to me. I did n’t expect it ... it was destroyed by Xiao Xiao today, and I really have no face to see the third master ... "

Xuan wolf star Xingjun's face changed again and again, and Lord Pofan almost fell to the ground, saw the purple dragon robe, he finally knew who he was in front of him.

In fact, the practitioners here have enough reasons to ask for salaries, but Su Tang can't do it, and Po Fan Ma'an has absolutely no courage to make Su Tang, like asking the core characters such as Xing Xingjun, Xuan Wolf Xingjun, fundamental You don't need to pay for salaries, and Lord Po Fan will personally send you home, just because Xuan Wolf Star King does not like Su Tang, so Lord Po Fan plans to drag on for a few days, and then go to visit Su Tang, at least not to Xuan Wolf Xing Jun left the impression that he was pleasing Su Tang.

But after a few days of delay, Su Tang hit the door on his own. For Lord Pofan, it was tantamount to a disaster that fell from the sky.

At this time, a figure wearing a purple dragon robe walked in from the outside and asked Xing Xingjun.

"Brother Tianmo, are you okay?" Asked Xing Xingjun with a loud voice.

"Ask Brother Brother, you just happened to comment on this truth for us," Su Tang exclaimed.

"Where am I qualified to judge you?" Asked Xing Xingjun with a smile: "Master asked me to find you in the past, and also, to take down Lord Po Fan and leave it to Master to leave"

Several guards immediately rushed to Lord Pofan, who was ashamed and standing still, leaving the guards at his mercy, and the courtyard was quiet, and then the practitioners suddenly burst into cheers.

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