The Magic Outfit

Chapter 917: Desire

This is the pro order of the third prince Zhan Lian, Su Tang naturally did not dare to neglect, and then found Bai Tong Xingjun and others, asking if they want to go to Yuku together, and heard that they are going to Yuku, Bai Tong Xingjun Waiting for the eyes to shine, he agreed without hesitation.

Since it's to catch people, then you can't be a big fan, at least you can't take the Star Palace Speed ​​Car, and the three princes are very generous, and they even sent Su Tang with exactly 100 mysterious machines, and 3,000 pieces of money. Divine panacea.

Asked to rob the star king to explain, the reason why the third prince Zhan Lian chose Su Tang, only because Su Tang is still in the small Luo Xingjun realm, it is not easy to attract the attention of others, but there is an instantaneous power to kill Da Luo Xingjun, enough to adapt, really No, Su Tang still has tokens to save his life.

The major forces in the star field do not dare to fight easily, and the battle means continuous downfall.In the end, both defeats will inevitably hurt. For countless years, the main gates have developed a little bit of strength through dedication, and they have never been stronger. .

The Heavenly Daoist League is an example. It fell from the top large gate to the second-rate, just because all the ancient gods who created the Heavenly Daoist League fell.

The third prince Zhan Lian didn't dare to anger the Cave of Evil, and the crater also wanted to give the third prince Zan Lian some face.

Su Tang and others rented two ordinary flying cars. It is very convenient to take the star road. It is also very fast to change the star field.It only has to pay some fees, but the road to Yuku is long, because Yuku is independent in the star. Beyond the domain, self-contained.

It only took seven days for Su Tang and others to reach the Nirvana Star Territory, which was the closest to Yuku. It was close to Yuku, but it took almost thirty days.

There are countless large and small gravel on the periphery of the cave, the larger ones are like mountains and smaller ones, which are smaller than the gravel.

Straight into the center, I saw a colossus in front of it that seemed to be made of gold.The colossus had head horns, limbs, and facial features.It looked like a distance.It was no different from a real person.After a day, they approached the entrance of the desire cave, but found There was originally the mouth of the colossus. In front of them, the mouth of the colossus had turned into a big hole with a diameter of more than thirty kilometers.

When he flew in, he saw an upright door with more than a dozen guards in front of it, receiving guests.

On the way to come, Su Tang had already roughly understood some rules of the desire cave. The three princes Zan Lian gave him so many mysterious machines, as well as the Rong Shendan, not for him to practice, but the funds to enter the desire cave.

A person, no matter who it is, staying in the desire cave for a day, they need to pay three Rong Shen Pills.If there are enough resources, no one will be in charge of staying in the Wool Grotto for 10,000 years, but there is no Rong Shen Pill. , They will be rushed out of Yuku immediately, no matter how much it has been spent before, Yuku will not speak any emotions.

Su Tang, Bai Tong Xingjun and others walked off the speeding car and walked towards the gate. The guards immediately greeted them, and the guards led by them laughed and said, "Several adults, have you been to the Cave of Sex before?"

"No." Su Tang shook his head.

"Wait a moment." The headed guard turned around and made a wink. Some of the guards released red fireworks. It was not long, and a middle-aged man in white robe hurried out.

"Wang Guanshi, these adults are all here for the first time." The headed guard said.

"Got it." The middle-aged man in white robe walked over, looked away, and landed on Su Tang: "Can adults know the rules of the Desire?"

"Probably know some." Su Tang replied.

"Ming Jian needs a mysterious machine." The middle-aged man in a white robe said, "Seven of you, you have to pay seven mysterious machines."

Su Tang has some pain, he knows the preciousness of Xuan Jizi, but in order to complete the task, it is natural to pay some.

Su Tang took out the box, counted seven mysterious machines, and handed it to the middle-aged man in white robe.

The middle-aged man in white robe took over Xuan Jizi, looked at Xuan Jizi's condition, then nodded his head and asked again, "How long do some adults have to play here?"

"One month." Su Tangdao, then glanced at Jiang Huquan.

Jiang Huquan hurriedly took out the box from his own ring, pointed out the full amount of Rong Shen Pill, and handed it over. His Najie was bought by Su Tang in the market of Tianle Mountain a few days ago, and it has just been refined.

The middle-aged man in white robe checked for a moment, and when he saw the number was correct, he nodded with a smile, flicked his fingertips, and came out with a charm, bombarding Su Tang and others.

In the rest of the ruler above Su Tang's head, a slowly-running golden rune appeared. There were stars and dots on the edge of the rune, almost a total of thirty.

"After a day in the Desire, there will be one less star point. If a few adults still want to continue playing, make up earlier to prevent the star point from disappearing and causing unpleasant things." The middle-aged man laughed.

"I know." Su Tangdao said that he knew that the people in the Desire Cave were ruthless, and they were still VIPs at the previous moment, but as soon as time runs out, they will be driven out in a flash.

"Several adults, please." The middle-aged man in white robe turned aside, and at any time signaled the guards to open the door.

Su Tang and others walked slowly into Yuku. At the same time, a young man was slowly rising from the bed in a room deep in Yuku.

In front of the bed, there were a few shivering practitioners kneeling. The young man had a golden rune above his head, but there was nothing above those practitioners.

The young man's palm was gently turned, and several practitioners screamed painfully. At the next moment, a wave of blood spewed out from their nostrils, corners of their mouths, and ears, and then they formed a silk thread in the air and gathered together. , Forming a rolling blood cell.

At the opening of the door, another young man with short beard walked in slowly. He saw this scene, frowned, and then sighed: "Xue Tu Xingjun, are you going to play in this cave?"

"Why don't you lose money if you don't play with three Rongshen Pills a day?" The young man in front of the bed smiled. "Not to mention, you can't find such obedient blood slaves outside."

After that, the young man's hands snapped and banged ... The bodies of the practitioners exploded at the same time, the blood just spattered, but they were frozen in the air again, it seems that time has stopped flowing. weird.

The young man took a long breath, and the frozen blood rushed to him and merged into his body.For a moment, his eyes and exposed skin became a red blood, but soon the blood color faded. , He regained his original appearance.

"Good comfort ..." the young man sighed: "Ding Hai Xingjun, you don't want to have your own fun, why do you bother me?"

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