The Magic Outfit

Chapter 918: Respond

Su Tang and others walked in the city. The scenery here is the same as in other regions. There are no strange places, but many pedestrians on the street also hover the same runes above their heads.

The colors of the runes are not the same.Some people are similar to Su Tang and others.They are golden runes, some are silver runes, and some are red runes, but more people have empty heads. The color is obviously different.

Those with runes on their heads have a relaxed look, while those without runes on their heads give people a feeling of shrinking and shrinking their gaze.

"Those with golden runes, like us, are noble guests of the Cave of Desire." Bai Tong Xingjun whispered on one side: "Those with silver runes are practitioners in the Cave of Desire. Their main duty is to maintain desire The public security of the cave, with red runes, is a handyman in the desire cave. "

"What's the difference?" Di Cui Xingjun asked curiously, it seemed that she didn't know anything about Yuku.

"In the Desire Cave, we must not attack other noble guests, nor the practitioners in the Desire Cave. No reason is possible. Whoever makes the first trouble will pay a heavy price." Bai Tongxing said: "As for those miscellaneous We can do things ⊥, but we can't hurt them casually. "

"What about those without runes?" Di Cui Xingjun asked again.

"They ..." Bai Tong Xingjun sighed softly: "They are toys."

"Toys? What do you mean?" Tian curse Xingjun asked puzzled.

"In a few days, you will know it naturally." White pupil star said: "There are a total of ninety-nine heavens in Yuku. Not all places can be accessed at will. Every ten years, Yuku will open 11. Heaven, the rest of the 88th heaven will be sealed. "

"Why?" Di Cui Xingjun was even more curious.

"In order to let them rest and recuperate." Bai Tong Xingjun smiled bitterly: "Although it is only open for ten years, the consumption of toys is very large, usually only after seven or eight years, there are not many left. Now the toys on the street So many, it should have just opened soon. You do n’t even know this? Have n’t you heard of the Desire?

"I have heard of it, but I only know that Yuku is the largest gold-selling place in the star field. As for the details, I don't quite understand it." Tianju Xingjun said.

"Hey ... Actually, I haven't been here yet, but the lord said he would take us to the crater. I specifically found a few friends and asked about it, so I knew more than you." Bai Tong Xingjun smiled.

Su Tang looked back at Bai Tong Xingjun and smiled. Whether Bai Tong Xingjun was to please him or something else, he knew that he was the first to inquire about the news.

At this time, a practitioner wearing a black robe staggered out of the hotel on the roadside, stepped on the long street, and there was a pair of sisters coming across, avoiding it, and rubbing a little bit with the practitioner, that The cultivator raised his hands with a slap in the face and was slamming the face of the little boy. The little boy did n’t even have time to scream, and his head was blasted by the palm of his hand, and blood like fireworks splashed all over.

The girl screamed terribly, and the cultivator lifted her foot and kicked it in the waist of the girl.The girl fell and fell like a broken sack, and she spewed blood out of her mouth.

There was a commotion on the street, those with no runes above their heads fled, and those with red runes flinched and hid in the distance, fearing that they would also suffer from pond fish, while those with gold and silver runes were just faint. After glancing at it, he went on his own way.

"As a practitioner, it's a bit wrong to ruin souls like this?" Jiang Huquan frowned.

In fact, these words are harmful to the soul. For example, a spiritual practitioner wants to get a spiritual treasure, but countless creatures guard the spiritual treasure, and refuse to hand it over. Kill all the creatures that are blocking the road, and finally win the Lingbao.

For their own avenue, practitioners are not afraid of carrying thousands of causes and consequences. With the avenue as a guide, practitioners will only take everything as their own experience, but it is rare to be as hard-working as possible. .

If it is a battle between practitioners, it is naturally omnipotent, but in the face of ordinary people, even those who are known for their cruelty and domineering, there will be some compassion for the weak, as if a male lion met a group of ants , There is no need to kill the ants.

"The toys here are not creatures. At least for the guests, they are not creatures." Bai Tong Xingjun whispered: "They were originally raised in the cave for guests to have fun, even if there is cause and effect, it should be counted in desire. On the head of the cave. "

"So I want to be in the cave every ten years, another eleven days? Let them cultivate and recuperate." Tong Meng Xingjun asked.

"Yeah, if all the toys are killed, it's not fun." Bai Tongxing said: "The so-called desire cave is where people do whatever they want.

"Apart from the meaningless killing, what else is in the Desire?" Jiang Huquan asked.

"All the pastimes you can think of can be found in the Desire." Bai Tong Xingjun smiled: "If only spiritual practice and fighting are left in life, how boring would be ... recreational ... But it's essential, not to mention destroying a toy, but who needs to pay a **** of pill, who cares? "

"Humph ..." Jiang Huquan snorted coldly.

"Samsung Xingjun, if you want to avenge the child, there is also a way." Bai Tong Xingjun said: "You can ask him to fight."

"Don't you say you can't attack other guests here?" Su Tang asked.

"It is okay to open an appointment, I heard that it is still very popular." Bai Tong Xingjun said: "Some practitioners are shy, and they know that there is a Qiu family wandering outside. Fight, if you win, then the practitioner's possessions will be his, and the losers will be swept out of the pit. "

"Yu Grotto really counts," said Tian curse Xingjun: "Every time you destroy a toy, do you have to pay a melting pill? The outside creatures are not worth the toys here."

"No, it won't work." Bai Tongxing said: "Some killings can kill all the creatures in a day in a day. How does the craving still work?"

Su Tang bypassed the little boy's body, glanced sideways, and continued to walk forward. The others were following Su Tang.

Almost half a quarter of an hour away, Bai Tongxingjun asked, "Master, where are we going?"

"Find someone." Su Tang looked around: "It should be almost here."

After he finished talking, Su Tang took out a charm and gently flicked it. The charm burned into ashes. Then, a fire moth flew out of the ashes, circled around Su Tang several times, and landed on Su Tang's shoulder.

"Not in this heavy day." Su Tang frowned: "How to go somewhere else?"

"Master, there are thousands of big cities every day, maybe somewhere else."

"It must not be there." Su Tang said: "This is the prince's charm and can't go wrong."

"Wait a moment," said Bai Tongxing Jun, and then hurried to the side, then stopped a person with a red rune on his head, talked for a moment, and ran to Su Tang again.

"Master, we can go to the other heavens from the teleportation array of the city of pearls, but here is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the city of pearls. Are we going to rush over, or should we buy a few teleportation charms?" "A teleporting charm will require a hundred melting gods."

Su Tang thought for a while, he did not want to delay here for a long time, and then gave Jiang Huquan a glance, Jiang Huquan took out a few small boxes from Na Jie and handed it to Bai Tong Xingjun.

Bai Tong Xingjun stood up and skimmed forward. After a while, he hurried back with a few pieces of spirit symbols and distributed them to everyone.

Su Tang and others successively released the spirit charm, and there was a trance in front of them, and then they found that they appeared over a huge spirit array, and they saw that they were all there. Tang and others stood in the spirit array.

The spirit array started. When the flashing white light around him disappeared, Su Tang found that the surrounding scenery did not seem to change, but the appearance of the guards changed.

"Every day there is a city of pearls, which is also the main city." Bai Tong Xingjun saw Su Tang's doubts and explained on the side.

Su Tang's eyes fell on the fire moth on his shoulder. The fire moth circled around Su Tang again for a few times, but there was still no gain, and it fell again.

After so many days in succession, the fire moth finally sensed something, spread its wings, fluttered and flew forward.

Su Tang and others walked slowly behind the fire moth, and after walking for almost two hours, the fire moth flew into a small courtyard, and Su Tang and others also followed, with several red runes on their heads. The handyman wanted to stop it, and was pushed aside by Su Tang and others with impoliteness.

The fire moth flew straight into the lobby.In the lobby, there was a strong man with a golden sword sitting on the armchair, and several dancers with an inch of thread twirled their bodies happily. When Han Fei went away, the strong man saw the fire moth, and immediately showed his mistakes and stood up suddenly.

Su Tang walked slowly into the lobby, the strong man's eyes fell on Su Tang, said softly: "Who are you?"

Su Tang looked to the left and right. The strong man flicked his robe sleeves and shouted: "Get out!"

Several dancers and musicians hurriedly left the side door. Su Tang raised his hand and took the token from Na Jie and threw it to the strong man.

The strong man took the token, carefully looked at it for a moment, and then changed it into a smile, first bowed to Su Tang, and said softly: "It turns out to be an emissary, please sit down ...

Su Tang said to Jiang Huquan and others, "You go out first."

"Yes." Jiang Huquan responded, and then beckoned to Bai Tong Xingjun and others, and they retreated outside lightly.

"I don't know how to call the envoy?" Said the strong man.

"Heavenly Demon." Su Tang said: "Your Excellency Moonstone?"

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